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Chapter 74 first quarter

We rested for a while after eating.There is no distinction between day and night here, so it doesn't matter what time it is, all decisions are left to my body. Ningxue and I each lay down in a corner of the room, sleeping with our clothes on - there is no bed here, we can only sleep on the cold ground.Danny's breathing was fairly steady. Although he was still in a coma, his life should be saved. I tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. I kept thinking that if I couldn't open the pyramid, it would be impossible to enter the tower, so I couldn't be sure what Rock's purpose was here, and it was impossible for us to go out.

The reason why Roque no longer needs the horn key after entering the pyramid is that there is only one possibility. There is some kind of mechanism in the tower, and Roque can open the mechanism and go out.However, what I can't figure out is: Since Roque deliberately hides his whereabouts, he is naturally afraid that others will discover his secret, so why did he leave the key to us?Did he want us to find out what he was doing in the Tower? Ningxue probably heard my tossing and turning, and asked softly, "Mr. Yi, are you asleep?" "No, I can't sleep." "Me too." Ningxue lowered her voice, "Do you believe what the chief said?"

"Of course, why don't you believe it?" "Then you also believe that this is the arrangement of the gods?" Her tone of voice was full of doubts. I laughed and said, "Of course you can't believe what the gods and ghosts said, but apart from these things, I think the other things he said are completely credible." "Oh!" "I didn't have time to ask just now, how did you get put into the iron box?" I asked curiously. "Hey!" Ningxue said with a wry smile, "You might not believe me if I tell you." "How could it be? I can even believe in myths. Your experience can't be more bizarre than myths!"

"It's not weird, it's just a fluke like a dream! At that time, I was led by that camel to run aimlessly in the desert. Seeing that the rain was getting heavier and heavier, I thought it was all over and I had to be drenched alive It must die. But at this moment, the camel suddenly sank, and all four hooves sank into the sand." "Quicksand, that's quicksand that can swallow a big truck!" I exclaimed. "Yes, I later realized that it was quicksand, because I saw quicksand in "New Dragon Inn"." Ningxue said in a low voice, "But it's not like the quicksand I saw in the movie, Before the camel struggled, it sank completely, and just as I realized my situation, the sand had already buried my chest. I didn't even adjust my breathing, and sank in quickly!"

This is really weird. In most cases, quicksand will not swallow up things that stray into it so quickly. This kind of quicksand is more like a trap dug to catch prey. "I thought I was going to die. The sand on my head weighed a thousand catties, and my chest was so uncomfortable that my ribs were almost crushed. When I was unbearably uncomfortable, my feet suddenly became empty, and I fell down." "Did it fall?" I was very puzzled, "Where did it fall?" "In a cave, it wasn't dark inside, but there was a faint golden light coming out. I looked carefully, and I was almost scared to death. There were dense red ants all over the ground, each with nails. The size of the cover is too many to count!"

These are man-eating ants, those crazy legions that run amok in deserts and rainforests, encountering them is more dangerous than encountering soul-eating ants! "The camels that fell in front of me were covered by these ants, and their mouths, noses and eyes were full of bright red blood. They almost went crazy, and they couldn't make a sound when they opened their mouths - because they were all stuffed with ants. Seeing them wriggling non-stop, I was almost scared to death." When she said this, her voice was trembling, thinking that she still had lingering fears about the terrifying scene.

"If I were you, I would be scared and stupid. How did you escape?" "The camel was running crazily, and it hit the rock wall several times. The sound was unimaginably loud. I'm afraid the bones would be smashed." Ningxue continued to narrate her thrilling experience, "It ran back and forth several times. After that, I suddenly fell into the water with a 'crash'. Only then did I realize that there was a bright water surface five or six meters away from me, and the red ants were wriggling on the shore, and the golden halo was It came out of the water!"

I shook my head. If it were at this moment, it would be a dilemma. In the cave, I would be eaten alive by man-eating ants, but in the water, I would have to endure the torture of soul-eating ants. Not going anywhere! "Many ants were constantly climbing up my hands and feet. The pain gave me the courage I never imagined in my life. I let go and ran towards the river. There was a 'squeak' sound under my feet, and I was trampled to death." The ants stuck to my feet like a paste... I finally made it to the shore, and I jumped down without even thinking about it." Everyone, man or woman, has an astonishing amount of courage in times of crisis.Hearing her narration up to this point, I praised from the bottom of my heart: "Well done, Ningxue!" These words were indeed from the heart, not a deliberate compliment. I can guarantee that I can stick to the river, after all, not everyone can bear the pain of being bitten by man-eating ants.

"But it's not safe to be in the water! I didn't realize until I jumped in that the bottom of the water was covered with a thick layer of soul-eating ants—I didn't know what the golden layer was at the time, but I saw them rushing towards me. When it came, I thought it wouldn't be a good thing!" I shook my head with a wry smile and listened to her continue. "I had no choice but to swim forward, but every time I swam a certain distance, the soul-eating ants that had just covered the bottom of the river floated up and approached me. When I had no way to escape, I suddenly found I didn't dare to think about it anymore, and I couldn't hesitate anymore, so I opened the lid and climbed in. As soon as I put the lid on, I heard the sound of 'creaking' from the iron lid , the box seems to have sunk to the bottom too! Fear and hunger combined, and I passed out not long after, but fortunately the box was well sealed, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to sustain you to save me.”

I sighed for Ningxue, and secretly felt grateful for her. Every step during this process, if Ningxue hesitated at all, would probably become food in the belly of other creatures.As she said herself, she is really lucky! "Mr. Yi." Ningxue asked softly, "Do you think that Roque stayed here specifically to save me?" The question sounds silly, and it can be seen that she has no confidence in it either.But if you think about it carefully, this is not completely impossible. Judging from the signs that Roque left us, if he really has the ability to predict the future, I absolutely believe it.So he said, "Yes, Roque knew that you would come to him and that you would encounter danger here, so he made arrangements in advance. He has always kept your safety in mind."

From Ningxue's sighing voice, it could be heard that she was very satisfied with the answer, even though the answer was full of loopholes, as a little girl who was deeply in the fantasy of love, she would rather believe that it was true. After I said this sentence, I found out the contradiction. Any man, if he really loves a woman, will not let her go through this kind of danger, and it is not easy to prevent Ningxue from taking the risk. This is a very embarrassing thing, and it can be done in other ways, even if it is deception, it can stop her.On the other hand, if this man didn't like her at all, he wouldn't have arranged such a rescue method in advance.That is to say, this may not be true!And Rock is not an ordinary person. I think it is even more impossible for him to do such a stupid act that even ordinary people would not do. If this possibility is ruled out, then there is only one explanation. This box was deliberately placed there by Rock for other purposes.Through my previous narration, you may have noticed a detail, that is, the hole where I went down to the Tuotuoye River was not very big, and it was impossible to bring the iron box more than two meters wide from there.Taking a step back, even if the opening is large enough, the sand in the hole will not allow the hard iron box to pass through, which means that if you want to bring the iron box in, you must find other ways. Antholes should be the best choice. Since there are man-eating ants infested there, the sand grains on them will definitely not be very solid, so the condensed snow will sink in without obstruction. In this way, whenever the underground river rises after the heavy rain, it will overflow the ant hole, and the soul-eating ants will swim there with the current—perhaps, they feed on man-eating ants, and that is also their nest.From what I have seen, the soul-eating ant colony that occupies the food first will defend the fruits of victory, use the strength of the group to move the loot to a safe place, and avoid other ant colonies coming to compete for it - Ningxue is an example, if it is not for competition Trophy, they have no reason to swim upstream and move the condensed snow in the box to where I see it.Then Rock, who went underground first, could easily snatch the box and take away the contents - that small box that was only one meter square.It is precisely because the box is well sealed and can float on the water, so after Rock took the things, the box was brought back to the anthole by the current. Hey, don't you think it's complicated after listening to my narration?In fact, even when I said it, I found it unimaginably complicated.From this point of view, Rock's ingenuity surpasses mine by more than one or two times.What is even more incomprehensible to me is that Rock's understanding of the underground environment is so well known that it is impossible for a stranger to make such an intricate arrangement. Ningxue woke up from the blissful intoxication, and changed the topic: "When I was listening to the old chief about the big sandstorm, I suddenly felt that there was something out of the ordinary." "Oh?" I thought about what the old chief said, but I didn't find anything suspicious, so I asked, "What's wrong?" "He said that on the eve of the sandstorm, Notinor, who climbed to the top of the holy tower, suddenly fell from the top!" "Yes, he said that... is there something wrong with that?" I still can't see what's wrong with this sentence. Ningxue simply sat up, her voice raised an octave: "We have all visited the Holy Tower just now, if Notinor climbed to the top of the tower, it is impossible to fall down, because the area of ​​each floor of the Holy Tower is not very large. Small, in terms of relative proportions, the snake head on the top of the tower is also two or three meters in size, how did he fall from it? And do you remember? He said that not only he fell, but many people fell .” After her reminder, I also suddenly felt that there was something hidden in it. Maybe it wasn't that the old chief was hiding something deliberately, but because I misunderstood: "You mean that Notinor didn't climb to the top of the tower, but..." "It's some distance away from the pyramid, looking down from the top!" Ningxue said confidently. "If this is the case, his intention is not to climb to the top of the tower, but to have a panoramic view of the entire pyramid!" Doing so has other purposes, and this purpose may have something to do with opening the tower gate. Ningxue slowed down her speech and said almost word for word: "Let the anaconda carry her to a high place, and if you look down from there, you may find something different." I sat up at once, my heart was "pounding", perhaps, I could really find a way to open the tower door. But Ningxue's voice suddenly became confused again: "But, what did he see that fell from the top? Could it be that the momentum brought by the sandstorm made the anaconda flustered, and this was just a mistake? " I breathed a sigh of relief, lay down again, and said: "This is very simple, you can ask the old chief later. Let's take a rest first, and then act again! However, this requires a convincing reason , A thousand years ago, this action caused a big sandstorm, which almost wiped out their entire clan, after a thousand years, can we still persuade the old chief to do the same thing?"
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