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Chapter 8 chapter eight

"When traveling in space, look..." Slarti Bartfast said while adjusting the equipment in the "Information Phantom Room", "while traveling in space..." He stopped and looked at them both. The Information Phantom Room is a pleasant solace after you've experienced the terrifying visual impact of the "computer hub."There is nothing here.No messages, no phantoms, just the three of them, white walls, and a little bit of equipment.It seemed that Slartibartfast hadn't figured out where they should be plugged in yet. "Huh?" Arthur asked nervously.He felt Slartibartfast's nervousness, but didn't know what to do.

"Hmm what?" the old man asked. "What did you just say?" Slartibartfast looked at him gravely. "Numbers," he said, "are scary." He went on looking for a plug. Arthur nodded wisely.After a while, he realized that it was not working, so he decided to ask "why". "When traveling in space," repeated Slartibartfast, "all the numbers are scary." Arthur nodded again, then turned to Ford for help.But Ford is practicing depressing, and apparently he's doing quite well. "I just," Slartibartfast sighed, "to avoid trouble. Because you will ask me why all the calculations on the spaceship are done on the waiter's bill."

Arthur frowned. "Why," he said, "everything on the ship is waiting for..." He stopped. Slarti Bartfast says: "Because in space travel, all the numbers are scary." The old man knew that he would still be in trouble after all. "Listen," he said, "the numbers on the waiter's bill dance. You must have been in that situation..." "Ok……" "On the waiter's bill," said Slartibartfast, "there is an extremely deep conflict between the real and the unreal. The two transform into each other, and everything is possible, as long as there are certain parameters."

"What parameter?" "It's hard to tell," said Slartibartfast. "It's one of those things itself. Strange, but true. At least, I think it's strange, and I'm sure it's true." At this moment, he finally found the socket on the wall and pressed the device he was holding into it. "Don't panic." He said, but his expression suddenly panicked.He took a deep breath: "It's..." The other two didn't hear what he said, because the spaceship instantly disappeared without a trace. An interstellar combat spaceship the size of an inland industrial city appeared out of nowhere in the fragmented night sky in front of them, and laser weapons were slamming Force fire.

They both opened their mouths wide and their eyes widened, but they couldn't scream.
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