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Chapter 31 Chapter 29 Conjecture

Li Cu, Wu Xie and Wang Meng worked together to clear a clean area next to a truck, and the three of them lay half down to rest.Li Cu was still a little panicked. After all, he knew that the truck behind him was full of dead people, and there might be one or two corpses under the truck that had not been dug out. Looking around, Li Cu asked Wang Meng: "Why do these soldiers use these trucks to surround this Haizi?" During their inspection and exploration just now, they found at least 300 such trucks. People died around the truck.Judging from this arrangement, it is impossible for this layout to be formed by accident. It is obviously a circular bivouac made up of trucks.

Regarding the arrangement of the trucks around the Haizi Ring, Wu Xie felt that the judgment of these soldiers was correct.Because there are too many cars here, if you don’t use this parking method, for example, if you line up in a long snake formation, then many trucks will be parked far away from Haizi, and it will not be too convenient to fetch water and cook. After all, one of the most important considerations for surviving in the desert is to get as close to water as possible. Wu Xie lit a cigarette found from the mummy, although it was completely dry without any moisture, it was better than nothing, and then he said to Wang Meng: "In addition to this conventional explanation, there are two more possibilities. One is that before the sandstorm comes, they want to protect this Haizi in this way, so as not to let it be buried by the sandstorm, so that they may survive here for a longer time. A convoy of more than 300 trucks was taken Trapped in the desert, their chances of survival are quite high, because their manpower and material resources are quite sufficient, and there are enough ways to send people out to find rescue, as long as the resources are concentrated on a few vehicles and go out in several directions , it is likely to reach the place where humans gather. But they are still trapped here. This is very abnormal, and it may be caused by an unprecedented sandstorm."

When Li Cu saw Wu Xie say these words, his expression was not particularly calm.So he asked Wu Xie: "What about the other possibility? From your expression, I think you are more inclined to the second possibility." Wu Xie sighed, and said: "Actually, in many cases, the things I encounter have very strange results. That is to say, the abnormal situation with the least probability is often the situation I am most likely to encounter. It is also the case now, I speculate The second possibility is a bit bizarre, but the first possibility sounds flawless to you. In fact, we deduce many things from phenomena, and there are many weird details in it that we instinctively avoid. Let’s not talk about it. For example, will this Haizi really be swallowed by a sandstorm? For such a big Haizi, no matter how big the sandstorm is, it is impossible for things like water to be completely covered, because if you throw sand into the water, the water level will become higher and higher. The higher it is, the Haizi will become bigger and bigger, and it won't disappear."

"Boss, then I think we should stop listening to the second situation you're considering. If the second one is really the right one, then we must be in bad luck." Wu Xie took a look at Wang Meng, and continued, "Another situation is that they actually want to use these trucks to surround this Haizi. They want to trap Haizi, and they don't want Haizi to leave." "Trap Haizi?" Wang Meng asked, "Why did they trap Haizi?" Wu Xie shook his head: "I don't know, if it's the second type, obviously they failed in the end." This kind of statement is a bit scary, and Li Cu thinks it is impossible. He thinks that things like reasoning should be inferred based on facts, and this idea is completely a kind of speculation.He even felt that Wu Xie's brain was abnormal in some aspects, so he retorted: "This sea can move freely on the desert, and it is all made of water. How can water stop it?"

"I said it's just an idea, a possibility. Besides, we don't know how this Haizi moves, so how do you know you can't stop it?" Li Cu sighed. He is actually a more down-to-earth person. He felt that this way of thinking was meaningless, so he changed his mind and said: "There is no result after talking so much. The most important thing for us now is to survive. Boss Wu , do you think we can get out alive? Based on your experience, you should have a rough grasp, right?" Wu Xie said: "Now I can't make a conclusion. Anyway, the team of more than 300 vehicles and thousands of people all died here. If the force that trapped them back then is still there, then we must be in danger. The only advantage we have is that I'm your boss, and I know a lot about these things, so I'm neither scared nor scared now. I believe in my experience, if there is any weird factor here, as long as there is water to sustain life You can slowly figure it out, so this Fang Haizi is really important to us.

While Wu Xie was talking, Li Cu suddenly thought of something and asked Wang Meng, "Deputy Manager Wang, did you see any fish in Haizi when you went down?" Wang Meng shook his head and said: "Where do fish come from in this kind of place, even if there are, the number is quite rare, and it must be difficult to catch. If you are hungry and want to eat fish, I can try to catch some. But there is a problem There are a lot of ready-made cured meats, I think it will taste good if you boil them in water." After speaking, Wang Meng also took a look at Wu Xie. Li Cuo thought for a while, and realized that the cured meat he was referring to was those mummified corpses, and broke out in a cold sweat.He looked at Wu Xie, trying to judge from Wu Xie's reaction whether Wang Meng was joking.But Wu Xie said: "That's not bad. Sigh, I didn't expect it. Countless times, when ammunition and food ran out, I was ready to eat the dried meat of the dead, but every time I managed to save myself from danger. This time the old man God has prepared so much air-dried meat for me, is it because he wants me to make up for what I haven't eaten before?"

Wang Meng continued to praise: "Human flesh tastes similar to that beef jerky when it's dried. It doesn't matter if the moisture is gone." After finishing speaking, he patted Li Cu, "Just get used to it." Li Cuo asked Wu Xie with trepidation all over his body: "Have you all eaten? Or have you tasted a little?" Wang Meng shook his head, and Wu Xie shook his head too. After Li Cu breathed a sigh of relief, he said, "Then what are you doing so confidently?" Wu Xie said: "You don't understand this. In our business, the more terrifying things are, the more you have to downplay them. The more you downplay them, when you really meet... how should I put it? You won't be in so much pain."

Li Cu said: "Bah! I'm not as short-sighted as you are, and I can deceive myself too much." Wu Xie said: "Young man, when you really run out of ammunition and food, it will be too late for you to think so. I don't care about you, anyway, you are our reserve food, and when we get tired of eating dry food, we will eat live food." .” Li Cu took another sip. At that time, he didn't realize how profound experience and wisdom Wu Xie's words contained, and he didn't realize at all that the most serious problem they were facing now was the distribution of limited food.Wang Meng and Wu Xie said this seemingly nonsensical joke, in fact, to avoid the most troublesome "initial trust" breakdown in most difficulties.

He couldn't understand these things at the time, but when he really understood, it was a different situation.
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