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Chapter 28 Chapter 26 Gutongjing 056

"What's there?" Li Cu walked over.At this time, the front of the car had been dug out by Wu Xie, revealing what was in front of the car. It turned out to be a wall buried under the sand, and the sand on it kept collapsing, and soon the wall would be buried again.Wu Xie went up to block the sand with her body, letting the sand slide from her back to the other side. Slowly approaching the wall, Li Cu could see more clearly.It was a concrete wall with several large white characters written on it: Gutongjing 056. "Is there a house in the sand?" Li Cuo asked. "It's not like a house. 056 is supposed to be a number, so it's more of a different thing."

"What is it?" Wu Xie couldn't stand the collapsing sand anymore, he took a few steps back, and the wall was instantly buried. "This should be a boundary marker. The No. 56 boundary marker in Gutongjing. We have already arrived in Gutongjing." boundary marker? Li Cu felt strange.He couldn't believe it, how did Gutong Jing arrive? Boundary monuments are often used to distinguish two administrative regions, and Gutongjing was originally just a legendary region, not a fixed place name. "It seems that there are many stories that we don't know about." Wu Xie said, "The cars will be stuck here, which means that there was a road here. And this boundary marker tells us that people should have been active in Gutongjing for a long time. "

"Then why is there nothing here now?" Wang Meng asked. Wu Xie didn't answer Wang Meng. Seeing Wang Meng, Li Cu was a little embarrassed, and immediately said: "I remember reading in the literature that there were three large lakes in Gutongjing. They discovered this area during the aerial photography, and took pictures of it. The flagpole was dropped, and people were sent to look for it, but only the flagpole was found, and no lake was found." "This lake should be one of the lakes they saw. These three lakes may be able to move freely. When they came back after they dropped the flagpole, all three lakes happened to have been removed." Wu Xie said. , "Fortunately for us, there is only one left here. However, I am more concerned about why they marked the three ordinary Haizi they saw when they took aerial photos."

"what do you mean?" Wu Xie explained: "At that time, the aerial photography was probably for geological surveying and mapping. Generally speaking, during the geological surveying and mapping, there are three Haizi below, just record it. Why did they send people to find the three Haizis? Haizi? I think they must have seen something unusual in or on the edge of Haizi, which made them want to come back to explore. And judging from the boundary markers here, their exploration activities are not temporary short-term projects, the scale should be Big." After finishing speaking, Wu Xie patted the sand on his hands, climbed onto a sand dune and looked around, and continued: "But you can't see anything here, maybe everything has been buried under the sand."

"Boss, what are you going to do?" Wang Meng asked, "Now we are in trouble. Whether there is anything under the sand here has nothing to do with us." "If the expedition team continues to go to Gutongjing, as long as we stay here, we should be able to join them in a few days." Li Cu said.He wanted to see the surrounding situation, if he acted rashly, he would definitely die.Haizi has fresh water here, and it is extremely difficult to find water sources in the desert. It must be safer to stay by the fresh water and wait for rescue. "Not necessarily. We disappeared in that oasis. They lost their equipment and lost a few more people. Maybe this expedition will be interrupted. They will search for us around that oasis. Even if they continue, there will definitely be delays We can’t afford to wait for several weeks.” Wu Xie said, “We are indeed in Gutongjing now, but look at the situation here, we haven’t seen this artificial building in any information about Gutongjing, and here The sand is white, which is different from the one in the photo. This only shows that this area is not the Gutongjing area that often appears on tourist routes. Gutongjing is a desert, and we may be in another area. Also, we don't know how big the area is."

Wu Xie looked at Haizi: "We can't hope for any rescue, we can only rely on ourselves. From now on, we must always pay attention to everything around us, especially this piece of Haizi, it may be our only hope to get out alive." If Haizi moved away again, he might move back to the place where the large army was repairing. This was indeed the best hope for the three of them to leave here.Li Cuo understood that the water source near here might be this lake.Because this kind of moving sea must have a very complicated geological water source structure under the sand, and there are few places in the desert where the water source is particularly rich.

"They know we are in Haizi and Haizi is gone, they should know what happened." Li Cuo said. "But Haizi has no footprints, and water has no fixed shape. Even if they know that we are drifting along Haizi, they can't do anything about it." Wu Xie said. "What if this water never goes away?" "Then we can either get married and have children by the sea, and spend our old age peacefully, or we can go out on our own." "How long will it take for us to go out by ourselves?" Li Cuo asked. "At present, we don't even have a kettle, so we definitely can't do it. Whether we have the possibility to go out by ourselves depends on what we can find in this desert. If we can sort out some equipment, we can First explore the surroundings, at least find the building in the photo of Lanting, we will have a better grasp of the direction starting from there, after all, there are traces of human activities there." Wu Xie pointed to the raft, and said to Wang Meng Said, "Your task is to watch this sea, you and the raft stay here, if the sea starts to move, you call us immediately, we will come back immediately. Now, my little brother and I will tidy up here again, see See if you can find something useful."

"If I knew this earlier, why did you ask me to pull up the raft? Can't I just keep an eye on it?" Wang Meng said. "No, what should you do if you run away later?" Wu Xie said, and greeted Li Cuo, "Come here and help me move the corpse." Li Cu scolded, the quality of his hostage was not good at all, but he could only run over, complaining: "How many cars are there, why are there so many dead people, you have moved out so many and haven't finished moving ?" "There are many more, all under the car. You can see for yourself what's going on."

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