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Chapter 31 Section five

This was as far as I expected, which is why I boldly let the captain sail away from here - we are being followed! There must be another ship quietly following us in the dense fog. Although we didn't find any signs of being followed, it doesn't mean that there is no such thing, it's just that we haven't found it. The equipment on their ship must be better than ours. To be advanced, especially in such a foggy weather that obscures the sky and the sun, it becomes easier for the other party to hide their tracks. Having said that, you may understand why I have been keeping it secret.Yes, let the captain sail away from here to give a false signal to those who follow us, but this is not enough, I don't think they will follow our ship immediately, and they will definitely approach the deserted island to catch any clues we leave , which is why I chose to cross the desert island with my luggage.I'm going to make those people think we're on a desert island and follow them, while at the same time we'll sneak back and capture the stalker's ship - if there's only one, it's better to catch it A prisoner, the inside story he knows will definitely help us find Rock.

I had already decided on this plan before setting sail. Even if this desert island did not appear, I would still change other methods to do so. And the reason why I didn't tell Danny the plan at the beginning, I don't think I need to waste my time on the reason, you must be able to imagine that before he fully discloses his identity, my suspicion of him will not be easily dispelled of. The sea water is very cold, it’s a very thick coolness, I didn’t feel it much when I first dived into the water, but after I swam forward for a while, the cold feeling has penetrated into the bone marrow, making my paddling hands He trembled slightly.

After swimming around the faint coastline at a depth of two to three meters underwater, I looked back and saw Danny and Ningxue trailing behind me two or three meters apart.I didn't know if Ningxue had diving experience before, so when I plunged into the water, I realized my negligence, but now judging by the swaying movements of her hands and feet, my worries are purely superfluous, she Swimming is even more skillful and relaxed than Danny, really like a mermaid released into the sea, we call it diving, she should call it wandering, in contrast, Danny's movements are much clumsy. Along the arc of the deserted island submerged under the sea level, we swam forward without stopping, being careful not to make any noise, which would be heard by the stalkers following the trace we just stepped on. All previous efforts were wasted.

After swimming forward for more than 200 meters, a circle of faint light suddenly appeared in front of my eyes, emitting strange lines in the blue water.I know, the goal is ahead! I slowly lifted my head out of the water and pulled off the oxygen mask on my face. At this time, the water was slightly fluctuating, and someone leaned over. Danny's voice was close to my ear, and he said softly, "Yeah, I understand you It's the intention to do it!" I glanced at him, and he looked at me eagerly and continued, "Climb up?" I nodded, and made an instruction to separate the left and right with my hands and board the ship separately, catching the other party by surprise.

Danny nodded and glanced back again, meaning to ask me what Ningxue should do. I swam to Ningxue's side and whispered to her: "Wait here, we will pick you up as soon as we board the boat!" She opened her mouth to agree, but her upper and lower teeth clicked twice. voice, speechless.The sea water was too cold, and her already white and flawless face became even more bloodless at this moment. Danny and I nodded to each other, plunged into the water again, and leaned towards the boat. To be on the safe side, I held the gun on my back in my hand underwater. Not in a hurry.
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