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Chapter 48 Chapter Forty-six: Deceiving the Corpse

After Su Wan left, Li Cu looked at the pitch-black room and felt a chill for the first time.After all, there was a corpse in this room, and he had never felt this feeling before. After all, he has been a best friend for so many years, and he is very familiar with Su Wan's room, which is well-equipped. He may have spent more time here than in his own home. He wanted to open a curtain to let the sunlight in, but found that the curtains were nailed to the wall.Su Wan was a little nervous, and he didn't want to remove those tacks, so he turned on Su Wan's XBOX and started playing games.

This feeling made him feel very dreamy. He was playing games at his best friend's house, with a mummy behind him, and ammunition under the bed.The life of the Burmese anti-government forces is no more than this. Things like games can still distract people's energy. He played the game, and soon forgot the gloomy feeling.The monster hunter hunted two or three monsters, Su Wan's number was not well equipped, it all depended on technology.He felt his fingers cramp and dizzy, so he pressed pause and lay down on the ground to rest.He saw the clock on the wall and found that Su Wan had been gone for more than an hour.Where did this kid go to buy things? He might have already punched out a shovel himself.

He closed his eyes and sat up again, ready to continue playing games.It was this action that made him suddenly stunned. In the process of sitting up, he glanced behind him from the corner of his eye.He seemed to see something standing behind him.When he remembered what was behind him, the hairs all over his body fell down. He didn't dare to turn his head back immediately, he just felt a chill down his back.He slowly turned off the game console, and when the TV screen went black, he could see the situation behind him from inside. He saw that the mummy had stood up at some point, with his back turned to him, right behind him.At that moment, Li Cu didn't faint directly, which is considered as a result of his practice. His fear of corpses in the desert disappeared a lot, but he didn't know how to deal with the current situation.

After a stalemate for a while, Li Cu looked at the TV screen, but the corpse behind him remained silent.He wanted to move his body, but found that his legs were already limp and trembling constantly. He rubbed his legs vigorously, and when his legs recovered a little, he immediately got up, and when he turned around, he saw the corpse standing there, the gold tin foil on his body had been torn, exposing the dry and cracked skin inside, motionless. Could it be that this person is not dead, but just ugly?Ugly like a corpse is too outrageous. Li Cu touched the side, and tore off Su Wan's decorative Tibetan knife from the wall.The corpse didn't respond at all. Li Cu carefully looked at the "geographical situation" of the room, and found that the corpse was facing the door of the room, and he had to pass in front of it when going out from the door.

He obviously didn't want to take the risk, so he looked around the room again, and his eyes fell on the window opposite the door, where he had crawled in and out many times.He groped over bit by bit, one by one, tore off the tacks that fastened the curtains, and slowly pulled the curtains open. It was getting dark outside, and while looking at the corpse in the room from the corner of his eye, he looked at the situation outside the window, hoping that the plane tree outside the window had not been pruned recently, and the branch stuck on the window sill was still there. When he saw it, he was stunned. There were three or four people crawling on the plane tree outside the window, all squatting there with sticks in their hands.

He saw Su Wan at a glance. Su Wan was at the farthest place, holding a military shovel in his hand.The others are all buddies who often play together. Li Cu looked at them and made an expression of what are you doing, Su Wan hurriedly asked him to crawl out. Li Cu looked behind him, cautiously stretched out his hand, and the person closest to him grabbed him and dragged him out.He came to the branch, looked in the window, and found that the curtain had been put back, blocking the situation in the house. The person who pulled him was Yang Hao, a gangster in the nearby street. He was Su Wan's junior high school classmate. He didn't go to school after graduating from junior high school, and had been doing odd jobs all the time.Because he was very ruthless in the fight, Su Wan hugged his thigh whenever he had something to do. These two people, one rich second generation and the other black second generation, are very famous pests in this district.

The other people on the tree were buddies who hung out together in the Internet cafe. It seemed that Su Wan didn't come back for a long time because he wanted to run to rescue soldiers. When they came under the tree, several people looked at each other without speaking.It was Li Cu who spoke first: "You guys are very loyal, I will treat you to dinner another day." Su Wan said: "I came back from shopping, and when I opened the door, I found that thing standing behind you, so I had no choice but to call someone Yes, you are really calm." Li Cu nodded: "I will change it, I will definitely change it."

Yang Hao asked: "What the hell is that thing? It's a fake corpse? It's a model, right? If you guys are playing tricks on us, I can just start drawing it." Su Wandao: "It's absolutely true, it must be a fake corpse, who did you offend, Yali, and send you a zombie." Li Cu shook his head: "I don't know, I really don't know. I think they can do this kind of thing, but what's the point of them sending these things to me?" Yang Hao said to Su Wan: "Stop talking nonsense, I don't believe in this matter. What should I do now? Don't you tell me to help me with some real guns? If you don't, I'll go back."

"Don't, buddies, that thing is in my room. It will destroy my house later. And the gun is also in my room. It's not easy for us to work together. You can save me. Anyway, this time, the zombies won't kill my dad." , My dad has to bite me to death too. Especially you Li Cu, these things belong to you, you move them away quickly, otherwise I can only call the police." Su Wan said depressedly. "If you call the police, I will insist that it has nothing to do with me. Anyway, the things are at your house." "Wow, Li Cu, I didn't expect you to be such a person. Cut off friendship, I want to break off friendship with you!"

"Shut up!" Yang Haoting got annoyed and cursed, "Are you sure you really have a real gun in your room?" Su Wan said: "Damn it, can I still lie to you at this time? You will expose me in a matter of minutes when you enter my room." Li Cu said, "I can prove it." Yang Hao looked at Li Cu, thought for a while, and said, "I believe in Yali, Yali is serious and won't lie." He said to the humanity behind him, "Fuck, find a sack, let's drag that thing in the room Come out and do it." Then he turned his head and said to the two of them, "If you really play me, I must be very hurt. If I am hurt, you will definitely not get better, understand?"

After finishing speaking, Yang Hao waved his hands, and the gangsters picked up the guys and went to the door of Su Wan's house.All the way in, Su Wan's parents were watching TV in the room with the door ajar.A group of people touched the past and came to the second floor.When Li Cu saw the door of Su Wan's room, he became nervous. Just as he was about to stop and have a rest with these people, Yang Hao snatched the sack from the person behind him, turned around and opened the door and went in. The others were caught off guard, and heard a series of knocking sounds in the room, rushed in to help, and suddenly saw Yang Hao kicking something, and the sack had already been put on his head. Several people went up and beat them wildly until they lost all strength before they scattered.At first glance, the sack was completely deflated, and the contents inside had no human shape. Several people looked at each other in blank dismay again, Yang Hao went up and tore open the sack, and saw that the mummy had been torn apart and beaten into pieces. "What's going on upstairs, Su Wan, your skin is itchy, right?" Su Wan's father downstairs yelled, Su Wan looked at the corpse, and shouted at the top of his voice, "I'm sorry dad, let's take it easy, you guys go to sleep. " "If you make trouble again, I will call your parents, there is no tutor!" Dad continued to yell. Li Cu also shouted: "Uncle, I'm sorry Uncle, we must be gentle." The old man slammed the door shut, Su Wan squatted down, and murmured: "Niu X, we killed the zombies. Yang Hao, now you are not only the leader of the community, you can even dominate the three worlds." "This thing is worse than you, and it was kicked over without any resistance." "I didn't resist." Li Cu seemed to have seen something, moved closer, and fiddled with something from the fragments of the corpse.It was a lever attached to the bottom of the box where the corpse was placed. "Here is a mechanism that allows the corpse to stand up from the coffin. This is not a zombie." "Ah? Why did you do this?" Su Wan asked, "A prank?" "No, it's for this." Li Cu pointed to the bottom of the box where the corpse was placed, and they saw that at the bottom of the box, under the body of the corpse, there was a board that could be opened. "Scared, there is still Qiankun." Su Wan took out gloves from a drawer and put them on, then opened the copy, and saw that there was only a space the size of a lunch box inside, and there was something wrapped in yellow silk cloth in the middle. Getting up and opening it, Su Wan immediately threw out the bread inside. Yang Hao caught it with one hand and frowned. It was a hand, frozen in a solid like suet.The solid is light cyan, and it is easy to tell that the hand has seven fingers, and the fingers are very long, unlike human hands. "Six-fingered Qin Demon's father! Seven-fingered one-armed nun!" Yang Hao said. Li Cu lay down on the floor covering his face, he recognized what it was, it was a vine of Hydra cypress, which was exactly the same as the one that Black Glasses cut off once. Li Cu was helpless, and said in his heart: What the hell is going on.I don't like these things at all, so it's fine to send me some guns. I sell this kind of junk and no one wants it.
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