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Chapter 18 Chapter Eleven War

second base 阿西莫夫 2202Words 2018-03-23
The mayor of the base stroked his bald hair, sighed deeply, and said: "We have wasted many years and missed too many good opportunities. I don't want to shirk responsibility, Darryl Doctor, if we lose the battle in the future, we will deserve what we deserve." Darryl said in a calm tone, "I don't see why I should lack confidence in myself, Your Excellency." "Lack of confidence! Lack of confidence! Above the Galaxy, Dr. Darryl, do you have any reason for optimism? Come here..." Darryl half-pushed and came to a small force field bracket, on which was an egg-shaped transparent body.The mayor touched it lightly, and the inside of the transparent body glowed—it was a realistic three-dimensional model of the double helix arms of the Milky Way.

"The yellow part," the mayor said excitedly, "is the starry sky controlled by the base; while the red area is under the control of Kargan." Presented in front of Darryl's eyes was a dark red spherical area, which was almost tightly grasped by a big yellow hand, except for the side facing the center of the Milky Way. "The geography of the galaxy is our greatest enemy," said the mayor. "Our strategic position has almost no hope, and even the generals admit that. Notice that the enemy has perfect internal connections, and their forces are concentrated. Each side can easily meet our side, and can defend the homeland with a minimum of troops.

"However, we are diffuse. In the field of the base, the average distance between two inhabited galaxies is almost three times that of Kargan. For example, from Santani to Lucus, the voyage is 2,500 parsecs. But in In Kargen's field, the average distance between two inhabited galaxies is only 800 parsecs. If both sides stay in their respective fields..." Darryl said, "I understand all this, sir." "But you don't understand, this means that we are doomed to lose." "There are more important factors in war than distance. I say we will not be defeated - that is simply impossible."

"And why do you say that?" "According to my own interpretation of Seldon's plan." "Oh," the mayor pouted, clapped his hands behind his back, and said, "So, you are also counting on the mysterious help from the Second Base." "No, I rely only on the inevitability of history, and courage and perseverance." However, under his confident appearance, he suspects... what if... Alas - in case Yasuo was right, Kargan was the direct tool of those psychics; in case their purpose was to defeat and destroy the base.No!This is so unreasonable!

But…… He smiled wryly.This is always the case-they are always facing an invisible granite, but in the eyes of the enemy, it is a clear and transparent crystal ball. Shi Tieting is also fully aware of the truth of galactic geography. Now, the Kalgan Lord also stands in front of a galactic model.This model is exactly the same as the one the mayor and Daryl faced.The only difference is that what made the mayor frown, made Shi Tieting smile knowingly. His gleaming uniform of an admiral further accentuated his burly figure. The crimson sash of the Order of the Mule hung from his right shoulder and ran from his chest to his waist.The medal was awarded to him by a former citizen, and six months after receiving the medal, he forcibly replaced the position of commander.On his left shoulder also hung a shimmering silver star with two comets and several swords on it.

He was speaking to the six officers of the General Staff Headquarters. They were all in military uniform, but they didn't have as many medals as the commanders.Also present was the lean, grey-haired Prime Minister, whose shaggy gray hair was overshadowed by the star-studded army. "I think the determination is clear enough that we can continue to wait," Steiting said. "For the enemy, every day that goes by is another blow to morale. If the enemy tries to defend every part of the field, the strength of the enemy will be extremely high." spread out, our army can launch attacks from both sides at the same time—here, and here.” He pointed to two places on the galaxy model, and the red sphere pinched by the giant yellow palm protruded from those two points. A white arc cuts off the base domain extending from the terminal star from both sides.

"In this way, our army can divide the enemy's fleet into three, and then we can break it up separately. If the enemy concentrates its forces, it will inevitably give up two-thirds of the territory, and at the same time, it may cause damage. danger of rebellion." After the commander finished speaking, everyone was silent, only the thin voice of the Prime Minister came out.He said: "Wait another six months, and the base will have six months of breathing space, and its strength will be greatly enhanced. Everyone knows that they have more resources than us; they have more ships than us; and they The manpower is almost inexhaustible. So I think it should be safer to launch a lightning attack."

In this conference room, the influence of this voice is of course minimal.Commander Shi Tieting smiled, waved his hand violently, and said: "Waiting for another six months—or even a year, if it is really necessary—will do us absolutely no loss. The soldiers and civilians at the base have no way of preparing for it. Form will kill them. They always thought the Second Foundation would come to save them, but this time it's different, right?" There was an uneasy commotion in the conference room. "I think you all lack confidence," Shi Tieting said in a cold tone, "Do you want me to repeat the report sent back by the spies we sent to the base area? Or repeat the spies at the base, now turn to And the results of the research of Mr Hommier Moon, who works for us ... um ...? Let us adjourn, gentlemen."

When Shi Tieting returned to the lounge, he still had the same smile on his face.He still sometimes had no faith in that Hommyr Moon, that eccentric, spineless fellow, who must always break his word.But he was able to put forward a lot of interesting information, and seemed quite credible--especially when Carrie was there. His smile widened a little more.Anyway, that fat, stupid bitch has her uses.At least, she was able to dig some information from Meng En better than herself, and it seemed to be effortless.Why not give her to Meng En?He frowned suddenly, Carrie, she was full of stupid jealousy with her.Oh my god!If the girl named Darryl was still around--Carrie had let her go, why didn't he crush her head to pieces?

He was always puzzled. Maybe it was because she got along well with Meng En, and she still needed Meng En.For example, Meng En proved an important fact-at least Mule himself did not believe in the existence of the Second Base, and the generals needed this kind of assurance. He would love to make the evidence public, but it's best to let the base continue to indulge in its dreams.Was it really Carrie who pointed this out?Yes, she once said... Oh, ridiculous!She couldn't have said that. But…… He shook his head, dismissing the thought.
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