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Chapter 5 Chapter Three

It was already afternoon when we returned to that church.It was raining lightly, but the wind was so fierce that it killed people.Except for the dead Davy, Yaojia, the other 26 members of the Seattle High School Spirit Club and I all gathered in the dilapidated lobby. Jame checked the things in the lobby without saying a word, his face turned dead in a blink of an eye, cold sweat against the season kept breaking out on his forehead. "According to all the signs...we have indeed performed that ceremony." After a long time, he murmured. "Impossible, we obviously went home before twelve o'clock!" A member said. Jame didn't bother to answer anymore, so he picked up a half-used candle and threw it to him.

"We arrived at 11 o'clock, and then lit the candles. This thing can't prove anything at all!" The member said stubbornly. Jame snorted and said, "Mark, please use your brain to calculate the burning time of that candle!" "Jame is right. Ordinary candles can only burn for one and a half hours, but the candles in our club are specially made dain wax that can burn for at least 3 hours. Look at its current length..." Jones took a breath and explained : "At least it burned for nearly 2 hours. In our memory, we stayed here for less than an hour and went back, right, but why did the candle burn for two hours? The only explanation is that we stayed here It's almost 1 o'clock here, and the memory of past twelve o'clock in my mind has been distorted by something!"

"Why... how?!" Facing the facts, Mark and the rest of the club members shivered unanimously. "The most important thing now is to find out the real cause of Davy's death as soon as possible. For example, did he have any abnormalities yesterday, or did he have any special behavior during the spiritual seance ceremony at night!" I said without humming. "You...you mean that Davy didn't die of a sudden myocardial infarction?!" Those members of the ghost society who had never experienced wind and rain turned pale with shock. Jame was about to speak when I pinched him from behind. Before he could speak, he shook his head and said, "Of course we have to believe the coroner's words, but we can't rule out the possibility that he died of another special cause. So We have to investigate." I am very aware of the courage of this group of rabble who are only organized by interest, if they are stimulated too much, it will definitely cause a rush to disperse.And now is the time when people are most needed, and no one is allowed to withdraw.

"Don't...don't be kidding! If Davy didn't die of myocardial infarction, the other party might be something unknown to humans! How could we fight against that monster!!" I didn't expect that the words I tried to be euphemistic still exceeded the limits of these members Unable to bear it in their hearts, they all clamored to quit the club and walked towards the exit.Regardless of the earnest explanations of Jame and Jones. "Hey, you should try to persuade me too! Don't all the troubles come from your mouth!" Yaojia pushed me and said dissatisfied.I smiled lightly and said loudly on purpose: "It's okay, just let them go. After a week, maybe we'll all be dead! Hehe, maybe we'll be happier if we don't know!"

Immediately, those who were blocking and those who were going outside stopped their actions at the same time as my words fell. "You... what do you mean by what you just said?" A member asked in a deep voice.I just smiled and didn't answer.Of course, this is not to whet their appetite. I just said that sentence casually, and now I have to desperately find some excuses to persuade them. "Say! Tell me! Why?!" Everyone rushed up one after another, looking anxious.Even Jame and Jones leaned over curious to know why I said that. "Don't worry, sit down first, let me ask you a few questions. You should think about the connection inside. This is very important!" As a result, I simply exaggerated the matter: "First, have any of you... even once heard Davy say that his heart is not good, etc.? Second, the spirit seance ceremony was obviously successful, but what did we summon What? Third, why did Davy die on the second day of the séance, is it just a coincidence? Fourth, if it happens to be not a coincidence, then..." Just as he was speaking, a flash of spiritual light suddenly flashed across There was a sudden conclusion in my mind, and this terrible conclusion made me shiver.By the way, if Davy's death wasn't a coincidence, and he didn't do anything different than us, it was just that thing's revenge for last night, and he was the first one to vent his anger.Then each of us has the possibility of dying...

I tried to speak out this amazing conclusion calmly.The surroundings suddenly became silent, even the most noisy Yao Jia may have not spoken for a long time. "So I think we must now rely on all our strength, relationships, and energy to investigate whether Davy's death was accidental." I paused and said, "Otherwise, we have to live in bed and sleep every day, which is really worse than death." Still painful. Right. At least I will!" "..." In this way, under my patient and slightly threatening guidance and impression, all members who are dull and not dull understand that this is a matter of life and death.So we reached an agreement on the premise of having common interests—everyone will work together, no matter what means are used, to find out what was summoned that night as soon as possible, and send it back as soon as possible.

"Haha, Xiao Ye, you're really good! Just a few words and a few words to play with them in the applause. It's just a laugh!" Yao Jia looked at Jame and Jones beside him with a smile and said to me in Mandarin: "It seems that I will not underestimate you in the future. is you!" "I'm just stating the facts. And they're not moved by me, they're just afraid of losing their lives." I said lightly, my eyes constantly looking around.This is the old classroom building of Seattle High School. I was invited by James and others to discuss the doubts about this matter.

Judging from the cleanliness of the ground inside the building, there are still quite a lot of people coming and going here. It seems that the school clubs that use this place as a club base are not limited to the Ghost Club.However, the Spirit Club occupies the entire third floor. "This is the collection room, and it's also my office. Generally, people other than members of the club are not allowed to enter. But of course you are an exception!" Jame said and pushed open a door. I followed absent-mindedly, and was immediately caught by the The scene was taken aback, and he was stunned like a fool.

In that more than 100-square-meter room, almost every inch was densely covered with things related to the magic circle.I made a rough calculation, and there are at least 90 kinds of the 173 kinds of five-star demon-subduing formations collected here, and 16 of them are actually forbidden formations that collectors dream of. "Hehe, I was taken aback. Everyone who knows a little bit about Wumangxing will be like this when they come here. You have a very good expression now." Jame said proudly. "What a huge treasure!" I exclaimed.While slowly circling the room, he admired these rare magic circle diagrams, spells and their historical materials.Finally, it stopped before a broken door. "What's in here?" I asked curiously.

"Have a good eye! Here are the items collected by members of the past generations in places with particularly high spiritual pressure. Do you want to go in and have a look?" Jones replied. "Well, if it's convenient." I said with great interest. Jame smiled, took out a key from the drawer and opened the door, a large room full of glass chests of drawers more than two meters high appeared in front of him. This room is more like a small library, but the shelves are not books, but some worn-out items, and the time and number of collection are pasted on the glass window in front of the items.After a few glances, I couldn't help showing a disappointed expression.To be honest, these treasured and treasured things may be valuable, but their value is far less than that of the previous room.They are so common that they can be seen everywhere.For example, the third drawer turned out to be a pebble the size of a fist, while the ninth drawer was a thickly rusted iron nail!

Jame and Jones didn't notice my expression at all. They spittled and introduced the origin and history of these things to us, and praised the selfless contributions of the members throughout the ages.Yaojia and I looked at each other with a bitter smile, and followed them helplessly among more than a dozen cabinets. 'It's finally over! 'I wiped the sweat from my forehead and smiled wryly.Under their guidance, the eyes landed on the last cabinet.Suddenly, something came into view and immediately grabbed all my attention.My face suddenly turned pale, as if I saw the most terrifying thing that human beings can imagine! "What's wrong with you?" Yao Jia pushed me strangely, seeing that I ignored it, she followed my gaze and looked over.Immediately, she also infected me with the same astonishment, the same expression! what is that?In the eyes of others, it is actually just an ordinary ruby ​​brooch worn on a woman's chest.It is made in China and can even be found in any jewelry store in China.It is not surprising that this kind of thing appears in the collection room of this little-known spiritual society in the United States.The reason Haruka and I had that expression was the previous owner of the pin. Yes, its owner is me! I bought it 2 years ago with my hard earned month's wages working at my dad's company and sent it to someone for her birthday.And now it will reappear in front of my eyes in such a form! ! ! Jame and Jones stared blankly at the uncertain pale faces of me and Haruka, not knowing what happened.I suddenly yelled, grabbed Jame's shoulders, and yelled at him like crazy: "Where did you find it? Where did you find this pin?!" Jame and Jones looked at me in bewilderment, and after a while Jone timidly replied: "I found this 3 months ago." "Where is it?" I stared at him with almost maddened red eyes, and asked reluctantly. "It's...it's...at the church where we had our séance yesterday..." "What!!!" Yaojia and I uttered the highest decibel exclamation in human history at the same time! Jame looked at us both puzzled, and asked softly, "Is there something wrong with this pin?" "Do you know who the owner of this pin is?" I stared at him with almost terrified eyes, and spit out the following words word by word: "It's sister Xiaojie, the one you were going to summon last night Injustice!" "What!!!!" The scream from both of their throats exceeded the limit of human voice.
Things are always unpredictable. Originally, I was trying to find out the real cause of Sister Xiaojie’s death, but I was involved in the spiritual seance ceremony for Sister Xiaojie jointly organized by Yaojia and Seattle High School Spiritual Club. Due to many accidental factors, the research The Society accidentally summoned something unknown from the church where 4,431 people had died.So I started investigating that thing again.Although I have had many ideas, I have never connected these two things together.But in this place where there are almost no more than 30 people who know about it, how can it not be surprising to find something belonging to my sister by chance? !Unexpectedly, two almost unrelated things are inextricably linked.Let my investigation back to the beginning again! "Now I want to know a few things." The four people who were still in shock sat in Jones' so-called office, their faces pale.I looked at the ruby ​​thimble in my palm, rubbed it gently with my hand, and said, "First, Yaojia, I want to know the situation of the house you are living in now." "Ah!" The other three looked at me in puzzlement at the same time, I ignored it and just urged her to speak quickly.The little girl had no choice but to be full of doubts and said: "Dad bought this house ten years ago. We go here for vacation every summer and play for more than a month... It was only after my sister had an accident that we moved to the house." Live here forever." "Well, so that's how it is..." I probably guessed something, and continued to ask: "But Uncle Yao and Aunt Yao claimed that Xiaojie's sister was in a car accident... and the accident happened. Why don't you believe it? What was weird about her before the accident?" "Actually, there's nothing wrong with it. It's just that every time I mentioned my sister's dead parents, I always hesitated, as if I was hiding something from me. But I couldn't investigate, and then I remembered that my club had held several times in the church before. The spirit summoning ceremony is almost a hundred trials. That's why I asked the president to help me summon my sister's undead, but before my sister had an accident..." Yaojia's little girl rested her head on her hands, recalling distressedly, suddenly her eyes froze. Liang said excitedly: "That's right! Every time my sister goes here for vacation, she always disappears for a long time one day for no apparent reason. Once I followed her half-jokingly, but she got lost in the forest. Parents only thought that She had some personal reasons, so she didn't care much. But we were on vacation here as usual one month before my sister's accident. For some reasons, we haven't been here for more than 4 years. And my sister disappeared for a long time as usual, but When she came back, her face was pale as if she had seen a ghost, and she kept clamoring to go back to Canada. Of course her parents disagreed, so she went back alone..." Yaojia thought again: "Also, At that time, I vaguely remember that her handbag was swollen, like something was stuffed. After we got home, I thought she became very strange, and then there was the car accident." It turns out that this little girl is also a member of the Seattle High School Spirit Club.I thought to myself, I filtered the information provided by Yaojia in my mind, but it was always messy and confusing, and I couldn't figure it out. "What was in that bag? Did you ask sister Xiaojie after that?" For some reason, I had a faint feeling that that thing was an important clue to this incident. "Of course I asked, but my sister always didn't answer, and looked at me with a strange look. That look is so scary...so I dare not ask again!" "Haha, it turns out that Xiaoyao, who is not afraid of anything, is also afraid of her sister. Hehe, this is big news!" Jones teased in order to break the heavy atmosphere, but seeing that no one paid attention to him, he had to laugh a few times to himself. I thought about it for a while, and said, "Do you know where the church where we held the spirit calling ceremony used to be?" Jame said, "I heard it was a rich man's mansion." I hummed and turned to Jone, and asked, "Jone, can you take the staff to investigate two things?" Jone nodded briskly, and then asked, "Which two things?" I said, "The first is to check that The details of the rich man and the reason for his violent death. The second thing is to investigate why it must be converted into a church!" "And me? What can I do?" Jame asked, looking like he didn't want to be idle. "You, me, and Yaojia. The three of us will go to Canada immediately." "What!" The three people exclaimed in surprise. A cool breeze blew in from the window. Although it was still midsummer, there was already a hint of early autumn.I slightly turned my head full of doubts and looked out the window. From my eyes, I shot 400 kilometers away, and there was Canada, the neighbor and ally of the United States.Hopefully there will be answers to all your questions!
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