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Chapter 64 second quarter

It has been nearly ten hours since we discovered the quagmire. During this period, the water surface has been receding every minute and every second. Now, with the addition of sand and dust, the quagmire has shrunk by nearly three quarters. , there is a range of about sixty to seventy meters in front of us.But this range is still too big for us. I can't be sure where the entrance will be and what shape it will be, so I can only find it step by step. Every step forward in the mud is very difficult, and the time it takes to pull out one foot allows us to take ten steps on flat ground.This is a great test of a person's physical strength and endurance. Fortunately, at this time, we are not only looking for Roque, but there is only this possible way of life before us.Because the wind was getting stronger, it roared like a group of tigers roaring towards us, and the sand and dust falling down was like a heavy snowfall of goose feathers, and the parts of our bodies exposed outside the mud It was covered with a layer of white, like two snowmen coming down from the Himalayas.

The catfish in the mud may be imprisoned. We searched all the way, but we didn’t come across one, but I didn’t feel relieved by it. In the same way, the mud that can trap the catfish, along with the dry soil Sooner or later, we will be trapped. While gasping for breath, I kept cheering myself up in my heart. I would rather be drowned in the deep water of the Tuotuoye River than be buried alive in the desert. A person imprisoned in the desert, Not only will the body be imprisoned, but the soul may not be freed either. More than ten minutes passed, and we still got nothing. Danny yelled suddenly, and picked out a catfish from the mud that was much bigger than the one we caught before, and threw it viciously to the side of the bank. After the catfish landed on the ground, it kept twisting its body in a dying struggle.

"Where did you find this fish?" I asked. Danny pointed down, and said, "It's right next to my right leg. As soon as I feel something moving, I know it's something wrong." I pondered for a moment, then stopped in my tracks: "Where is its head facing?" "In the mud, I don't have a pair of clairvoyant eyes..." Danny said angrily, but he stopped halfway through the words, and continued falteringly, "It seems...about...it should be this Direction." He raised his hand and pointed to our left front. That's the center of the quagmire, and I started pulling Danny toward it.

If catfish can remember the path they swam up, will they choose to return to the same path when danger comes?I don't know if these omnivores in the water have such a high IQ. I didn’t go far, and there were already many catfish writhing desperately beside me. The more I walked, the more they became. When I approached the center of the mud, my body that was not in the mud was already covered. Surrounded by the writhing body.It was as if this quagmire suddenly had life, moaning helplessly in the face of the desert's merciless engulfment. I took the most difficult three steps forward, and my left foot suddenly stepped on a huge body that was very slippery and constantly twisting, which startled me, and I couldn't help but take a step back.

When I realized that this is a special group formed by the aggregation of many catfish, I knew that the entrance had been found. I let go of Danny's hand and ordered: "You go to the shore and find that rope now, we have to hurry up." Danny agreed, and walked towards the shore without stopping. I also held my breath, submerged myself completely in the mud, and kept grabbing the tangled catfish with both hands, and threw them aside viciously. After cleaning for a few minutes, the general shape of the hole appeared. According to my feeling, its diameter should not be less than one meter, and it is slightly flat. I can go down completely, but I don’t know if it can reach our imagination. Tuotuoye River in the middle of the river.

Danny was walking back with the sticky rope in his arms, and he kept complaining about wasting money and wasting resources all the way, and I didn't have time to answer him. Ten minutes later, I had almost cleaned up the catfish gathered at this entrance, and it happened that Danny also came to me at this time—I don’t know if it was really a coincidence, or he came here just because of timing. "What now?" Danny asked out of breath. I pulled the rope and tied it firmly around my waist, tied it in a knot, and said solemnly: "Danny, now I will go down to explore the way. If there is really an underground river, I will pull you down." , if this is just a dead end, I will pull the rope three times in a row, and you will pull me up again."

"Alright, I think this is a bit outrageous. We have neither oxygen nor tools. What if the front is blocked? Besides, how can we survive if we can go down to some river? Take another 10,000 steps and talk about it. This entrance can really lead to the underground river, and there is enough space and oxygen below, do you know how deep this entrance will be? Maybe you will be suffocated in it!" Danny said worriedly. I smiled bitterly: "It's not that I haven't thought about what you said, but since I have made up my mind to find out the reasons for Rock's secret actions, some risks must be taken, and, look at the posture of this wind and sand, we are on top Wait, the result is still the same, only a few hours more!"

"Okay!" Danny's courage was stimulated again, and he said loudly, "I brought you in this matter, so let me do it first!" I grabbed Danny's arm and smiled, "I'm not as strong as you. You can pull me up, but I may not be able to pull you up. You can't do things on your own will." Danny glanced at me, moved his lips twice, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't make a sound, and finally nodded heavily: "Okay, be careful yourself!" I patted Danny on the shoulder again, and said in a relaxed tone: "Don't worry, auspicious people have their own destiny. But you have to help me later, it may not be easy after I completely go down into the cave Use your strength, you pull me hard!"

Although this is not a life-and-death farewell, it is also an extremely dangerous exploration. Danny didn't make fun of me anymore. He shook his huge hand in front of his chest and nodded. I took a deep breath, took a step forward, and slid down with a "chiliu"—sliding into the cave that might be leading to an underground river!
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