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Chapter 24 Five (side B)

The plot arrangement of "New Year's TV drama special program Fengyun Ji Xiaogucheng" is very novel and very interesting.The best part of the whole film is the opening section: Yoshimoto Imagawa is portrayed as a unparalleled hero fighting against the Oda army in the heavy rain, which is simply inappropriate.In other TV dramas, this is definitely at the level of a swordsman.That being the case, Mori Shinsuke, who took down Yoshimoto's head, is naturally a hero.At the beginning, when Yoshimoto and Shinsuke faced each other with swords in the river of corpses and blood, while laughing, I also saw through the comedy essence of this movie.

My shortcoming is that I am easily influenced by the outside world, but maybe this is also a great advantage.While humming the theme song of the drama, I leisurely returned to Arakusu Shrine.I casually flipped through my phone and checked Mayaka's email—— "Xiaoqian and Oreki have already arrived, you can go to the social affairs office and wait for a while. ' Hmm, emailing at work is not something to be encouraged. I walked across the approach with my handbag dangling, jumped up the stone steps with brisk steps, and walked past the mascot begging crowd into the gate of the shrine office.

As soon as I opened the lattice door, I bumped into classmate Shiwenzi.Of course, she was neatly dressed in a priestess attire.Compared to her, Maya Hua's attire really lacked a bit of work. It may be luck to meet acquaintances so quickly.However, I am a bit bad at communicating with this ten-word classmate.Anyway, let's say hello with my best cheerful voice: "Hey, Jumonji-san. Happy New Year." Just like in the class, Jumonji's gaze showed no interest.Having said that, she still said very politely: "Happy New Year." Unexpectedly, she asked me another question, "Fukube-san, have you seen Chitanda?"

Chitanda-san?not here? "I just came here." "That's it." Classmate Shiwen frowned slightly.What's wrong? He left me a sentence, "I'm sorry I can't lead the way for you. You don't have to be polite to come in. There is a stove in the hall." After that, Shi Wenwen quietly turned into a corner of the corridor.Originally, I wanted to move freely, but this is my wish. Before going to the lobby, I suddenly changed my mind to see Maya flowers from the back door.Although it was the first time I entered this house, I still knew the general direction.On the way, I met a few groups of drinking people, but they saw that I had an expression of "I am here for granted!", so they didn't say anything.

Should be this?I tentatively opened a wooden door.You guessed it.It was Mayaka who was sitting in front of the door wearing a white dress and a scarlet skirt with a tired face.It's really hard to work so long in the cold weather, and it will be over in 30 minutes. Although she was so busy that she was dizzy during the day and didn't really talk well, but now there is no problem.I whispered, "Maya Flower." "...Ah Fu." Is it an illusion?Mayaka seemed to be blushing.If it's not an illusion, I know the reason - she's still shy about how she looks.Most people should get used to wearing it for a few hours, but she can't.But from this point of view, Maya flower is still Maya flower this year.

The phrase "Happy New Year" has already been said during the day, so let's say "Thank you for your hard work" for the time being.Maybe it was exhausted mentally and mentally, and he didn't even have the strength to laugh, Mayaka just nodded like a child. Just as she was thinking about it, she seemed to remember something, and suddenly she came back to her senses and started to move.She picked up a handkerchief from the basin that probably contained the lost things: "Hey, Ah Fu. Have you seen this?" The handkerchief was trimmed with lace, it looked pure white but it was not pure white, it was probably pearl white to be precise.In short, that handkerchief looks classy.Although I don't have a clear memory of seeing it, but if you ask me if I haven't seen it, I really can't tell.

"Hard to say." I tilted my head to answer.Mayaka said uncertainly: "Xiaoqian seems to have something like this..." Ah, indeed.Chitanda-san may indeed use it.But this kind of thing is more or less inconvenient to bring to school. I smiled and said, "It's not a good thing to have clues about the owner. Just ask Chitanda-san when she comes back." "Well, that's right." Mayaka said with a not-so-cheerful smile.
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