Home Categories Thriller Silent Night Mysterious File 601·Package of the Undead
When I woke up, I had already returned to my rented house in Germany.Yang Junfei left, Lin Zhiyan also left, only Li Mengyue and Li Nuoyi who hurried over still stayed at my bedside with worried faces. "Where's Xueqian?" The first thing I said when I opened my eyes was to ask her. "gone." Li Nuoyi's tone was full of jealousy, "Walk very smartly, and took the opportunity to take away the family heirloom of your Ye family. Before leaving, he threatened to kidnap you next time, but he tripped over the curb when he went out. That girl, her head Definitely missing a few tendons."

I laughed dumbfounded, but the smile was full of bitterness.Xueqian took away the heirloom, probably because of the tacit consent of the guardian girl. If the girl left the family heirloom of the Ye family, she would die immediately. That heirloom, in a sense, does have the function of immortality, but the side effects and cost are too great! I propped up my body vigorously and looked out the window at the sky. The weather was bright and clean, with nothing to lose under a clear blue sky.Sunny days are refreshing.But why is my heart so heavy? Xueqian, after knowing the truth, can she accept it?

Can you and she really bear the price of using the heirloom?However, I don't have any choice. If I do it all over again, I will do the same behavior. Because, I can't let her die!For herself, but also for her sister, Xueying. The sky was so clean and beautiful that it seemed to be able to wash away the haze in my heart. I stretched myself under such bright sunshine. What should come cannot be avoided, as Yang Junfei said, once you step in and misuse things, you will never be able to turn back. But the old man doesn't know at all, I—I can't turn back!
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