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Chapter 14 Chapter Thirteen

bucket camel 牛哥 12219Words 2018-03-22
The robbery of the Mexico City International Expo was a big news that caused a sensation in Mexico City, and even in the world. Two treasures from the era of Chinese emperors that were publicly exhibited at the Expo were robbed by gangsters.In the morning of the next day, all the newspapers in Mexico City sold their extras one after another, because at the time of the incident, almost all newspapers had already closed their manuscripts. Some newspapers with good printing conditions also published their second editions, and journalists had the opportunity to display their talents again. They described the robbery vividly, as if they had witnessed it with their own eyes, and the situation on the scene was well illustrated.

According to reports, the public security authorities have quickly set up a task force to solve the case. The host of the task force is Inspector Steinu!Shi Tiannu is a well-known and capable detective in the Mexico City Police Department. He has solved hundreds of large and small cases. He is known as a detective and has a good reputation.He has served in the police force for more than 20 years. He has white hair, copper bell eyes, hooked nose, thunderous mouth, a sparse beard, red face, radiant spirit, quick and nimble actions, and some young men Whenever I met this sheriff, I felt intimidated.

The journalists thought that Inspector Steino was the most suitable person to preside over the task force. When Steinu arrived at the scene, he declared to the press that the police had the most favorable clues and that the robbers were completely under the control of the police. Mr. Harry, the owner of "Harry's Snack Bar", reported the case with his youngest daughter Pudi, and the police tested the coffee drunk by the night guards.According to the description of Mr. Harry's father and daughter to the guards, Steino began to "hunt for the wind" and carry out a comprehensive arrest of the young girl.

Jin Jinghua arrived at the scene in the morning after the incident. After seeing the scene, Jin Jinghua was dumbfounded, already lost his soul like an idiot, and couldn't even speak clearly. Jin Yanni was ordered by Qiu Yisen to accompany her brother to investigate the scene.Only she knew in her heart that what had been robbed were only two counterfeits, and that the real priceless treasure had already been replaced by Qiu Yisen, and was stored in Qiu Yisen's apartment in the "King's Enterprise Building".Jin Yanni is not good at "acting", so there is no worry on her face, which is completely different from her brother's situation.

Luo Peng's father was not present, perhaps the old man thought it was a very shameful thing, and only sent his son Luo Peng to the scene alone. Luo Peng felt very guilty and ashamed in his heart, thinking that this was the result of Jin Jinghua's bragging. In order to express his apology, Luo Peng said to Jin Yanni: "I'm sorry, I didn't consider the power outage beforehand..." Jin Yanni stared and said, "What's the use of postponing now? You should also share the responsibility for compensation!" Luo Peng blushed and felt bored, so he stayed aside and didn't dare to speak any more.

Jin Yanni took the opportunity to question Hualaitu Fan Lun, and said, "You are in charge of protecting the exhibited treasures. What do you think of the robbery?" Wallace Van Lun said: "Our protection is limited to the time when the exhibition is open during the day, and when it is closed at night, it is completely handed over to the security guards of the conference. They seal off the site and prohibit idlers from entering, including us!" Jin Yanni said coldly: "This is the best excuse for you to shirk your responsibility!" Wallace Van Lun said: "Inspector Steino has the most favorable clues. At least now there is a young girl who is the most suspicious culprit. The police have issued a warrant for arrest. As long as this girl is found, it will not be difficult to solve the case." , recover the stolen goods!"

Jin Yanni said: "If we knew this, we have the protection of the police, so why do we need to hire private investigators?" Wallace Fan Lun and Jin Yanni have never been speculative. In Jin Yanni's mind, Wallace Fan Lun and a group of people are Jin Jinghua's wine and meat friends. will decay to this extent.Because of this, whenever they met, their words were always unpleasant, Jin Yanni found a chance to put out a few words to embarrass them.
Shi Tiannu was very calm, based on his experience in handling this robbery case, he seemed to be confident, and it was only a matter of time before it was solved.

Almost all the officials of the expo were present, but they were in a state of distress. When the international guests gathered, this kind of robbery really hindered the international reputation of Mexico City, and the competent authorities would definitely investigate it.In addition, the pearl shirt and dragon ball hat were loaned out to General Mongoli for exhibition several times to show off their sensuality. Now that they have been stolen, how should they explain to General Mongoli?Compensation is certainly the responsibility of the insurance company, but General Mongoli's wealth is second to none in Mexico City, so he doesn't care about money.His old man's only hobby is antiques. The pearl shirt and dragon ball hat were robbed. How could General Mongoli accept the compensation and let it go.

Inspector Steino finally announced to everyone: "Now, we have to wait for the wounded guard to wake up. He is the only witness who had contact with the robbers. His confession may give us more favorable facts." Clues! I have ordered the blockade of all major traffic routes in Mocheng. It is difficult for the thief to get out of Mocheng with those two treasures. It is only a matter of time before they are solved..." Wallace Fan Lun asked Jin Jinghua, "Why doesn't your Uncle Qiu show up? I usually see him domineering, he has to monopolize everything, and he also has to modify the electronic anti-theft equipment indiscriminately. Once something goes wrong , just buried your head?"

Jin Jinghua said dejectedly: "Since the incident has already happened, your responsibility should be to recover those two lost items!" Wallace said: "Of course I should try my best, but the clues I found are exactly the same as those discovered by Inspector Steino. The most important point is to wait for the guard who was killed to wake up. Only the clues he provided Most valuable, the question is, what if the guard dies? Wouldn't hope be cut off?" Jin Jinghua reprimanded: "Don't say it too scary, you know, my father's career lifeline is completely pinned on this case!"

When the Jin Jinghua brothers and sisters returned to the "Jin's Quanye Building", Qiu Yisen had left without leaving and quietly moved out of his temporary apartment. On the contrary, their father thought that Jin Fansheng was in good spirits and had no signs of illness. The Jin Jinghua brothers and sisters still thought that Jin Fansheng did not know about the robbery at the Expo, because all the newspapers had been detained by the subordinates in order to avoid being exposed to the public. Kim Bum Seung is exciting. When asked about Qiu Yisen's whereabouts, the old man replied that he did not know.After discussing with Jin Yanni, Jin Jinghua and Jin Yanni still maintained the original proposal, it would be better to invite the old man to go on a trip and stay in a scenic area with relatively little news.Said to follow the doctor's instructions.... Jin Yanni said: "You are the one who caused the disaster, and you are the one to say it!" Jin Jinghua was like a defeated rooster, extremely depressed, his conscience was condemned, and he began to realize at this moment that his past self was absurd and domineering. My friend, he was extravagant, and the business that his father had worked so hard for all his life failed completely. Now, even the insurance company has also collapsed. It can be said that there is no dross left.How will he explain to his father?He felt sorry not only for his father, but also for Jin Yanni, and even for himself... Jin Jinghua's nature is still kind, he couldn't bear to let his father have an accident because of this matter, so he bit the bullet and asked his father's doctor for help, explained the reason, and asked the doctor to call. But Jin Fansheng replied to the doctor: "From today on, I will not go anywhere, and I will think about my mistakes behind closed doors. I believe that in another month, you will find that I am healthier than anyone else!"
On the eve of his plan to steal the treasure, Zuo Luntai wrote a strange letter of intimidation and sent it to General Mengoli. The letter was written in Chinese and had to be translated by the secretary's office before it could be delivered to General Mongoli at noon on the day after the incident at the earliest. Zuo Luntai's estimate was not wrong, but the news that the exposition had been robbed by thieves had already spread throughout General Mongoli's mansion the next morning. There was a commotion in the always majestic and lonely old castle, and the upper and lower people were running around to tell each other, talking a lot. When the secretary's office translated the strange letter, it caused a sensation in the general's mansion.Is there any reason in the world for a thief to rob a receipt?The pearl shirts and dragon ball caps on public display at the Expo were robbed by mobs last night, and the receipt was sent to General Mongoli's residence.Isn't this a miracle? General Mongolli is a good old man, but he is a bit fatuous in his old age. He is surrounded by villains who play tricks and deceive others to fight for power.They also attacked each other and separated into several factions. There is the "family faction", which is composed of the so-called "imperial relatives and relatives"; there is also the "staff faction", which is the former staff, think tank, and General Montgoli's position today is due to their hard work, so it is these two groups of guys who scrape the ground. The outside faction is the least in power but loyal to General Mongoli. They are almost all rough. Due to the complex environment in General Mengoli's Fort, the struggle for favor is going on all the time. Once something happens, the sycophants will make a big fuss and make a lot of noise, making people feel like the world is turned upside down. The elderly get up very early, and do morning exercises on the platform every day as usual, which is the true nature of a soldier. After breakfast, listen to the reports of the staff, deal with some important matters, and listen to some criticisms and slanders.General Mongoli has long been used to it. He will pretend to be deaf and dumb. If it is not an official matter, he will ignore it and hear it. After breakfast, I will sleep for a while, and then I will review official business, read newspapers and personal letters. He seldom has time to listen to the phone, because his hearing is not sharp enough, and he tends to lose his temper when he speaks out of his voice. Therefore, Zuo Luntai has his reasons for writing letters. After the strange letter was translated by the secretary's office, sycophants from various factions rushed to General Mongoli's study in a clamorous stream.General Mongoli listened with gusto. To his surprise, he was not angry at all, as if he was sure that the Mexico City security authorities would find the two treasures for him no matter what. First, the translator from the secretary's office broke into the door, shouting that a miracle had happened. "It's the first time for a thief to send a receipt in Mexico City, and the receipt is sent directly to General Mengoli!" The director of the secretary's office is from the "relative faction", and he thinks that the translator is suspected of leapfrogging for favor.When something happens, it should be reported to the chief secretary first, and then forwarded to General Mongoli. Leaders of various factions rushed to General Mengoli's study. At the same time, a large group of people were crowded outside the study room, they were of lower status, they were not qualified to discuss matters with the senior staff, so they could only crowd outside the door to watch the excitement, but there were divergent discussions. "Who is this righteous hero professor? He is too courageous, it is tantamount to breaking ground on the head of Tai Sui!" "He said that this national treasure should be returned... As the name suggests, it must be Chinese!" "The thief robbed the Expo with weapons, wounded a guard with a gun, and set fire to three places in the Expo. This is no different from a robber who murdered and set fire. He also pretends to be a chivalrous professor. If this person is caught, he must be shot. !" "There are not too many Chinese in Mexico City. I think it is not difficult to find this person. The only problem is to know whether he is a long-term resident in Mexico City or a foreign tourist!" "When the Expo borrowed these two treasures from General Mengoli, they guaranteed that they would be responsible for the return of the originals. If they were damaged, they would have to pay for them. Now that they have been robbed, how should they explain..." "I think it will be paid together with the heads of several officials from the expo..." General Mongoli was short in stature, with a pair of twinkling round eyes under two thick white eyebrows. He huddled in a high-backed leather armchair, his eyes slipping back and forth, without saying a word. He just listened to his subordinates scrambling to express their opinions. "General, shall we summon the officials of the exhibition, together with the Minister of the Interior, the mayor, and the chief of police, for questioning? Ask them how to explain to you?" ! General Mongolli laughed out loud, leaning back and forth, his voice hoarse. At such an old age, everyone was worried that he would suddenly die of laughter. "Why is the general so funny?" His staff looked at each other and began to whisper. Far from being angry, General Mongoli was giggling all the time, which was really abnormal!Everyone feels a little confused. General Mongoli laughed for a while, then began to cough more violently than he laughed, and tears came out of his mouth.The secretary in charge of reading the newspaper rushed to beat his back, and some guards were busy pouring water and handing cough medicine. After a short breath, General Mongoli said, "It's a challenge, you all understand?" challenge?Why call it a challenge!The exposition was robbed by thieves, who took away the priceless treasures that the exposition authorities had borrowed from General Mongoli. After the thieves robbed the treasures, they sent the receipt to General Mongoli's mansion. Is this a challenge?What is the reason for the challenge? ... General Montgoli raised the envelope, pointed to the postmark on it, and said, "Look at the time when this letter was posted, it was before the exposition was robbed. The thief had a complete plan of action beforehand, and he had already calculated this When the letter fell into my hands, the robbery had already broken out, and it had already gone far away and hid!" The heartstrings of all the "sycophants" present were shocked, because no one noticed the time of the postmark. Eat less defeats, some people call him "Fortune General", in fact, it can be seen in this kind of place that he is still very scheming. Fred from the "Imperial family and national prestige" faction was the first to speak. He is the nephew of General Mongoli's uncle, and he was appointed as the most powerful steward of the account house. The economic power is in his hands, so he is also extremely domineering. "The general is a well-known benevolent person in Mocheng. Your benevolent deeds are like rain after a drought, benefiting the whole country and being loved by the people all over the country. What kind of thief would be so bold and dare to challenge you?" The copper bell eyes under the two white eyebrows of General Mengoli stared brightly, and said: "It is not difficult to see the answer, someone must have done some wicked things in my name, causing people who see injustice to intentionally Make an earth-shattering case and deliberately embarrass me!" As soon as Mongoli said this, almost everyone present looked ashamed. Generally speaking, everyone had something to worry about, but they didn't explode, especially Fred, whose "lonely tiger prestige" is well known He can do all kinds of immoral things. The dispute between "Manshan Farm" and General Mengoli's mansion could almost be said to be caused by him alone!The unscrupulous pursuit of Zhu Daishi has caused many jokes, which is also his masterpiece. Only "die-hards" applaud. General Montgoli continued: "If it is said that the thieves robbed the exposition for the purpose of making money, then there is no need to send this letter to me, and they have already investigated my living habits in detail beforehand, and they know better about the complicated procedures in my general's mansion. When did a letter reach my hand!" "The incident of robbery leaving a name has happened all over the world, and this is not sure to be a challenge!" Fred said. General Mengoli said: "In this case, there is no need to buy time for the thief's letter. This is clearly a sign! Generally speaking, I will receive the second or third letter in the shortest time!" "On what theory does the general base his assertion?" "If the thief only wants to give me a receipt, he can wait a few days after the robbery, until the two treasures have a proper provenance, and then make a joke. There is no need to make a joke when the city is full of storms and detectives are everywhere. !" When General Mongoli said this, his subordinates couldn't help nodding their heads frequently, thinking that the general's opinion was really superior, he was not old-fashioned, and he analyzed the case calmly and carefully. "What does the general think is the purpose of the thief writing this letter?" a "die-hard" asked. "It's very simple. Either teach me how to buy stolen goods and rip me off; or seek redress, and directly sue a certain subordinate who used my name to do evil!" "Don't do bad things to be a human being, and don't be surprised when you knock on the door in the middle of the night."General Mongoli's words were quite natural, and it made people's hearts jump again. "The letter says that this national treasure should be returned. The robber is naturally a Chinese, and his signature is Professor Yixia. We can send people to investigate the overseas Chinese society and interview Chinese professors. The truth is clear!" said General Mongoli's security officer. General Montgoli raised his thumb and said, "You are very smart. This is a shortcut to find the thief. I think the two treasures will be safe and sound; he will return them in their original form, but I think the most important thing is Nothing more than to find out why he did this? What kind of grievances are there? If it is said that my subordinates used my name to commit many evils, then I must severely punish them. At this time, I will first declare to everyone that if someone loses his conscience , if you have committed an illegal incident, you must confess to me! Or if a colleague knows that someone is doing evil outside and informs me, I will reward and punish him. I have lived to this age, and I have been loyal to the country and duty all my life. , I don't want anyone to tarnish my good name!" "I don't think anyone would be so shameless... especially if every subordinate is loyal to you!" General Mongolli sneered, and suddenly asked his secretary: "Who is the police officer in charge of this case?" "It's Detective Steinu, who used to be a guard for the general!" "Notify him to come see me within half an hour!" The chief secretary stood at attention and gave a military salute, then began to contact the police. "You don't have to mess around like the sky is about to fall, and you don't have to huddle together to listen to the excitement, the meeting can be dismissed!" General Mongoli waved them away. Everyone knew that when General Mongoli issued an expulsion order, it was almost time to lose his temper. Anyone who didn't leave deserved to be unlucky, so they left in a hurry. General Mongoli's copper bell eyes slipped away, and he found a person standing at the door, so he called him back and said, "Don't slip away! Come into the room!" That's General Mongoli's adopted son, Sullivan?mongoli. After the chaotic crowd left, Sullivan slowly approached General Mongoli's seat. "Why do you keep avoiding me and not getting close to me?" the old general asked. Sullivan replied: "Because there are too many people who want to be close to you, I should give up the opportunity!" General Mongoli giggled and said, "It's not a reason!" Sullivan also said with a smile: "Father is getting old, and he has to deal with a lot of important things every day. In the spare time, he should take more rest. I am worried about your health!" General Mongoli waved his hand and said, "Don't talk about my health. What do you think of this case?" Sullivan shook his head and said, "I don't have a detective brain, I just find it weird!" "Is my handling correct?" "Father can command an army of millions, so naturally he can manage a general's mansion!" "I don't need you to perfunctory me, I want you to give me advice!" "Father's staff have given you a lot of advice!" General Mongoli's face was serious, and he said, "You have something to say in your heart, why don't you say it?" Sullivan deliberately said vaguely: "How does my father know that I have something to say in my heart? I have never had the desire to speak." General Mengoli stroked his thin white beard, and said: "I know you don't want to join forces with those who engage in factions and fight for power and profit, but you must know that I am dying and the candlelight will be extinguished at any time. My title and You are the only legal heir to my huge property, can you keep silent forever, have no disputes with others, can you bear this burden?" Sullivan said: "It is the best policy to take from the people and return to the people. Father's achievements will last forever!" "Father is a wise general who can rule millions of carts and is loved by the people all over the country. Your opinions are also outstanding. For example, you can already see that the robbery at the Expo and this strange letter must be someone Complaints of grievances, and speaking out for the grievances will produce righteous people. Under such circumstances, why not take the opportunity to learn more about who is immoral in your name? There is an old Chinese saying, don't let 'one A piece of mouse droppings ruined a pot of porridge' and ruined your good name!" General Mongoli laughed loudly and said, "You really deserve to be my good son, and think long-term for me!" "I don't want to say more, I'm really afraid of causing trouble!" Someone from the secretary's office entered the room and reported that Inspector Steinau had been called to arrive, and that some senior officials from the exposition had asked to see him. General Montgoli said: "Call Inspector Steinau in, and the rest tell them to wait!" Sullivan said, "You're talking to Inspector Stewart. May I listen?" "of course can!" Not long after, the porter brought Inspector Steinu into the study.Detective Inspector Steinow was very respectful to General Mongoli. General Mongolli introduced Sullivan to Steino and said, "This is my stepson Sullivan? Mongolli!" Steinu stood at attention and said: "We have already met. At that time, because the robbery happened not long ago, every police officer was nervous, so please forgive me for any offense!" This matter was summoned for questioning. General Mongoli said in astonishment, "What's the matter? Was Sullivan there at the time?" "No! His car is parked by the side of the road!" General Mongoli was even more surprised, saying: "The robbery happened at three o'clock in the middle of the night. How could you park your car nearby?" Sullivan quickly explained: "A pregnant woman was lying on the side of the road, and I sent her to the hospital..." "Go to the hospital and leave the car on the side of the road?" "I took the doctor's car!" General Mengoli felt a little relieved, nodded and said: "This is also equivalent to doing a good deed, and it is good to be able to help people!" Shi Tiannu said very seriously: "The strangest thing is that after the incident, even the doctor, the pregnant woman, the nurse and the hospital disappeared!" General Mongolli was startled, and his two round eyes were fixed on Sullivan: "Then what's going on?" Sullivan was speechless and said, "I don't know either!" Steino said again: "What's even more strange is that the fake hospital is the property of General Montgoli, and it is the haunted house!" General Mongolli's eyes were burning, as if he had begun to suspect that Sullivan was involved in the case. Steino said: "I'm suspecting that the fake doctor and the pregnant woman pretending to be Joe may be the main culprit of the robbery, and there is also a female taxi driver, but Sullivan didn't give us enough information, so we just It can be carried out while groping!" General Mongolli asked Sullivan the details of what had happened, and Sullivan hesitated. He had nothing to hide, but he felt that something was a little strange. He did not believe that the three people were related to the robbery. "I don't think the three of them look like gangsters!" He said firmly. "How much do you know at such a young age?" General Mongoli said reproachfully. Steinu also sighed and said: "Our traffic policeman is also a fool. He used a police car to clear the way for the thieves, but he didn't even copy the license plate numbers of the fake doctor and the female taxi driver, so he made a major demerit. !" General Mengoli unfolded the map of Mexico City, which contained detailed records of his property.He began to study the haunted house. Why did the gangsters take advantage of the dilapidated and abandoned house?He thinks this may be the most important clue. Suddenly, he rang the bell and summoned the staff from the secretary's office, saying, "I want all the files of 'Manshan Farm'!" Inspector Steino's memory, there was a dispute between "Mountain Farm" and General Mengoli's mansion, and the lawsuit has not yet been settled. However, how could the exposition robbery be related to "Manshan Farm"?That's two cases. Steino needed to see the strange letter received by General Montgoli, he said: "If the general doesn't mind, I hope to take fingerprints on paper!" General Mongoli said: "Anyone who can write this kind of letter will not have fingerprints on it. Even if there are, I am afraid it is the staff of my secretary's office, or my fingerprints!" Steinu said: "I still hope to try my luck!" General Mongolli agreed with Steino to take the strange letter to the police station for testing. "If General Mongoli has nothing to say, I'll take my leave!" he said. "If the case develops, can you inform me at any time?" The old general seemed very polite. "I'll report to the general anytime!" General Mongolli ordered Sullivan to see off the guests, put on his presbyopic glasses, and began to read the archives of "Mountain Farm". "Notify the court and send the statement of defense of 'Manshan Farm' and all their materials!" General Mongoli ordered Sullivan again. Naturally, General Montgoli had a different opinion. He consulted the old files in an attempt to find out the background of the whole case.
Brother and sister Jin Jinghua began to look for Qiu Yisen's whereabouts. After the robbery at the World Expo, Qiu Yisen went without saying goodbye, which made Jin Jinghua feel very at a loss.Qiu Yisen originally said that he would do his best to assist Jin Jinghua in hunting down the robbers and getting back the lost property, but he suddenly left without saying goodbye. Isn't that evading responsibility? Jin Yanni also wondered in her heart, why did Qiu Yisen suddenly leave without saying goodbye?What secrets does he have in his heart?Could it be that Qiu Yisen had bad intentions and planned to take the opportunity to swallow those two priceless treasures?Jin Yanni refuses to believe that Qiu Yisen has been a chivalrous hero all his life, and he is definitely not that kind of person. He Like didn't know about the robbery until he read the account. He was complacent and thought that Qiu Yisen was indeed a scheming man. He had already exchanged the two treasures. , In the future, the treasure will "return the original jade to Zhao" and become famous, so the business of the Jin family can be preserved. He rushed to the "King's Enterprise Building" with joy, and was very surprised to find that Qiu Yisen had left without leaving. "It's unbelievable that people have ulterior motives! Who would have thought of it? We have been used..." He Like said to Jin Yanni. "I don't think Qiu Yisen is that kind of person. Maybe he has other difficulties in his heart!" Jin Yanni forbade Helik to make public, and said to him: "The most important thing now is to find Qiu Yisen's whereabouts. It is not difficult to understand his whereabouts." Pay attention!" "Yanni, you can't trust anyone who walks the rivers and lakes!" "I forbid you to say more!" Without telling Jin Jinghua, He Like and Jin Yanni traveled all over Mexico City and checked with hotels and hostels at all levels. They believed that Qiu Yisen would not leave Mexico City yet.
Qiu Yisen appeared alone on the desolate and rundown farmland road in "Manshan Farm".His purpose is to pay a visit to Zuo Luntai. Qiu Yisen felt annoyed that Jin Fansheng didn't trust him, and planned to stay out of it and stop asking about anything about the Jin family.He lived in the "luxury hotel" where the camel lived, on the same floor as the camel, and lived in the next room. Qiu Yisen wanted to know about the movement of the camel, and to see how the famous liar dealt with the current situation. He also had a purpose in visiting Zuo Luntai. On the one hand, he also needed to know about Zuo Luntai's movements.On the other hand, he didn't believe that Zuo Luntai would use such a low-handed method to steal treasure. Zuo Luntai had been a chivalrous man all his life, and he had done many cases, big and small, without any calculation. He walked slowly towards the "Sanyuan Hotel" on foot, especially in places where the target was exposed, to prevent accidents due to misunderstanding.When he approached the "Three Yuan Hotel", the first thing that appeared was Lei Lanlan, who suddenly emerged from the bushes beside the road, holding a semi-automatic shotgun. "What for?" she snapped. "I'm here to pay a visit to Zuo Luntai, we are old friends!" "Sneaking into private farms, either stealing or stealing, hand you over to the security organs!" Qiu Yisen laughed loudly and said: "You need to look good to be a scary tiger. You are so delicate, you are nothing like you. In my memory, you are Lei Lanlan. We met in Bangba Reservoir before. noodle!" In the dilapidated two-story room of "Sanyuan Hotel", a window suddenly opened.Zuo Lun Tailu was standing in front of the window, raised her hand and said, "Brother Qiu is here, I'm sorry to welcome you!" Qiu Yisen said: "Zuo Luntai is still guarding the old place, it can be said to be daring!" Zuo Luntai turned around and walked down the stairs quickly, greeted Qiu Yisen, and said, "We are tourists who spend money to visit Mexico City. We don't steal or rob. Where can we not live?" Qiu Yisen said: "The case of the expo is well done!" "Catch thieves and take stolen goods, catch rape and take doubles, brother Qiu has no stolen goods and no license, and spouts blood, such guests are not welcome again!" Qiu Yisen said with a smile: "I haven't finished talking, the second half of the case is very ugly, I believe it has nothing to do with you!" "So, you came here to spy on the news?" "It can be said like this!" "In that case, please sit inside!" Zuo Luntai gestured. Qiu Yisen strode into the room.His eyes kept looking around, and he was secretly surprised that there was no other person in this room except Zuo Luntai.Zuo Luntai's adoptive daughter was not in the house, and even Zhu Daishi was gone.After Lin Miao entered "Manshan Farm" with Zuo Luntai, he never left the farm. Where would Zuo Luntai hide him? "This is your second visit to this place!" Zuo Luntai said in a hospitality manner, pouring a glass of wine for Qiu Yisen. "The situation this time is quite different from the previous visit. Why did the hostess disappear? Could it be that she is still avoiding the limelight?" Qiu Yisen asked with a joking tone. "There are a lot of things that need to be dealt with in a huge farm, Zhu Daishi is busy, and at the same time, she doesn't know that a distinguished guest will come unexpectedly!" Zuo Luntai said. "Lin Bian Shui's son, Lin Miao, still stays on the farm?" "Young people who fall in love have no sense of time!" Qiu Yisen said with a smile: "Unexpectedly, Zuo Luntai would also use beauty tricks!" Zuo Luntai said: "The old fox Qiu Yisen is the matchmaker. If there is any trouble in the future, we will have to find the matchmaker to settle the score!" They smiled at each other, as if they had a tacit understanding with each other. Zuo Luntai handed Qiu Yisen a cup of wine, and began to discuss the robbery of the Expo. "Based on my research and judgment, the first half is your method, but the second half seems to be a different team!" Zuo Luntai smiled and said: "I didn't mean to hide it from you. In fact, I already knew that you had exchanged the two treasures in the expo. My adventure is like doing you a favor. Robbery Happened, completely cover up your self-stealing behavior, if the robbers are not caught, delay until the closing of the expo, your righteous deed of being a bodyguard for the Jin family will be complete!" Qiu Yisen said: "Your goal has also been achieved. At least this robbery has caused a sensation in Mexico City, and there are even rumors in the international community!" Zuo Luntai shook his head and said, "However, if people misunderstand this kind of inferior method as being done by Zuo Luntai, wouldn't it tarnish my reputation?" "What happened, can you tell me? Is it because you have improperly employed people, and there has been a temporary change?" "Frankly speaking, I was at the scene when the robbers committed the crime..." "It's very obvious, you act first, the robbers follow up, destroy the scene, and get there first; in other words, it is equivalent to 'the mantis catches the cicada, the oriole follows'..." "No! You're mistaken, it's purely a coincidence, I found the robber, but the robber didn't find me!" "So you're on the beam?" "The robbers are in my hands. I want to take them easily. It's just that the robbery was solved and the stolen goods were two fakes. How would you explain it at that time?" Qiu Yisen said with a smile: "As long as there is a robbery at the expo, two exhibits are robbed, and the recovered stolen goods are real and fake, that is a matter for the police. We can pretend to be deaf and dumb!" "But General Mongoli can track down the whereabouts of the real thing!" "The expo is over, he can return the lost property!" "I wasted a lot of effort, and when the truth comes out, won't it become mediocre again?" "You just need to achieve the goal of negotiating with General Mengoli and save the bad luck of 'Manshan Farm'. Does it mean that you have to go around a lot?" "At the very least, let General Mongoli know that 'Manshan Farm' has the support of capable people. It is not a big deal to solve the current problem. In the future, we need to survive under his sphere of influence. If he is bullied, it will inevitably cause serious problems. resistance to..." Suddenly, Lei Lanlan hurried up the stairs and reported to Zuo Luntai: "Another visitor has arrived!" Zuo Luntai and Qiu Yisen pushed out the window at the same time and saw two people walking in on the dusty yellow mud road, one tall and one short, they were Luo Tuo, father and son. Zuo Luntai laughed and said, "It's really the 'Heroes' Association', and they all reported to me!" Qiu Yisen wondered, Luo Tuo and his son must have ulterior motives in visiting Zuo Luntai at "Manshan Farm"!He came for the exposition robbery?Or came for the Lin Miao incident?Qiu Yisen once wrote a blackmail-like threatening letter to Lin Bianshui, implying that Lin Miao was kidnapped, intending to provoke Luo Tuo and Zuo Luntai to fight. Trouble! "Zuoluntai, don't forget, we are on the same front!" Qiu Yisen said. Zuo Luntai laughed and said, "The battle line is not yet clear, I have to see the development!" “林淼还在农场里吗?” “博览会的劫案发生后,他就无需再留在农场上了!”左轮泰说着,已徐步落下扶梯,步出“三元饭店”正门,等候着恭迎骆驼父子两人。 仇奕森趁机打量左轮泰的房间,他希望能发现左轮泰在博览会所用的枪械,若能寻出那支用以射击燃烧瓦斯筒的枪械,左轮泰在博览会的行动,将有口难辩,无法抵赖了! “仇奕森先生,你打算找寻什么呢?”雷兰兰双手叉腰,监视着仇奕森。 “我并不打算找寻什么!只是奇怪,左轮泰是讲究享受的人,居然能委屈住在这间破屋子里!”仇奕森回答说。 “大丈夫能屈能伸,并没有什么稀奇!”雷兰兰说。 这时,左轮泰已在大门前迎候骆驼,双手抱拳说:“失迎失迎!” 骆驼还礼之后,翘起大拇指说:“好手法,干得干净俐落!” 左轮泰装含糊说:“什么事情好手法,干净俐落?” “我自是指博览会的案子而言的!”骆驼瞪圆了眼,怪模怪样地说:“看似是外行人干的,其实是内行人干的,又装做了外行人干的,使人捉摸不透呢!” 左轮泰说:“骆驼教授搞错了,那纯是外行人干的,与我无关!” “不可能的事,有你的神枪为证!” “我做了一个开头,有人接了班,而且来路不明,当时,我以为是骆教授故意派出人来,和我刁难呢!”左轮泰说。 骆驼皱起了朝天鼻,咧了大口,露出大匏牙笑着说:“左轮泰晓得我尚在筹备之中,我贸然动手抢了先,哪还有你的份儿呢?” 夏落红指着农场进口处说:“外面停着一部汽车,左先生好像另外还有访客?” 骆驼说:“那是仇奕森的汽车,我认得出呢,想必'老狐狸'也在此了!” 仇奕森已经在楼梯口露面,双手抱拳说:“我们在此碰面是最理想不过的了,博览会的劫案已经发生,我们不必绞尽脑汁伤感情,大可以恢复旧好啦!” 骆驼格格笑了一阵,说:“'老狐狸'老爱占便宜,'得了便宜还卖乖'是最不够朋友的,我今天拜访左轮泰的目的,是研究如何和你分赃!” 仇奕森说:“左轮泰的目的只是要在墨城闹出些许的案子,并非为发财而来!” “但是绑票勒索他逃不了责任,我一方面也是为赎票而来!” 左轮泰惊讶说:“我绑了谁的票?勒索了谁?” 骆驼说:“林淼自从跟你走进'满山农场'之后,林边水便接到一封恐吓信被勒索钜款,很显然的,是有人企图从中挑拨我们之间的感情呢;幸好林边水还能够沉得住气,要不然,'满山农场'会被警方搜翻天了!” 左轮泰盯了仇奕森一眼,格格大笑起来,说:“明枪易躲,暗箭难防,这一着很够阴险!骆驼惯于暗算人,可差点儿也被人暗算了吧!” 仇奕森也笑着说:“骆驼为拢络交情也是不择手段的!林边水万贯家财,就只有一个宝贝儿子,若是林淼被绑的话,没有不设法赎票之理!” 骆驼说:“我愿意代替林边水付赎款!” 左轮泰说:“林淼遭遇了爱情的绑票,骆驼纵然有无边的法力,恐怕也难以赎出来了!” “这样说,倒是林家积了德!” “既然光临寒舍,请登楼,地方简陋,没什么好招待的!”左轮泰说着,极其礼貌地躬腰恭请他们上楼。 骆驼一点也不客气,大摇大摆就向楼梯上去了。 左轮泰不免猜疑,骆驼到访的目的何在?仇奕森看得出,骆驼绝非只是和夏落红一个人到“满山农场”里的。 仇奕森说:“假如骆驼另外有人同行的话,可要先接受忠告,关照你的伙伴不要在农场里胡闯!” 骆驼站在楼梯口间,回首含笑说:“仇奕森什么时候替左轮泰做起发言人来了?” 仇奕森道:“我不过是好意提醒你的注意罢了!” 夏落红说:“义父到此的目的,是为和二位谈和来的!” 左轮泰招待他们在起居坐下,一面替大家斟酒,边说:“我们彼此之间并没有交恶!” “互相'修理'得厉害,假如再不结束,三败俱伤,反而被他人得利!”夏落红再说。 “先试牛刀的恐怕是骆驼,比方说,邦坝水库的'蒙地卡罗之夜',一串玉葡萄就几乎使左轮泰栽了呢!”仇奕森笑着说。 “老狐狸不用挑拨离间,你的目的不过是'坐山观虎斗',要我和左轮泰好看罢了!”骆驼说。 左轮泰却抢着说:“骆驼大师在我们的跟前,可以说是老前辈了,耍这种手段,不觉得有欠高明么?” 骆驼并不脸红,说:“那是一个晚辈胡闹,我发现阻止时,已来不及了,事后深感抱愧!” “我想这种雕虫小技也不是出自老前辈的手笔!”左轮泰说。 “我想向两位请教博览会的劫匪究竟是何人?”骆驼问。 “义父的意思是,先协同捉贼,然后再解决我们之间的问题!”夏落红再次解释。“最好是三全其美!” 仇奕森讥讽说:“骆驼也可谓是'卫道之士'了!” 骆驼又指着仇奕森说:“我居住的酒店,今天被警方好一阵搜查,你猜是什么原因?” 左轮泰知道,是写给蒙戈利将军的那封怪信生了效,搭腔说:“可有什么东西被搜出来?” 骆驼悠然说:“幸好我有先见之明,晨间看到报上的消息后,立刻将两件膺品派专人送至仇奕森处了!” “那就便宜仇奕森了!”左轮泰颇感失望,他的狡计并没有得逞。 “仇奕森又很快的将它邮寄给林边水了!”骆驼笑着说。 “为什么要这样做呢?” “这得要老狐狸自己解释!”骆驼显得十分俏皮,表示他并无吃亏之处。
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