Home Categories Thriller The Last Century of Conspiracy Records

Chapter 92 first quarter

I sucked the few remaining cigarette butts between my fingers, until the faint sparks burned my fingers, and then I threw it on the soft carpet and stepped on it.I smelled a pungent burnt smell in my nose, and my messy brain started working again: "I think since you have reached the pyramid under the White House, you should have entered it. Nuclear fuel, you're going to take them out." Danny nodded, and then shook his head again: "If we enter the tower, of course we will take away the nuclear fuel that may be placed in it at all costs, but the problem is that it is impossible for us to go down to the 300-meter underground rock layer. To open a deep hole that can allow humans to enter and exit is not something that will happen overnight. The difficulty we are facing is that the hard rock layer is more than 200 meters high. It takes three days of non-stop work for the laser beam to make a small hole. The big hole that allows people to enter, it is impossible to do it in a few months!"

"So, how do you know this time limit?" Danny said dejectedly: "Just like last time, we placed the modified detection model and calculated it from the photos of the tower body they took. This one is different from what we encountered in the Sahara. The timer is not inside the pyramid, but On the surface. The entire tower body is turning fiery red from the base. At the beginning, everyone did not understand what this meant. It was only after I came back that I told the situation we encountered, and everyone suddenly realized that this is also a timer. And , you can never imagine what kind of creatures exist around the pyramid 300 meters underground!"

I thought of the rapidly rushing creature and those terrifying big eyes in the image returned by the camera at the Elips Hotel, and I couldn't help asking: "What kind of creature is that?" "A four-legged animal that is bigger than a large dog, yes, bigger than the Tibetan mastiff that lives in your Tibet region. This kind of animal has never been seen in reality, and can only be heard in legends - Cerberus !" I know very little about Cerberus, so I glanced at Danny suspiciously. He explained: "Greek legends have records about the Cerberus, which is said to be born of the hundred-handed giant Typhon (Typhon) and Echidna (Echidna), the pet of the goddess of the underworld Hecate (Hecate). It has three heads— —Actually fifty, it was changed to three for the convenience of painting and carving, and the tail of the dragon, responsible for guarding the gates of hell and preventing the undead from leaving. It likes sweets very much, so the burial objects of the ancient Greeks will be There is honey cake, the deceased used it to please it so as not to be bitten... Of course, this is just a myth. According to our speculation, the dog under the White House is a beast that can compete with lions and tigers. Although it is a dog, it has surpassed In the category of ordinary dogs, of course it does not have three heads, but the pattern on its body looks like a huge gaping mouth, which looks extremely powerful. I think the mythical hellhound should be based on it. So, even if we can break through the rock and go down there, it will still be difficult to get close to the pyramid, let alone enter the tower."

I gasped, thinking to myself: Who the hell is Rock?Even the legendary beasts can be used by him, pliosaurs, soul-eating ants, hellhounds, every creature that appears here is absolutely destructive.Is Roque really the incarnation of God?If it is not God, I can't think of anyone who can command these beasts at will. "What should I do?" I looked up at Danny and muttered to myself, but what greeted me was a more frustrated face and expectant eyes. I sighed, took another cigarette in my mouth, lit it, took a deep puff, and then spat it out heavily: "Okay, okay! Let's not worry, don't care if it's God or the devil What the bastard wants to do, the most important thing now is to know his whereabouts, let's analyze it, and analyze it calmly."

Danny sat down again, and deliberately lowered his voice: "Yes, being in a hurry won't help, we have to sort it out." "What's the opinion of the U.S. government?" I asked. Danny glanced at me and said, "We hired the top American scientists and psychoanalysts to form an expert group. Their opinion is that Rock is definitely not where he left his trace." I was a little dumbfounded, thinking that these so-called experts are really a bunch of rubbish, anyone with a brain will think of this answer, and there is no need for analysis. Danny could probably see the disdain in my heart from my face, and explained: "Yes, this is indeed the easiest answer. But when everyone doesn't know about the timer, we can only follow what he left. Look for the footprints that came down in order to get more clues. Because at that time we could only believe that Rock was somewhere in it, although most people doubted it."

I nodded understandingly.Danny was right, as if a lost child were told to the parents that they had seen the child in a certain place, the parents would think that their child might no longer be there, but they would still Look there again, because this is not only a helpless move, but also the only clue. "I think it's time for us to jump out now, and we can no longer be led by Rock. We should work hard from these eight places to see if there is any connection between these places." Danny nodded, and said: "This work has been analyzed by an expert group from the beginning, and many seemingly reasonable results have been obtained, but each of them has doubts. If you want to choose the most suitable one from these analyzes The answer that is close to the truth is difficult, really difficult!"

"You might as well talk about it!" I continued to ask. "Judging from the material and geographical location of these pyramids we have discovered, it is obviously not the work of humans, so there are only two explanations, one is a miracle, and the other is the traces left by extraterrestrial civilizations—of course, from a certain In this sense, there is a certain connection between the visit of extraterrestrial civilizations to the earth and the theory of gods. Maybe the gods we have always thought are alien visitors. The question is, what is the purpose of these extraterrestrial civilizations building so many pyramids on the earth?"

I interjected: "Maybe this is a kind of mark, just like a tourist writes that so-and-so visited here in a certain place, it has no meaning. Maybe, they want to leave some kind of enlightenment to the human beings on the earth. But we still can't understand the meaning of them..." "Yes!" Danny interrupted me. "There are endless possibilities, just like the Egyptian pyramids that have been standing in front of us all the time. We still don't know what the real intention of building them is." I said "Oh" as an answer, but I had another question in my mind.In fact, I don't know what the problem is. I just vaguely feel that the eight pyramids seem to have some internal connection with something, but I don't know what kind of thing it is, let alone what connection there is.

At this moment, the door was pushed open, and a strong white man stood at the door solemnly, and saluted Danny straightly. "What is it?" Danny turned his gaze to him. The strong man reported something to Danny in a language that I couldn't understand at all. In fact, what he said was just a combination of a few simple English letters, which should be their internally agreed code. Danny nodded, stood up and said to me: "Now I have to go. If you really decide to quit, I will not stop you. Thank you for helping us." A tricky ball was kicked to me by Danny, and now it's time for me to make a decision.Continue or give up?I pondered for a while, and finally stood up: "Can I understand that you are sending me an invitation?"

A gleam of joy flashed across Danny's eyes, he stepped forward and grabbed my hand, dragging me outside: "Of course it's an invitation, the most gracious invitation!" "But you haven't told me where you're going?" "The White House, all the experts are waiting for us!" After I took the elevator downstairs with Danny, I realized that this place is in a big hotel more than ten kilometers away from the White House. An extended Rolls-Royce was parked at the entrance of the hotel, and several tall, strong, and respectfully standing white men were already waiting beside the car.

I looked back at this majestic building and thought: If I really made up my mind to quit, would I be under house arrest here? I followed Danny into the car, and those strong men in plain clothes who couldn't get rid of the tough military spirit sat on the seats in front of and behind me, making me feel like I had become a prisoner and was being led to the execution ground.
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