Home Categories Thriller Silent Night Mysterious File 105 Black Box

Chapter 9 Chapter Seven Clues

There are countless accidents in this world, and likewise, there are countless inevitability, but people who are up and down in this world find it difficult to distinguish the accidental from the inevitable. Some people even summarize it as "probability theory". As early as more than 2,000 years ago, there were scholars in ancient Greece who left their own views.He believes that if the same thing happens more than three times, it will be called inevitable; and if it happens less than twice, it can only be called accidental. Regarding this argument, I have always sneered at it. Occasionally, such things cannot be measured by the probability of occurrence. Otherwise, is it still called accidental?

And to take a step back, as long as I am around, strange things will happen. It has been like this since I was a child. If we adopt that scholar's point of view, is this also inevitable, or is it the so-called fate of Buddhism? I never believed it before, but as I encountered more and more strange things, my belief began to shake slowly... The police arrived soon, and after they cordoned off the scene, they began to question us one by one. Then, the forensic doctor arrived, and the chubby middle-aged forensic doctor carefully examined the corpse in the shirt, and after a while, he whispered to the criminal department.

While pretending to be nonchalant, I pricked up my ears and paid close attention to the conversation between them. "According to the preliminary examination, I think the deceased suffered from heart paralysis caused by prolonged exposure to extremely cold environments. In other words, he was frozen to death." The forensic doctor wiped the sweat from his forehead. "It's so weird. In this sweltering weather, someone would freeze to death!" The people in the criminal department were amazed. "There is one more strange thing." The forensic doctor lowered his voice, "The deceased's pupils were dilated. According to the circumstances of his death, I suspect that he saw something before his death, which caused him to faint in fear. Of course, I still need to go back and do a detailed autopsy to find out the real cause of his death."

"Then I will trouble you, please let us know as soon as there is any progress." After the policeman in charge finished speaking, he walked towards Yumi. He nodded and bowed and said a few words, then carried the body and left. "What did he say?" I asked quietly. Yumi said disdainfully: "It's not those formulaic words that have been filmed by boring serials long ago. He asked me to tell you that if you want to leave Osaka in the near future, please notify the police station in advance. And this room, they hope to keep it Leave it as it is for a while, don't let people in, so as not to damage the scene."

"It's really boring." I quickly glanced into the guest room, and said again: "Can you use your contacts to make a copy of the autopsy report on Shangshan?" Yumei looked at me in astonishment, and asked with a half-smile: "It's okay, but why do you care so much? Could it be that you killed that guy?" "Of course it's impossible!" I glared at her. "It's just weird. There are many suspicious things about his death. I just heard that he may have been frozen to death!" "He was...frozen to death?!" Yumi's face suddenly turned pale, her body softened, and she almost fell to the ground.

I hurriedly reached out to support her, and she immediately hugged me tightly as if she had found a life-saving straw, and buried her head deeply in my chest. For some reason, her body couldn't stop shaking, as if she had encountered something extremely terrifying. "What's wrong with you?" I shook her lightly, but she hugged her even tighter. After a while, Yumi raised her head in horror, and murmured with vacant eyes: "She's back! She must be back! We're all going to die, no one can escape!" "Who's back?" I held her face in my hands and asked loudly, but Yumi rolled her eyes and fainted like that.

I reluctantly carried her back to the bedroom. There are so many things happening tonight, it's so annoying that my head is getting dizzy. After being questioned by the police just now, Sanyuan didn't want to live here anymore, so he drove home overnight. But Oi still insisted on staying, his face was calm, and he was not surprised, which made me question again and again. How did Shangshan die? The moment I touched his body in the room, I really felt astonishingly cold, like frozen meat just taken out of the refrigerator. The air-conditioning in the guest room should not be able to achieve that effect, not to mention the door is still ajar , It's not strictly closed... I can't figure it out, I really can't figure it out.

I scratched my head vigorously, and was about to go back to my room for a night of sleep. By the way, I sorted out my messy thoughts when an arm suddenly grabbed the corner of my clothes. When I turned around, I happened to meet Yumi's timid eyes. "I'm scared, can you stay with me? Just for a while!" She pleaded pitifully in a low voice. Oh God, why are you so cruel to me?Facing such a stunner, I wanted to eat but was afraid that she would have thorns, and was afraid of being strangled to death, so I didn't dare to eat, but I had to resist her seductive temptations whether intentionally or unintentionally, oh, I'm so pitiful!

After struggling for a long time, I finally stayed. After turning off the light, Yumi's plump body curled up into my arms like a cat, and she closed her eyes sweetly. My whole body was lying on the bed stiffly, and I didn't dare to move, let alone make any big movements, for fear that if I accidentally reacted, I would really be finished. The eventful night finally completely quieted down. In the distance, cicadas began to chirp, making a disturbingly dull noise. I tried to close my eyes, but I felt that the nerves in my body became more sensitive. Yumi's whole body exudes the healthy fragrance of her daughter's family. Her slight breathing keeps touching my chin, itching, and her intentional or unintentional movements make my already chaotic thoughts even more chaotic.

"Are you asleep?" In the darkness, Yumi's slightly hoarse sweet voice sounded softly. "Asleep." I whispered back. "Liar." She turned over, pushed me down on the bed, then lowered her head to find my lips. She frantically stirred in my mouth with her soft tongue, searched every corner, then gently bit my tongue with her teeth, and sucked hard. This dizzying kiss lasted for an unknown amount of time, and Yumi panted and rested her head on my chest. "If I tell you that the Takahashi family has been cursed many years ago, would you believe it?" She stretched out her hand and gently stroked my cheek.

"I believe." I replied without hesitation. Yumi laughed suddenly, her whole body trembling, "You are really strange. If it was someone else, not only would you not believe me, but you would also think that I am crazy." "In this world, there are many things that modern scientific knowledge cannot explain." I said indifferently. Yumi sighed faintly, "It would be great if I knew you earlier. Ha, I'm really curious, what kind of roles are your parents, and they can actually give birth to a freak like you." I smiled slightly: "If I really let you know, you will be very disappointed. My father is just a nouveau riche, and my mother is a barber, but according to the theory of genetics, since they can produce such a smart and handsome good breed like me , and they themselves won't be bad." "Bragging, you're obviously a traitor!" She laughed again. I grabbed her soft and slender hand and asked curiously: "You said the Takahashi family is cursed? What's going on?" "It's a supernatural power." Yumi's tone suddenly became indifferent, "There seems to be something hidden in the blood of the Takahashi family, which will cause supernatural powers to appear in the family from time to time. My grandfather is a typical example. In dozens of Years ago, the Takahashi family was not a famous family, but a small family in a fishing village. In fact, it is a bit exaggerated to say that it is a family. The so-called family is only composed of three people. My great-grandfather, great-grandmother, And my grandfather." Yumi raised her head, and her bright eyes reflected a faint light, "To be precise, the Takahashi family started to make a fortune from my grandfather's generation. Hmph, many people outside are guessing that our family's first financing They will never be able to guess where the huge amount of original capital came from, it was all earned by grandpa through stocks and smuggling. In fact, the so-called import and export trading company was originally opened for more convenient smuggling." She licked her lips, and her body began to tremble again, "Grandpa has a kind of ability, he seems to be able to foresee the future. I saw it when I was a child, he sat on a chair in the study, his eyes were focused on a white Paper, it won’t be long before there will be rows of inexplicable words on the white paper, all of which will happen in a few days. It seems that Sister Lianyi also has the same ability. Actually, I have always been afraid of Lian Sister Yi.” Yumi gave a wry smile, “Because I’ve never seen her smile before. Sister Lianyi is very similar to the legendary Snow Maiden, with a cold look from the youngest to the most. Seeing her face, even My heart will be frozen. But that woman took away all my happiness, everyone in the family revolved around her, everyone tried to please her, even grandpa and father, no one paid attention to me, and Sister Lianyi always enjoys everything as a matter of course, I hate her, I wish I could kill her..." Yumi's words began to blur, then became lower and lower, and finally stopped completely. I lowered my head with great curiosity while listening, only to find that she had fallen asleep deeply. Alas, women are really elusive animals, but I didn't expect Takahashi's family to have such an inside story. Hey, it's getting more and more interesting. "Everyone has a dark side in his heart. Correspondingly, the higher a person can bear the guilt, the more evil his behavior will be. But everything has its bottom line. If it exceeds that bottom line, it will be suppressed in the bottom of my heart for a long time. The evil will explode." The above passage comes from a British psychologist. I don't know where the bottom line of Yumi's guilt lies, but at least she is normal now.Perhaps speaking out the secrets buried deep in my heart is also a way to reduce guilt. The next few days passed smoothly, nothing happened, and I was happy and relaxed. Every day, I lazily lay by the swimming pool enjoying the sunshine. Oi gradually got to know me well. Everyone drank red wine and laughed loudly at the same time. Jokes about meat and vegetables. Of course, I often look at him when he is most relaxed physically and mentally, and keep asking him some things. But that guy's tone is unusually tight, and his response is very sharp. Whenever I was about to ask a key question, he would easily divert the topic. Cut, what an old fox. On this day, just as I finished applying sunscreen and was about to lie comfortably on a chair and take a nap, Yumi walked over. "The person you asked me to check for you, I found it." She put her mouth close to my ear and blew lightly. I jumped up excitedly. "Give it to me!" I grabbed her hand and shouted. "Then how do you thank her?" Yumi had a sly smile on her lips. "Isn't that our agreement?" I said. "You are so boring!" She pouted angrily, and threw the large stack of documents hidden behind her at me, then puffed her cheeks in anger, turned her head and deliberately ignored me. I picked up the information without hesitation and looked at it carefully. Gao Yongweiji, born in Yamagata Prefecture in the 13th year of Meiji, has studied for several years. His parents owned a sushi restaurant, and he inherited the family business from the age of sixteen. At the age of twenty-three, Takayoshi became inexplicably obsessed with the study of superpowers, and then disregarded his family's opposition, and in the thirty-eighth year of Meiji, he resolutely devoted himself to Dr. Fukurai Yukichi, an authority in the field of superpower research in Japan at that time. He once followed his mentor to participate in the perspective test of the psychic Mifune Chizuko, and the text projection test of the psychic Nagao Ikuko. After two failed experiments, the mentor, Dr. Fukurai Yukichi, became depressed, even full of doubts about himself, and finally ended his research on superpowers. However, Takao Yoshito did not give up, and still persisted in collecting a large amount of data on the phenomenon of superpowers. Finally, when he was over seventy years old, through a small publishing house, he published "Superpowers" written by him with all his life. chronicle". But it is a pity that the book did not receive any attention in the academic world, so that Gao Nagaoji hanged himself and ended his life at the age of seventy-three. I stared blankly at this piece of material that looked like a preface to an autobiography, and asked a little dissatisfied: "What is this?" Yumi snorted and said angrily, "It's what your eyes see." "These things are useless at all!" I was very dissatisfied. Her voice suddenly rose, "This is what you asked me to look up, and I found it for you now. What else do you have to be dissatisfied with? Besides, I'm not a roundworm in your stomach, how could I know what you want !" I froze for a moment, lowered my head helplessly, and said nothing more. This time, I really made trouble for no reason, and this introduction is not completely useless, at least it gave me a systematic understanding of Takayoshi Yoshi. It's just that he didn't expect that he would have a relationship with Dr. Fukurai Yukichi, who is a leader in the study of Japanese supernatural phenomena. It seems that he is not an ordinary person. "That... I also found Fukurai Yukichi's information for you by the way, it's in the back." Seeing that I didn't speak, Yumi thought I was angry, and her tone softened. I nodded, and began to casually look up the information of that famous doctor. Suddenly, I was stunned! Two names appeared in that document, one named Lu Ping and the other named Li Shuren, both of whom were Chinese scholars who followed Fulai Youji to study superpowers at that time. Of course, I am very familiar with these two names, and I will never forget them for the rest of my life. More than ten years ago, Lu Ping spent huge sums of money on major repairs in the small town where I lived, and even built six iconic buildings. But for some unknown purpose, he arranged them in the shape of a white pentagram. In the building in the middle of the pentagram, more than 130 people died tragically. That was the first place I found. A place for a black box. And Shuren Li is even more strange! He always looks like he is in his twenties, and he seems to be able to live forever. It was because of my strong curiosity about him that I found the second black box. Unfortunately, I was cursed, and I was hurt all day long. You have to drag the bed to a position where you can use your feet to face the door, otherwise you will have nightmares as soon as you sleep, and you will be terrified every day, afraid that one day, the succubus in the dream will sneak out and cut off your own body. head... I once sneaked into my cousin Yefeng's office and checked Li Shuren's autopsy report. It mentioned that Li Shuren was at least eighty years old, but I didn't expect that not only Li Shuren, but even that Lu Ping could live forever. I snapped my fingers and counted. The Meiji period in Japan began in 1867 AD, and the two of them have followed Dr. Fukurai Yukichi since the 33rd year of the Meiji era, which means that they are already over a hundred years old! God!What happened at that time?Are they also superpowers themselves? Also, what do those black boxes have to do with them? I feel that the main thread of the black box has been gradually touched by myself, but it is only a very vague concept.Since the information I have collected is too little, I cannot make a judgment. I thought about it, then turned my head and asked Yumi, "How much do you know about superpowers?" "Not more than the average person." She recalled slightly, "Although many people now believe that the onmyoji Abe Seimei in the Heian era is a superpower. But in modern Japan, there are only two most famous superpowers. and all of them are women. "One is Mifune Chizuko. She was born in the 19th year of Meiji. It is said that she is a person with special powers of perspective. In the summer of Meiji 41, she used the superpower of perspective to find a A gold ring that fell into the sea, became famous from then on, and later won the title of 'Clairvoyance Chizuruko'. At that time, some people even believed that she could talk to sea monsters. The second is Nagao Ikuko, who was born in Meiji 4th year , It is said that she is the first person in Japan who can use supernatural powers to project the pictures and words in her mind onto the negative film." I nodded, "I am also very clear about the two of them, but the ending of these two strange people is very miserable. "The reason is that they all met Dr. Fukurai Yukichi, a super power fanatic. In order to prove the existence of supernatural powers in the world, he did not hesitate to work hard on Mifune Chizuko, and took her as his best experimental spoils. Let Mifune Qian Hezi became the focus of media attention. "On September 15, Meiji 43, he summoned hundreds of scholars to conduct experiments, and asked Mifune Chizuko to choose three to five words from a thousand words without being informed. single words, and then compare them with the fifty-sentence sentences prepared by the scholars. "Mifune Chizuko successfully used her perspective ability to answer the single word three times successfully, which made everyone on the scene dumbfounded, but because she turned her back to everyone, those stubborn intellectuals suspected that she was secretly Tricked, and the next day's newspaper even more mercilessly accused her of being a fraudster. Chizuko, who was only 25 years old at the time, couldn't bear the media's criticism, and angrily drank poison and committed suicide. "And after Dr. Fukurai's experiment failed in Chizuko Mifune, he was very unwilling, so he approached Ikuko Nagao, who was 39 years old at the time in Meiji 43. Ikuko also made a noise through Dr. Fukurai's various experiments. She has demonstrated many incredible supernatural abilities in front of the media, but in an experiment on January 8, Meiji 44, her technique was criticized by others. In February of the same year, because she could not stand the suffering of heart disease, Finally, follow in the footsteps of Mifune Chizuko." Yumi's expression became gloomy, she sighed faintly, and said softly: "Actually, Dr. Fukurai Yukichi really can't be blamed for their tragic deaths. It's because their own psychological endurance is too weak to bear the suspicion of others and the accusations of public opinion. In fact, they She is also a victim of that closed era..." "Who knows..." I sighed involuntarily, suddenly thought of something, and said, "I remember that in the "Super Power Chronicle" written by Takayoshi Yoshitaka, I vaguely mentioned that two consecutive experiments failed. Later, Dr. Fukurai Youji once secretly conducted a third unknown experiment, and the subject was still a woman. "It is said that she has the ability to display words on white paper with her mind, but she never mentioned her name in her book from beginning to end. Another point I am very concerned about is the cause of Nagao Ikuko's death. They all used ambiguous tones, emphasizing that she didn't die from a heart attack, but died suddenly. He didn't write clearly what the reason was, but said that her death was full of mystery and seemed to be man-made..." Yumi was very surprised, "Is it man-made? So what's going on?" I shook my head, "That seems to be related to the other two disciples of Fulaiyouji, that is, the Chinese scholars mentioned in the information you gave me, Lu Ping and Li Shuren." After thinking about it carefully, I said again: " The purpose of my trip to Japan also has a lot to do with them." "By the way." Yumi hugged me from behind, "Speaking of which, what exactly did you come to Japan for? I asked you before, and you either insincerely said that it was just for sightseeing, or you just used some very stiff smiles to say it. Fill my curiosity, absolutely tell me this time, don't lie!" I turned my head to stare into her bright eyes, struggled for a long time, and finally decided to tell the truth: "It's for the black box." "Black box? The kind on the plane?" "Of course it's not that high-tech, it's a real black box." I laughed, took her to my room, took out the two black boxes from my backpack and handed them to her. The moment Yumi's eyes touched the black box, I felt her whole body visibly tremble. I immediately grabbed her shoulder and asked excitedly, "Do you know this thing?" Yumi stared at the black box, her face was shocked at first, then she became confused, her eyes became empty and lifeless. "I seem to have seen something like this before..." She murmured, reaching out to stroke the outer shell of the black box, with such gentleness, it was like touching her lover. "You must have seen it." My voice became low with excitement. "Where did I see it? Where..." Yumi suddenly threw the black box on the ground, she buried her head deeply in her knees in fear, and shrank her body into a ball. "what happened to you?" I shook her lightly with my hand, and Yumi cried out in fright. She pushed me away fiercely, and ran to the door while waving her arms in a panic, but before she ran a few steps, her whole body shook and fell to the ground. She was stunned. I smiled wryly, waved my hand away the maid who rushed in, helped her to the bed, and put away the black box. There is a problem, there is definitely a problem! Yumi must have seen a similar black box somewhere, and also had some memory loss that frightened her. But today I did gain a lot, and my brain also made some preliminary inferences. The black box is very likely to be something made by Fulai Yukichi, Takayoshi Kichi, Lu Ping, and Li Shuren, and it is even related to Dr. Fulai's third experiment. But how many of these things are there? Exactly what method and what material did they use to make this horrible thing? Yumi once said that her family was cursed, and that people with superpowers would appear in her family from time to time. Maybe all of this was caused by that damn black box. I quietly stood by Yumi's side, sorting out my thoughts quickly, revisiting all the messy things in my mind, but there were still some questions that I couldn't figure out. Why is the black box engraved with the words "Showa Thirteen"? Since they are all from the Meiji period, why didn't black boxes be made at that time?Could there still be theoretical or technical factors, or was that set of technology not developed until the Showa thirteenth year? Since Lu Ping and Li Shuren can become human spirits and still live forever after a hundred years, is their mentor Fukurai Tomokichi still living in some corner of the world? And Yoshitaka Nagao, who wrote "Super Power Chronicle", might not have died. He just used suicide as a cover, and then fled to other places and lived another life? Alas, I originally thought that with so much information, I should be able to initially solve the mystery of the black box, but I didn't expect that there would be more questions. Suddenly a flash of light flashed across my mind, and I stood up abruptly... It was hard to wait for Yumi to wake up.That little girl seemed to have completely forgotten about her going crazy, and she even forgot about seeing the black box. She imitated me and scratched her head, and said in great confusion: "Why did I fall asleep?" "Help me book a plane ticket to Gifu County, preferably tonight." I said hastily. "Why do you go to such a remote place?" Yumi was surprised. I smiled and replied, "I finally know where Usa is." "Really?" Yumi sat up and asked curiously, "You found that place that even Takahashi Group's information channels couldn't find? How did you find it?" I rubbed my hands proudly, opened the "Superpower Chronicle" on the table, and said: "This book has mentioned the place name of Usa twice, and once said that all things made there will The words "Made in Usa" were printed on it, and it was mentioned once that when his mentor Fukurai Yukichi made the third experiment, he mentioned it in a flash, saying that it was in Usa. "So I investigated Fukurai Yukichi a little bit, and found that after he failed two experiments, he returned to the place where he was born, Takayama Town in Gifu Prefecture, which is now Takayama City. He lived there until 1955 He died of illness in the second year, during which he did not go anywhere, that is to say, Usa is right there!" Yumi was stunned, unable to catch up with her thoughts for a while, "Wait, since the place in Usa is so obvious, why can't I find it even if I die, and almost no one knows about that place?" "I've also thought about this question." I tapped the table lightly with my hand: "Perhaps, the place name of Usa is just a temporary name, and it is also possible that there are extremely confidential things produced there. The country deliberately covered up this place name in order to keep it secret. , and then announced another name to the outside world.” "Even if you are right." Yumi frowned, "Then do you need to leave in such a hurry? Why are you leaving tonight? Do you hate me?" What kind of stupid question is this?Alas, women are indeed elusive creatures! I suddenly smiled wryly, "Of course not, I just want to settle my own affairs earlier." "Then I'll go with you!" She said resolutely, even stood up, ready to pack her luggage. I hastily waved my hand: "No need, Takahashi Group still has a lot of things that you need to take care of, aren't you afraid that your caring uncles and aunts will take the opportunity to give you a hand?" This truth really worked. Yumi had a bitter face, bit her lips and thought for a while, then said embarrassingly: "Okay, let you go. I will ask the servants to help you prepare your luggage and book a ticket. Be careful, I heard that there are very dangerous places there. It's cold, keep warm." Just like my wife, she walked out while nagging, and when she was about to go out, she seemed to think of something, suddenly turned her head, showing a strange smile, "No flirting is allowed along the way, and if you dare If you never go back, hum, even if you search the whole world, I will find you out!" I immediately shuddered. What a terrible woman, my future life will not be ruined by such a terrible woman...
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