Home Categories Thriller Silent Night Mystery File 505 Soul Calling Stone
Silent Night Mystery File 505 Soul Calling Stone

Silent Night Mystery File 505 Soul Calling Stone


  • Thriller

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 80668

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Chapter 1 Character introduction

Yumengdie: One of the three great families of the Hunter Organization, the eldest lady of the Yu family, with an intriguing personality.It seems that there are some unclear entanglements with Ye Buyu. Aomine: The protagonist's servant, a mysterious hermaphrodite monster.Because it is androgynous, there are two completely different personalities.This is the second personality, with a peaceful and stable temperament, but the fly in the ointment is that it is a little weak and easy to bully. Xueying: The first personality of the protagonist's servant, for some reason, her character is afraid of even the protagonist.The incarnation of an adult is a super beauty, but because of a congenital defect, the character is missing, which is commonly known as the three no girls.

Silent Night: The protagonist of this book does not have any magic power, but has a very high IQ, and has a powerful monster servant.On the surface, he is a monster expert (self-proclaimed), but he is actually the No.1 hunter.The character is intriguing.
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