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Chapter 97 second quarter

Wang Yang's actions obviously aroused the dissatisfaction of the American experts, who all frowned at him, but his staff officers looked at each other and smiled slightly. If we talk about the vagaries of the chess game and the cultural connotation, of course Go is the most recommended.Because Go has thousands of changes and thousands of ways, just like a marshal commanding thousands of troops to attack the city, destroy camps and villages, all the military tactics, intrigues and tricks that can be encountered on the battlefield can be displayed in Go. Therefore, many literati, monarchs and emperors in ancient times were all Go lovers.And chess belongs to the folk, because it is a process of hand-to-hand combat, and it is more hearty and enjoyable to kill.If playing Go is a test of a person's handsome talent, then playing chess is a test of a person's general talent.

Wang Yang is obviously a general, so his love for chess is easy to understand. But in this urgent situation, it is obviously inappropriate for the two of us to play chess leisurely.So Wang Yang urged me several times before I finally jumped out of the horse. Wang Yang looked very excited, his eyes were shining brightly, and he looked confident and looked down on the world. Five minutes later, I was flanked by his cannon and lost a game. "Come again, come again!" Wang Yang was clearly not enjoying himself, and yelled loudly while resetting the chess game. "I see..." I glanced at the American experts who were about to yell, and said, "...let's get down to business as soon as possible, and I'll follow you slowly in the future."

Wang Yang said indifferently: "It's the job of experts to study and explore routes. It's so boring for us to wait. Another game is not your real skill." I shook my head secretly, this is really a chess fan, I don’t care about anything when I play chess, if these American experts complain about him, I don’t know how the superiors will deal with it. Restarting the war, I let out a sigh of relief, tried to calm down my mood, and planned to have a good fight with him, even if he was punished after returning, I didn't care about my affairs. Wang Yang is obviously not a person with a rash personality. Judging from his fierce offensive of dispatching troops and rushing from left to right, he is not a person who rushes forward. On the contrary, behind his fierce offensive is a well-defended base camp.

Therefore, even though I really want to end this very eye-catching chess game as soon as possible, I can only fight and defend. Xu Tu wins. At least in my opinion, losing in the game is as unacceptable as losing in the battlefield . Within a few minutes, my nerves had no time to pay attention to the expressions of those American experts, because Wang Yang's attack had reached the last moment, and I was a bit defeated.I also know that this is his most powerful attack, almost half of the chess pieces have entered my border and circled around my main camp. All games are lost, but if I can make another five or six moves, the offensive and defensive momentum may be completely reversed.At such a critical juncture, how can I still have the mood to take care of others.

Wang Yang was a little eager to make contributions. One of them was caught by me without paying attention. When I was happy, his two rooks had already attacked my old man from left to right. If I wanted to keep the chess game, I had to give up Cannon, and once the cannon was abandoned, my hope of counterattack became slim. At this moment of dilemma, Wang Yang suddenly said, "I lost this round, so let's call it a day." I raised my head and looked at him in surprise, Wang Yang smiled, turned his head and ordered to the driver: "Land down near the second group immediately for support!"

His order was very abrupt, at least in my opinion, because I didn't realize what happened to the second group at all. His staff and American experts looked at Wang Yang incomprehensibly. Wang Yang waved his hand to me, and stepped to look at the fluorescent screen showing the coordinates of the group: "Replay the call of the second group just now!" Immediately, an unclear call sounded from the speaker: "Second team report, second team report! We have reached point B and are continuing to search forward. There seems to be a small water pool ahead, and two thin old wolves gathered beside the water pool!"

I was still a little confused. There was no distress message at all in this passage, and there was nothing suspicious about it. Where did Wang Yang's judgment of support come from? "What's wrong?" Danny asked sullenly. Wang Yang said with a smile: "The second group went to a limestone cave, and I know that the ground there is all soft limestone layers, with a stone void ratio of ten to one, which means that those limestones cannot store water at all. , it is impossible to form a water pool here!" An American expert gave him a sideways glance: "Is there a completely permeable layer there? Why do you say that? Could it be that you learned the truth from the chessboard?"

"Immediately order the second group to stop advancing and stay put!" Wang Yang issued the order, and then replied lightly, "This area was subjected to a geological survey in 2001, and I entered there with the expedition team at that time, but because of the cave It is difficult to go deep, and the innermost rock structure has not been fully explored." Wang Yang's order was shouted twice, but there was no sound from the loudspeaker. I don't know if the signal was interrupted suddenly, or the members of the group didn't hear it at all. The helicopter immediately accelerated its flight speed and quickly approached the small dots on the screen that were still moving.

Deep caves, old wolves, and water pools, these three things that have nothing to do with the pyramids, what can they have to do with Rock?
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