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Chapter 50 first quarter

"That giant beast is more than 20 meters long... no, at least more than 25 meters! A big head occupies almost one-third of the body. If the mouth is opened, it can swallow its own head whole, and Its teeth are like the crescent-shaped sharp blades used by Genghis Khan's army. The most peculiar thing is its forelimbs and tail. I am now sure that the two short things are the forelimbs, because it can turn left and right. Never seen a fin do that, and a tail, I told you you probably wouldn't believe it... guess what that looks like?" After a while of silence, the familiar voice sounded again: "I knew you wouldn't be able to guess. Well...if you've ever seen "The Plague of the Python" in a movie theater, you can imagine what it looks like. Yes ...Yes, it looks like an anaconda! Wells, can you guess what animal it is?"

I don't know what time it is, let alone where it is.At this time, my eyes were still tightly closed, and apart from my brain, other parts of my body didn't even feel a little bit of existence.In fact, I really want to open my eyes and see who Danny is describing the sea monster to, but I can only think so, and I can't make my eyelids blink at all.After working hard for a few times, I finally decided to give up temporarily, let my painful head recover the ability to think as soon as possible. "Hmm...feeds on sharks, is more than twenty meters long, and has forelimbs! Oh, what a strange creature, um, let me think about it...I seem to have heard of this kind of creature somewhere. It should be a prehistoric sea monster!" A low voice said slowly in very standard American English, "If you're not entertaining me, I think it's a dinosaur that lived in the ocean—— Dragon, yes, that's what scientists call it, and it should be a pliosaur in its heyday, and a more accurate name should be called Liopleurodon, but it seems to be an extinct creature."

"Really?" Danny yelled, "Is it really a dinosaur? It seems that my feeling is right, or why do I feel that it is somewhat similar to a Tyrannosaurus rex!" "However, it became extinct hundreds of millions of years ago. How could you encounter it? This is not Jurassic Park!" "Did you kill them, Wells?" demanded Danny sharply. "Are you kidding, Mr. Danny, I would like to, but there were no human beings at that time!" Wells smiled wryly. "That's right." Danny said proudly, "That is to say, you have never seen the scene of their extinction. There is a saying in China that seeing is believing, and hearing is believing. If you didn't see it, why should you see it?" Say they are extinct, or they are still alive, but we haven't found that's all!"

"Oh..." Wells hesitated for a while, maybe he couldn't find the words to refute, so he compromised, "Well, let's say that what you saw was a pliant dragon!" "What do you mean?" Danny raised his voice again, "Don't those shark fins that make you laugh enough to roll off the bed prove that we have indeed found evidence that can subvert the theory of dinosaur extinction in the biological world?" He finished the last sentence almost in one breath, more like a tongue twister. I re-chewed this sentence in my mind before I understood what he was trying to express.

"Yes!" Wells became firmer, "I'm 100% sure that what you encountered was a pliosaur, and what you discovered was even more amazing than Columbus's discovery of America... Yes, more amazing!" After hearing his insincere words, I secretly laughed in my heart.This is the first time I have seen something that uses momentum instead of evidence to force others to admit their point of view.I think Danny's face must be flushed now, and maybe he even waved his fists. "So—" Danny dragged his voice, "Wells, although you saved us, I don't need to thank you, those shark fins are enough, and you haven't rescued my friend now, that's You have committed a crime. You must know that he is not only an international friend who brought you wealth, but also an explorer far greater than Columbus. If he does not survive, your crime will be great and you will be punished. The most severe trial of the federal government!"

Wells was obviously dumbfounded by Danny's nonsense, and was speechless for a while before saying: "I think he's going to be fine, but he hasn't woken up yet." I'm actually awake, and I can hear them talking to prove that I'm awake, the reason I can't control my body now, I think the problem is with the neural connection, especially after almost dying once, this kind of connection It will take more time. When my head was not as painful as before, I tried to open my eyes again, as if I was trapped in a nightmare. After trying several times, my eyelids suddenly lifted, and the dazzling light forced me to close them again immediately. On the eyelids.But since the first time was successful, the second time will be much easier.

So I opened my eyes slowly, and saw Danny sitting on the bed gesticulating and a middle-aged white man with a gentlemanly demeanor. "Give me some water." I tried to keep my voice calm, but there was still a hoarse voice in my ears. "You're awake!" Wells walked quickly to my side, looking at me with a pair of deep blue eyes, and then slowly turned his head and shouted, "Toli, toli, go pour some Come clear water!" Danny was obviously very happy to see me wake up, and shouted loudly in Chinese: "Yi, you know? You slept for three days and three nights, a total of seventy-two hours!"

After drinking two bowls of sweet fresh water, I felt like I was finally alive again. I reached out and wiped the water stains on the corner of my mouth: "You saved us, right? Mr. Wells, thank you." "How do you know his name is Wells?" Danny asked in surprise. "Not only do I know his name is Wells, but I also know a story about a great explorer." Danny and Wells looked at each other and laughed together.
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