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Chapter 2 Primer (2)

One night nine years ago, on the sixth floor of the inpatient department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Peking University, interns were doing routine rounds. In fact, she had already completed the ward rounds for this period of time, and the reason why she was still dangling around with the ward round records was because she thought there was a special patient on this floor. The patient's surname was Zhang, and she noticed him when the patient was just admitted to the hospital.Because all the medicines and treatments for this person are taken care of by a special person, and there are people who take care of him on weekdays, but the people who take care of him have very different temperaments, and they are mysterious.

Ordinary family members of patients, there are no more than a few situations, either because the illness is too severe and the mood is too depressed, or they are extremely optimistic and try not to think about the future, but no matter which one, the core point of concern is the patient's condition. The patient surnamed Zhang was suspected to have memory impairment caused by brain damage, and those who visited him could also see all the old injuries.But she found that these people, including this patient, were very calm about the disease itself. No matter how they discussed with them, they were all cautious and conservative.

She was able to touch the arm of a patient surnamed Zhang during a routine checkup.Although the muscles on his body are not very exaggerated, the density of their fibers has reached an incomprehensible level. Even the muscles of an athlete are unlikely to have such a high fiber density. This is a seemingly normal but extremely strong person. This kind of muscle cannot be trained by ordinary training.Her mentor told her that this can almost be called a will-type muscle, which can only be formed after a long-term and highly unified movement of the body and consciousness. He is a person with outstanding physical skills and concentration. Even in a deep sleep, as long as someone approaches, he will wake up immediately and regain consciousness immediately.

What surprised her the most was that this person had two extremely long fingers. If it hadn't been for the intentional stereotypes since childhood, such a situation would never have happened. The patient was taciturn, and his eyes seemed blurred and helpless due to memory impairment.In addition to her curiosity, Liang Wan seemed to have some strange feelings for this patient. After her daily rounds, she always liked to go to this patient's room and take a last look at him. It was the same on this day. The fat man who took care of the patient was not there. The patient was lying down, wondering if he was asleep. pupil.

At this time, she heard the patient suddenly say something. This patient has a strange sleep habit, unlike ordinary people who sleep for a long time, his sleep is fragmented, and he often falls asleep when others do not notice.This kind of sleep can allow it to rest to the maximum during the interval of high concentration, but it is also particularly harmful to the human brain.So after he was hospitalized, doctors sedated the man. Later, the doctor found that the effect of sedatives on this person was not particularly good, and he used a mixed drug, and the effect gradually appeared. This is the main treatment method for this patient.

After this method was carried out, the patient began to sleep for a long time and began to talk in his dreams. The doctor believed that this was a manifestation of memory recovery. But his sleep talking is generally meaningless, vague, and even mostly undecipherable. Only this sentence, the intern Liang Wan heard very clearly. This sentence sounded very strange at first, she pondered for a while, then lowered her head, at this time, the patient repeated it again.Also very clear. Liang Wan didn't pay attention to it at the time, but because the sentence itself was very strange, she immediately remembered it and left the ward.

One night nine years ago, this incident happened silently. No one knew how much difficulty and fog the lack of this sentence added to the mystery that enveloped the entire incident.The key information of a core secret was just missed by all relevant people back then. People's growth often happens inadvertently, and I don't want to become what I am now, but sometimes my decisions still surprise me.I don't use the deepest city to face everything I should face, but they use the deepest city to speculate on everything about me.What changes is not oneself, but the eyes of others. ——Wu Xie

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