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Chapter 28 Seven (side B)

Maya Hua cried out, "Why!?" But it's only natural to think about it - another lost item has been delivered.This time it was a tote bag, not the cheap one I used, but an elegant style more suitable for women in kimonos. And Mayaka was surprised because the bag belonged to Chitanda-san.According to Mayaka, before I came, she had seen this bag when Chitanda-san was holding her purse, so she remembered it clearly.Handkerchiefs, purses, and tote bags.Three lost items in a row.Is this also what Houtaro's "bad" lottery did?By the way, I smoked Nakaji.Although it is not enough, it is more than enough.

"It is said that this was also picked up next to the miscellaneous house. What are they doing?" Violet bottom, braided rope at the mouth, and a few bow balls embroidered on the bag.really not bad.But this obviously can't be used by men, so I won't compare it with my own. "There seems to be a dirty rope tied to it." This sentence caught my attention. "rope?" "Well, look." Mayaka held up the tote bag.Indeed, there was a rope tied around the bottom of the bag.Tote bag with tied bottom.It dawned on me— This, this is... I jumped up from sitting on the ground.Maya Hua was startled, looked up at me and said, "What's wrong, Ah Fu?"

"Mayaka, where is the miscellaneous house?" "It's over there, near the Inari Statue." "I'll come as soon as I go!" I quickly ran out of the social affairs office and galloped under the starry sky.There is only one thought in my mind—— ——Houtaro, Chitanda-san, I will save you right now!
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