Home Categories Thriller Sand Sea 1·Desolate Sand and Shadow

Chapter 34 Chapter 32: Midnight Singing

Nothing at all.The belt was still there, motionless.Li Cu felt baffled, could it be that the thing had already left?Little by little, he moved his feet, trying to step on the dunes, but just by moving, he felt that something was wrong. It was hard to describe what was wrong, and it took him a few seconds to feel it before realizing what it felt like: something was standing behind him. He stiffened his neck, lowered his head slowly, and carefully moved his gaze back, and sure enough, he saw a huge shadow behind his shadow, and something stood upright behind him. Li Cu took a deep breath, imagining countless possible appearances of the things behind him, and thought: Meow meow, I am doomed, that thing is actually behind him.

The thing behind him didn't make any sound, not even the sound of breathing, which made him feel terrified.At the moment when he realized the horror, Li Cu ran away.After rushing out a few steps, he looked back, only to see a long black shadow, instantly submerged in the sand.Everything happened so fast that he couldn't see anything clearly.Then, he saw the thing under the sand surging and galloping towards the distance. This scene scared him so much that he almost peed his pants. He didn't get up until the ripple disappeared at the end of the dune, and rushed straight to the sea.After rushing to Haizi, he climbed into a truck and hid in a corner, shaking constantly.

He didn't know what he saw, but he knew that this thing must not belong to the world, and it was something he couldn't deal with.Now the two people who kidnapped him must have been killed, and now he is alone, and there may be nothing worse in this world than this situation. The adventure, the experience of exploration, the excitement of being out of the world that Li Cu had imagined in the past completely disappeared at this moment.He thought that no matter how hard and tired he was in the city, he would be safe no matter what. If he ran here, he would be in danger of losing his life at any time.Compared with the unknown horror in the desert, the two hateful guys before, now he thinks they are extremely cute.

Li Cu, who was thinking wildly, was in a state of confusion, and shrank in the back of the car for a long time, until he was exhausted and fell asleep in a trance.When he woke up, it was already dark. Li Cu poked his head out of the truck bed, looked out the window, and saw the surroundings of a row of trucks sorted out by them, as quiet as a ghost land.Haizi was still lying calmly in front of the row of cars, and there seemed to be no sign of leaving.He was hungry, and remembered that some of the collected things seemed to be food.I also thought about what Wu Xie said about the mummy, and thought that I didn’t even have to eat the mummy now. Sure enough, every time Wu Xie wanted to eat the mummy, he would never succeed. God would always use various methods to avoid such mistakes. .

He didn't dare to go out to get those food-like things, and he was even more passive in the dark.There was a full moon in the sky reflecting in the dark night, and it sprinkled a piece of silver frost all around, but the lighting effect of this silver frost was too low, so he decided to continue to endure. Maybe because he slept too deeply before, after this sleep, he was full of energy.Because I didn't know the time, I kept lying flat in the car bucket, trying to reduce my breathing sound so as not to let the sound come out.He lied to himself that it was very safe, but at the same time felt that there were countless dangers around him. He seemed to be safe here, but it didn't make any sense.

In this way, he survived the first half of the night, and in the second half of the night, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.He began to feel a little lazy, and the unbearable hunger and thirst disappeared because of his sleepiness.He wondered if this was a sign of death, maybe he was too dehydrated.If he passed out, it might be like this, so he endured it.But there was really no way to hold on for too long, he endured it, and slowly fell asleep again.This sleep may only last seven or eight seconds, and he suddenly woke up again.He felt strange, as if something had interrupted him from his sleep just now.When he rubbed his eyes and wanted to relax and gather his energy, he suddenly heard a strange sound coming from a distance outside the car.Listen carefully, it turned out to be singing.

"How could there be singing?" He held his breath, thinking that this might still be haunted. "It's a monster and a ghost again, fuck it! I can't time travel, right?" Li Cu thought.He was really too tired, his mind went blank, and he felt that this was actually a good idea. If he died here, he would turn into a ghost and kill that monster. The singing came to Li Cu's ears again, could it be the ghosts of Wu Xie and Wang Meng singing?Those two guys were indeed lunatics, and their behavior after death was also unbelievable.But when he listened carefully, it was not a man's voice, but a woman's voice.

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