Home Categories Thriller Silent Night Mystery File 104·Foot to the Door

Chapter 6 Chapter 4 Floating Corpse

Doors, since ancient times, have been regarded as a barrier that can isolate evil spirits and misfortunes. In ancient times, human beings came out of caves and came to the plains. After learning to build houses, in order to separate themselves from dangerous animals and protect themselves, they invented doors. But I don't know when, the door began to become a barrier that separates human beings from other human beings, from their own fear of the darkness of the night, and from right and wrong to black and white. After tens of thousands of years of continuation and development of civilization, it can be said that human beings have already developed a kind of awe for the door itself.

It is an absolute taboo in Feng Shui to place the bed so that the feet are facing the door when sleeping. I don’t know if you have ever tried to sleep like that. I tried it the night before I went to Black Mountain Town. I couldn’t sleep all night. I put on several layers, but I still feel cold in the soles of my feet. It's not the usual cold, it's the cold that penetrates into the bones and freezes the soul. I really don't understand why Li Shuren and Zhang Xiuwen sleep like this. Is there any special meaning? It was already past four o'clock in the afternoon when we arrived in Heishan Town.

This town is indeed not far from the town where I live, but I never expected that it would be closed and isolated from the outside world. The bus diverted when it was more than 20 kilometers away from the town. I had to get off the bus alone. I was lucky to stop a bullock cart on the way. Otherwise, I would have to walk such a long mountain road. I am afraid that the road is only halfway through, and it will be dark. "Thank you, uncle." I jumped out of the car, lifted my backpack, and followed the uncle's instructions, and walked upstream along the river. There is very little water in the river, but it is very clear!The scenery on the river bank is very beautiful, which is becoming less and less in the messy world polluted by civilization.

I was pleasing to the eye, humming a little tune while walking, and suddenly found not far away, a 16- or 17-year-old girl in white clothes was standing alone. The girl was crying towards the river. Distressed, she suddenly took a step forward, as if she wanted to jump. I was so scared that I yelled incoherently: "Hey! Hey, hey, hey! You! It's you!" The girl turned her head and pointed at herself in amazement, her long eyelashes were still stained with tears. I ran over in three steps and two steps, panting and asked: "Break in love?" The girl was still full of surprise, and looked at me unblinkingly with her big black and white eyes.

She turned out to be a rare beauty! I scratched my head at a loss, and said hesitantly: "The water here seems to be a little too shallow. If you jump in, you will not be drowned, but you will bump your head. If you want to commit suicide, I know there is a good place, just away from here." Not far." That girl was still staring at me blankly. Under her beautiful eyes, even I, who has always been known as thick-skinned and able to pull a car, began to feel embarrassed, so I had to keep the crescent moon smile unique to the service industry on my face. He said again, "How about I take you there?"

"Nervous." The girl finally had an expression on her face. She gave me a hard look and scolded: "Look at me, don't I look like I'm going to commit suicide? You self-righteous guy!" "I……" Just when she was about to defend herself, the girl scolded again: "What? Are you not convinced? You are wrong in the first place. Did I tell you that I was going to commit suicide?" "No!" Startled by her, I shook my head reflexively. "That's right! Then why do you think so arbitrarily that I'm going to commit suicide? Does standing by the river mean I'm going to commit suicide? Can't she do something else?"

"But you're crying..." I, who couldn't figure out the situation, was completely led by her. "What's wrong with crying? Can't I be blown into my eyes by the wind and sand? And you don't know if I like to cry. I just like to cry. I cry when I am happy and cry when I am not happy. I will cry for you now." Look." The girl cursed eloquently, and suddenly there was a puff, and a smile broke out on her sad face.As if she was afraid that I would see her smiling, she hurriedly turned her back and took a deep breath. "Finished scolding?" I, who was dizzy and ashamed of being scolded, asked cautiously.

"It's so far away!" Seeing me who was scared by this sentence and wanted to find a hole on the ground to get in, the girl covered her mouth and smiled happily: "Forget it, I read it because of your young age, so adults don't remember children." I have forgiven you. I have to leave, you give me a good punishment to stand here, and think about where you are wrong!" Is there any mistake, it's rare for me to do a good deed without saying a word at night, even if I don't appreciate it, and I was bitten back by this little girl, my God, the world is so cold now, people's hearts are not old!

Hmph, this little girl looks like a human being, but she's so uncute. It's a pity that she has such a good figure and face, so I'm really pissed off! The girl ignored me who was still doing self-reflection, picked up the basket from the ground and ran down the river. "By the way," after running not far, she suddenly turned around, smiled softly, and said, "Thank you." Then she turned around and walked away with brisk steps. I stood there in a daze like an electric shock, unable to move for a long time.What a beautiful smile!That toothless smile seemed to convey thousands of meanings, and she took a deep breath. The wind is sweet, is it the fragrance left by her soft and long hair?Perhaps, that girl is not as contemptuous as she imagined.I smiled wryly, put my backpack on my shoulders, and continued to walk upstream along the river.

Did not go far, the situation appeared again. On the clear and beautiful river, many little people made of straw began to float down. Those little people undulated along the river, kind of indescribably weird. I quickened my pace, and suddenly heard a noisy sound not far upstream.When I got closer, I saw a group of people fishing for something in the river. Those people stepped in the water and used long bamboo poles to poke around along the bank. There was also a very old woman walking slowly on the river bank, and kept throwing the little scarecrows in the bag into the water. The river was still floating, and someone hurried over and carefully stepped on the water around the scarecrow.

"Grandma, what are you doing?" I became curious. The grandma who threw the scarecrow glared at me, but didn't speak. However, the boy next to her who was about the same age as me spoke up: "Please don't be offended, my grandma can't speak when she is summoning her soul." "spiritualism?" I froze for a moment and didn't react for a while. The boy continued: "Miss Zhang from the northern town disappeared three days ago, and her body has never been found. Some people suspected that she committed suicide by jumping into the river, so her family invited my grandma to summon her soul and let her body die." float." "Can these scarecrows be used to find dead bodies?" I glanced at him suspiciously. The boy nodded seriously: "If she wants us to find her, the scarecrow will stop on top of her corpse." When I heard it, I almost laughed out loud. This is often the case with witches in rural areas. They always use some cryptic words to explain how powerful they are, saying that she can be found if she wants to be found. With such ambiguous words, of course it is my own credit for finding it, and the deceased can be blamed for not finding it, but in this world, there are often many ignorant people who will believe it! Seeing my disdainful and contemptuous expression, the boy didn't say anything more. The sorceress threw another handful of scarecrows into the river intently. Several scarecrows floated to the middle of the river, and suddenly stopped moving, as if they were nailed, regardless of how the river flowed or any physics books. The mechanical principles recorded are rigid and will not drift a bit. "It's right there, right there!" the sorceress cried out, her voice was dry and sharp, and it made my ears buzz. Immediately, several people went to the scarecrow and poked around with bamboo poles. Suddenly, someone shouted "Yes", and a white ball slowly floated up. It was indeed a corpse! It was a female corpse in white clothes, and the group of people hurriedly carried the female corpse to the shore. I leaned over in amazement, and began to look at the female corpse carefully. That female corpse was soaked in the water for more than three days, her whole body was swollen, her original face was already unrecognizable, but the white clothes on her body, I seem to have seen it somewhere! I tried my best to think about the information about this dress in my mind, and with a casual glance, I suddenly saw the white jade bracelet on the right hand of the female corpse, and my whole body became stiff like a lightning strike. "Hey, what's wrong with you? Why is your face so pale and you're still shaking?" Seeing that my whole body was shaking and staring at the female corpse in fear, the boy couldn't help asking with concern. But my ears could not hear any sound for a long time, and I rudely pushed away the person blocking my eyes, I walked over in three steps and two steps, and raised the wrist of the female corpse to my eyes for a closer look.That's right, it is indeed this bracelet! The girl I met just now was also wearing the exact same one on her wrist. Because the carving was very weird, I took a second look and remembered it more deeply. In this way, the girl was wearing a white shirt just now. Exactly the same as this female corpse! God!Did I encounter a ghost? ! Although I have encountered incredible things before, but I have never been so unlucky. I met a ghost when I just went out, and I was unlucky! "What's wrong with you? Do you want me to take you to the doctor?" The boy pushed me. I was startled, only to realize that I was still holding on to the hand of the female corpse, and suddenly felt the wind blowing around me, and I felt cold all over, I threw away my hand with a "wow", and jumped back a few steps. "I don't know if you believe it or not, but I saw her just now!" Patting my chest desperately, I pointed to the way I came from and said, "It's just downstream of the river, more than ten minutes away." "What?!" The boy's face turned pale with shock, he grabbed my chest and asked loudly, "You saw her? When? What did you say to her?" "About half an hour ago." I was full of fear. "At that time, she seemed to want to commit suicide. I persuaded her." The boy was stunned, and he suddenly pushed me hard, "Go! Get out of this town as far as you can! That's a floating ghoul! She will definitely come back to you, she wants you to be her The scapegoat!" "scapegoat?" The salvage crowd gradually dispersed. Some people carried the corpses and left with the witch, and some returned to their homes. The river bank suddenly became deserted. I stood alone, thinking about the boy's last words. She wants me to be her scapegoat?So why didn't she do it just now?Is it because ghosts have little power during the day?My confused mind started to think wildly, and I shook my head, only to realize that I was the only one left by the river. The winter night came early, and the sky began to darken. "Hey, who's waiting for me, is there anyone?" I suddenly felt a chill all over my body, and I couldn't help shivering again, and ran to the town quickly. Not sure if I should take that boy's advice and get out of here.But I know that even if what he said is true, I will never leave. Now that I have come, running away without doing anything is definitely not my way of doing things. At least I will take away the things that Li Shuren left here. As for other things, let's talk about them after they happen!Is it a blessing or a curse? I can't avoid a disaster. I don't say a word at night. I look at it horizontally and vertically. It's also a sign of longevity. How can I be so unlucky? But Li Shuren, what exactly did that guy keep at No. 15, Sixth Street, Heishan Town?Will it have something to do with his ageless physical fitness?Put away the slightly fearful heart, and the curiosity is burning fiercely again.
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