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Chapter 18 Chapter 18 Wen Jin's Message

Dolma decides to see me? I looked at Zhaxi, a little baffled, because I never spoke to that old lady, nor did I have any communication, and I didn't even see her often, why did she suddenly want to see me? But Zhaxi's expression was very serious, with an undeniable momentum, as if missing someone his grandma wanted to see was a capital offense. Seeing me a little strange, he said softly, "Please be sure to come with me, it's a very serious matter." important things." I froze for a moment, looked at his expression, felt unable to refuse, so I nodded and got up.He immediately turned around and asked me to follow him.

Dingzhu Zhuoma's resting place is far away from our place, separated by parked cars, probably because we think we are too noisy.I walked about two hundred meters before arriving at their bonfire. I saw Dingzhu Zhuoma and her daughter-in-law were not asleep. They were sitting by the bonfire. The ground was covered with thick felt. Very busy, besides the two of them, there was another person sitting on the blanket by the campfire.When I got closer to look at it, I was even more surprised. It turned out that the person was none other than Poker Bottle. Boyouping's back was facing me, so I couldn't see his expression, but under the flickering firelight, I found Dingzhu Zhuoma's expression was a bit sullen.I walked to the bonfire in a daze, thinking that this is really weird, what is this old lady secretly looking for us in the middle of the night?

Tashi waved his hand to ask me to sit down, and the old woman's daughter-in-law brought me buttered tea. I thanked him and accepted it. I glanced at the stuffy oil bottle next to me, and found that he also looked at me, and there seemed to be a hint of surprise in his eyes. Then Tashi looked at the direction of the camp behind us, and whispered something to Dingzhu Dolma in Tibetan. The old woman nodded, and suddenly said to us in Mandarin with a strong accent: "I have a message here. Here you two." I didn't talk to Poker-Face, actually I was a little confused, and I thought whose message could it be?But Poker Ping bowed his head and sipped his tea without any expression on his face. I didn't feel comfortable asking, so I just listened.

Dingzhu Zhuoma glanced at us, and said again: "The person who asked me to deliver this message is called Chen Wenjin. I believe you should all know each other. She asked me to deliver a word to you." As soon as I heard it, I was stunned. At first I thought I had heard it wrong. Just as I was about to ask a question, Dolma Dingzhu continued: "When Chen Wenjin asked me to send the video, he had already expected that there would be such a thing. If this happens, if you come in to find Tamutuo according to the content in the notes, then she told me to tell you that she will wait for you at the destination for a while, but," Tashi moved his watch to Dingzhu Dolma's In front of her, she glanced, "Your time is running out. From now on, if she doesn't wait for you within ten days, she will go in by herself. Hurry up."

I was stunned, thinking what is going on?destination?Wenjin is waiting for us in Tamutuo?This... His mind froze all of a sudden, and he looked at Poker Finger, who couldn't bear to see this, and Poker Finger also had a surprised expression on his face. But only a few seconds later, he returned to normal.He raised his head to look at Dingzhu Dolma, and asked, "When did she tell you this?" Dingzhu Dolma said coldly: "I only pass on oral messages, and I don't know anything else, so don't ask, there are too many people here." Then, we all looked in the direction of the camp reflexively.

Poker bottle frowned slightly, and asked again: "Is she alright?" Dingzhu Dolma smiled strangely: "If you make it in time, you will know." After saying that, she waved her hand, and the daughter-in-law beside her helped her to stand up, and walked to her tent, looking It looked like he was going back. I stood up and tried to stop her, but was stopped by Tashi, who shook his head, indicating that it was useless. But at this time, Zhuoma Dingzhu turned his head and said to us: "By the way, there is one more sentence, which I forgot to convey." We all looked up at her, and she said, "She also asked me to tell you that it is among you, so be careful."

After finishing speaking, she continued to turn around and entered her tent, leaving me and Poker bottle sitting in front of the campfire foolishly. I looked at Poker Bottle, but he looked at the fire, wondering what he was thinking.I asked him, "What is going on? Why is this message sent to the two of us?" He didn't answer, closed his eyes, and wanted to stand up. I saw his attitude, countless questions rushed into his mind at once, and he lost control, so he held him down and said to him: "You are not allowed to go!" He turned his head and glanced at me indifferently, but he really didn't leave. He sat down and looked at me.

His behavior was abnormal, I thought he would walk away, but I was stunned for a while, I didn't know what to say.He looked at me and asked me, "What's the matter with you?" As soon as I heard it, I felt furious, and said: "I have something to ask you, you can no longer avoid it, you must tell me." He turned his face away, looked at the fire, and said, "I won't answer." I became angry immediately and shouted: "Damn it! Why! What can't you say? You play us around and don't even give us a reason. What do you think we are?" He suddenly turned his face around, looked at me, and his face became very cold: "Don't you think you are strange? Why should I tell you about my own affairs?"

Immediately I was at a loss for words, hesitated for a while, and thought, yes, this is indeed his business, and there is no need for him to tell me. The atmosphere became very awkward, and I didn't know what to say. After being silent for a long time, Boyouping took a sip of the cold buttered tea, and suddenly said to me: "Wu Xie, what are you doing here? Actually, you shouldn't be involved. Your third uncle has already done a lot for you. You did not wade in the water inside." I was stunned for a moment, and counted subconsciously, forty-one characters, it is so rare that he said such a long sentence, I looked at his expression, but I couldn't see anything.

"I don't want to either. In fact, my request is very simple. As long as I know what's going on, I will be satisfied. However, everyone will not let me know. I don't think it's impossible not to go through the muddy water." I said to him. Poker bottle looked at me and said, "Have you ever thought about why they don't let you know the truth?" I looked into the eyes of Poker Bottle, and suddenly found that he was talking to me very seriously. I couldn't help being surprised, and thought that this guy had taken the wrong medicine. But that being said, maybe this time he'll have something to say to me.I immediately turned serious and shook my head: "I haven't thought about it, and I don't know where to think about it."

He said lightly: "Actually, sometimes lying to a person is to protect him. Some truths may be unbearable for him." "Whether he can bear it or not should be judged by himself." I said, "Maybe others don't want you to protect them, and others just want to die happily? Do you understand the pain of not knowing anything?" Poker bottle was silent, and the two of them stayed quietly for a while, then he said to me: "I understand." Then he looked at me, "And he understands better than you. For me, what I want to know is far more important than You want more, but I don't have anyone who can grab and ask like you." When I thought about it, he had lost his memory, so I wanted to slap myself, thinking that instead of comparing with him, I would compare this with him. He continued: "I am a person without past and future. All I do is to find my connection with this world, where do I come from, and why am I here?" He looked at his hands , said lightly, "Can you imagine that there will be people like me, if they disappear in this world, no one will find out, it's like I never existed in this world, and there will be no trace left? I sometimes look in the mirror and often wonder if I really exist, or if I'm just a phantom." I couldn't speak, and thought for a while before I said: "Without your exaggeration, if you disappeared, at least I would find out." He shook his head, not knowing what he meant, he stood up while speaking, and said to me: "My matter, maybe the day I know the answer, I will tell you, but your own matter, catch me, There is no answer. Now, all of this is also a mystery to me, I think you have enough mysteries, and you don't need more." Then he walked back. "Can you tell me at least one thing?" I exclaimed. He stopped, turned his head, and looked at me. "Why did you sneak into that bronze door?" I asked him. He listened, thought for a while, and said, "I'm just doing what Wang Zanghai did back then." "Then what did you see inside?" I asked, "What is behind that giant door?" He turned his head and patted the sand on his body, and said to me: "In it, I see the ultimate, the ultimate of all things." "Ultimate?" I was confused and wanted to ask him.He smiled faintly at me, waved his hand to tell me not to ask, and said to me: "Besides, I'm on your side." He walked away slowly, leaving me alone.I fell down on the sand at once, feeling extremely headache.
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