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Chapter 25 Section VII

I slept next to the cabin all night and woke up early the next day to the freezing humidity of the morning dew.There was a layer of fog on the sea, which made the sea even more deep and terrifying. In fact, the small island is not too far from Washington DC. Yesterday Ningxue came here in a small rubber boat. We found the small boat and rowed towards the faint land in the mist. Ningxue's eyelids were a little red and swollen, as if she didn't sleep well last night, I laughed and joked, "Is there a big man guarding the outside of the wooden house, making me feel unsafe?" Ningxue smiled slightly, but did not answer.

I also felt that this joke was very inappropriate, so I changed the subject: "Your original name was Ningxue?" She nodded: "Apart from my surname, my real name is Ningxue." "Then what's your last name?" "Wood." Mu Ningxue, I thought to myself in my heart.Adding a surname makes the name a bit more poetic. It is often said that a person's character can be seen from his name, which is quite reasonable. Two hours later, we finally hit land, and we got into a taxi and headed straight to Elips. When we arrived at the Elips Hotel, we were stunned by the sight in front of us!

Not long ago, this place was a high-end hotel full of people, with neon lights flashing, crowded with people, and a bustling scene of thriving business.But now, just two days later, this place has turned into ruins. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a ruin.The six-story tall building has been razed to the ground, and the reinforced concrete reveals its ugly and ferocious true colors. Wild cats and dogs are jumping around on the ruins, looking for all the food that can fill their stomachs. The surrounding area was surrounded by a raised yellow cordon, and many policemen stood nearby with loaded guns, not allowing anyone to get closer.

A dense crowd gathered together, and many young people shouted loudly around them holding banners that read "We Want the Truth, We Don't Want Lies."Four or five reporters stood at the edge of the yellow line, explaining indignantly to the camera, turning a deaf ear to the police next to them who repeatedly stretched out their hands to drive them away. When Ningxue saw this scene, the frightened expression on her face couldn't be more extreme. I couldn't figure out what happened here, so I asked an old white man next to me. The old man took a look at us and replied, "What else? Terrorist attack. Look, our government is acting as the world's policeman, but now, the war has reached the presidential palace. The machine is malfunctioning, and the ghosts believe it... Yesterday Did you hear that loud bang at night? I heard it, boom! It shattered the windows of my house... Oh, God! Why didn't the White House blow up, but this hotel, let the president see it too , This is the price of his arrogance. Why do you want to meddle in other people's affairs? We want to live in a free and stable world, we don't want the flames of war to spread around us, we want to punish the murderer, but we don't want war, don't..."

He spoke with excitement, as if he were giving a passionate speech, but I understood the general situation.There was a huge explosion here, and the hotel that had stood for many years was razed to the ground. It is not known whether there were casualties.The citizens believed that this was a terrorist attack like the World Trade Center, used to protest the US government's tyrannical behavior in other places, but the government's explanation was that a machine failure caused the explosion, and the citizens would naturally not be convinced. Machine failure is naturally unjustifiable, but it seems far-fetched to insist that it was a terrorist attack.I don't believe either of these claims, and what we found the night before tells me that it's never that simple.If it was a terrorist attack, then why was it just a coincidence that it happened in the very short time we had just discovered the narrow tunnel?I don't think so, the two must not be independent.

This obviously blocked the possibility of us re-entering the hotel, not to mention the presence of so many police guards with live ammunition, if not, the possibility of finding the narrow passage in the ruins is almost gone. I am more inclined to think that someone did this on purpose to hide the narrow passage leading to the underground void, so who could these people be? The US government has this possibility, but what is the purpose? What are they afraid of being discovered by others? It may also be the work of another unknown force. I suddenly thought of those people who appeared at my door. Could it be them?

But Danny and I were the only ones who knew about it at the time. No, it was far more than just the two of us. From the moment I entered that house, I felt that someone was spying on us. When Danny and I first discovered something, They jumped out and knocked me out all at once, and threw me into the sea. Fortunately, I escaped unharmed!I'm sure they had something to do with the explosion.But who are they? The minions of the US government, or the group of unknown visitors who tried to kidnap me? And Danny, I'm suspicious of Danny now, that night.I really can't imagine that a private detective with no background can make such an exquisite car model in such a short period of time. There must be another powerful force behind him.In other words, he is just a person who is in charge of investigating with me, and there is a powerful force hidden behind him, who is this force?

Thinking of this, I suddenly remembered what Danny said when we first met, he said that he started this case the day after Rock disappeared - if you don't remember, please go back to the first chapter the last section of .If the Luo family hired Danny, how could they find the detective the next day?This is unreasonable both emotionally and rationally, which means that Danny may not be employed by the Luo family, but another force.I thought about this question that night, but it was temporarily interrupted after being knocked out, and it was not until now that I saw the scene in front of me that I was connected again.

Things may be far more than what I have seen now, and there may be a big and important secret hidden behind it! When I was standing there in a daze, someone patted my shoulder suddenly. I turned my head and saw a tall and familiar figure with those sharp eyes like a falcon. It's Danny! At this time, a bandage was tied on his head, like a wounded soldier who had just returned from the Vietnam War. "Odd! It really is you, I thought you were dead!" Danny shouted excitedly in a low voice. "Danny!" I also exclaimed, "What's wrong with you?" "Oh, it's hard to say!" He said, looked around, and said softly, "Yi, this is not a place to talk, come with me!"

I froze for a moment, but followed him to the side.
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