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Chapter 12 Chapter 11 Robber Meets Robber

bucket camel 牛哥 11847Words 2018-03-22
The moon is dark and the wind is high, this is the night planned by Zuo Luntai for stealing treasures.In Zuo Luntai's plan of action, he needs a total of three people: Zuo Luntai, Guan Renmei, and Lei Lanlan.He is also very confident, thinking that he is "a plan without leaving anything behind", and it only takes 20 minutes to get the treasure. The first thing is that Zuo Luntai, Guan Renmei, and Lei Lanlan are facing each other's watches. There must be no mistakes in time, otherwise there will be a total miscalculation. Two cars drove out of "Manshan Farm" quietly.Zuo Luntai drove a taxi for business use. He was dressed in dark clothing suitable for night travel, and the toolbox contained all necessary tools.Guan Renmei and Lei Lanlan shared the private car of "Singeli Car Rental Company" for customers to drive by themselves, and they also carried all the equipment.

Guan Renmei is not very old, but she followed her adoptive father Zuo Luntai to travel all over the world. Over the years, she has experienced various bizarre cases.This is also the reason why she has confidence in Zuo Luntai. In many adventures, Zuo Luntai seems to have never failed. Lei Lanlan was different, she had never done anything like "sneaking and committing crimes." She was a little nervous and timid.In the car, it's like sitting on pins and needles. Guan Renmei was driving the car and found Lei Lanlan's situation. "Why are you frowning? Every time we do something, we must do it with the happiest mood!" Guan Renmei opened up the chatter box to appease Lei Lanlan's emotions.

Lei Lanlan sighed and said, "I'm only worried that if something goes wrong, I'm sorry for Mr. Zuo Luntai, and even more sorry for Ms. Zhu Daishi's family!" Guan Renmei gave a haha, and said, "Don't worry, Zuo Luntai's arrangements rarely go wrong. You just have stage fright. For example: a new actor, before the play begins, He would be extremely nervous and fidgety, but when the gong sounded, the lights came on, and the curtain opened, he returned to normal. As long as you treat it as acting, I think it will be very good!" Lei Lanlan said: "I may also become an actor who is tongue-tied and speechless, trembling all over, so what should I do?"

"That's just right, all pregnant women who are about to give birth are like this!" "Hey, what should I do if someone finds out?" "A pregnant woman is giving birth, who can see through it? Unless it is the doctor who delivered your baby! But Joe is pretending to be the doctor is Zuo Luntai! You just need to pay attention, when you fall to the ground in abdominal pain, passers-by find out, don't let anyone touch your belly! " Lei Lanlan scratched her ears and said, "I'm just worried that I won't be able to act well..." "I think you will perform very well, because the Prime Minister Zuolun has never made a mistake. If he thinks you can do it, you will do it!"

Lei Lanlan was wearing a loose maternity dress, stroking her camouflaged round belly, feeling uncomfortable all over her body.Her face was smeared with stage make-up oil, which was shiny, and when she arrived on stage, she had to mess up her hair a little and added a little sweat.
Soon, the car came to the place where Lei Lanlan was supposed to be lying on the side of the road pretending to give birth.I saw Zuo Luntai's car pretending to have a mechanical failure, and Zuo Luntai was lifting the hood to make adjustments. Guan Renmei drove the car and stopped beside him, as if they met by chance and struck up a conversation.

Zuo Luntai told Lei Lanlan, "This location is the most favorable place for you to act. With the dim street lights and the oil paint on your face, your performance will definitely be very good!" A big tree on the opposite side of the road said: "You temporarily hide behind that giant tree to rest, and come out after checking the time!" Lei Lanlan was obedient, at this moment, she had no room for repentance. After Lei Lanlan got out of the car, Guan Renmei drove forward alone. At midnight, there were no pedestrians and no cars passing by on the road. Zuo Luntai stood in for Lei Lanlan, and when she was safely hidden behind the giant tree, he boarded the car and followed Guan Renmei away.

The Hall of the World's Fair was in sight, and though it was midnight, it was still lit like a star.In more than half an hour, it was time for the night guards to change shifts. Guan Renmei's car detoured into the fork directly opposite the Temple of Heaven exhibition hall, where there was a lonely snack bar.During the day, it is exclusively for passers-by on the road to satisfy their hunger and to do snack business.After the night fell, there was no more business to do on the highway, so the store closed accordingly. For the sake of convenience, the night time of the night guards at the Temple of Heaven Exhibition was contracted by "Harry's Snack Bar".Because of the proximity of the road, it supplies the guards with hot drinks and hot food, adding calories to survive the long night.The owner, Mr. Harry, left the shop and returned home after the shop closed. His little daughter Pudi was in charge of ordering hot drinks at night. All the supplies were ready-made, placed in the stove or oven, and Pudi would deliver them when the time came. Just go over there.

The guards in the Temple of Heaven exhibition room change shifts every four hours. Those who take over at 2:00 midnight will arrive at about 1:50 minutes. There are still some subtle procedures before the shift change. Signature, check everything is correct.The coffee sent by Pu Di should be delivered at around two o'clock at night. This little girl is quite responsible, she started to prepare after one o'clock, the coffee was boiling hot, the beef patties or hot dog buns were wrapped in paper paper one by one, in addition, utensils such as cups, saucers and spoons were placed in a food delivery rattan box.

The snack bar is a long bungalow at one end of the road, with windows on three sides and tulle curtains hanging down, but as long as the lights in the house are on, you can see the movement inside the house. Guan Renmei turned the car around to the side of the house, and through the curtains, she could already see Pudi cleaning up the night snacks and drinks that were about to be delivered.Guan Renmei quietly slipped to the locked glass door, raised her hand and knocked on the door.Puti was very surprised, how could there be visitors at such a time! Guan Renmei kept waving to her through the glass door.Puti gave up her work and rushed towards the glass door.When she found a young girl standing outside the door, she felt a little relieved; she asked Guan Renmei what was the matter?Guan Renmei shook her head, indicating that she couldn't hear through the glass door.

Puti had no choice but to pull out the latch, unscrew the lock, and open the glass door. "Miss, what can you do?" she asked. Guan Renmei hurriedly said: "I passed by here on my way, I was very hungry and smelled the aroma of coffee, so I knocked on the door, hoping to buy some food to satisfy my hunger!" Puti shook her head and said, "I'm very sorry, all the food I prepare is delivered!" Guan Renmei had automatically entered the house, pretending to be greedy on purpose, and said, "Can't I spare a portion or two? I'm really hungry!" "Sorry, it's a fixed portion size!"

"I'm willing to pay double the price!" "No matter how much the price is, it's going to be sent to the opposite door for the guards on the night shift to enjoy. We have a contract and stipulate the portion!" "Can't you even spare a lot?" Puti is a kind-hearted girl, and she said in a very sympathetic tone: "If there are more, I am willing to give them away for free!" Guan Renmei sighed and said, "My luck is really bad! However, I think it should be no problem to spare a cup of hot coffee, right?" Puti said: "In this case, let me make you a cup of coffee!" Guan Renmei quickly thanked her. When Pu Di poured coffee for Guan Renmei, she kept asking questions. "Why did you arrive in Mexico City at midnight? Where did you come from?" Guan Renmei has already begun to pay attention to the movements outside the house, the most important thing is not to catch someone passing by at this time, just in time to spy on her attack.According to the time calculation, Zuo Luntai's car has already arrived, and it happened to watch out for her by the side of the road. If there was any unexpected movement outside the house, Zuo Luntai would sound the horn as a signal to teach Guan Renmei to be alert. "I passed by here from Xialong City, and I was going to meet my fiancé on the seashore of Jialasi!" She replied Pudi. Jialasi Beach is a famous summer resort in Mexico City. Many tourists come from thousands of miles away. It is not surprising that they pass by in a hurry, but Pudi believed it when he heard it. "You really love love first!" She said with a smile, and when the hot coffee was served in Guan Renmei's hands, she also handed Guan Renmei sugar and milk, while she began to tidy up her utensils. Taking advantage of her inattention, Guan Renmei had prepared a "Ecstasy Handkerchief" with "Golo Fang" on it. She slipped behind Pudi, and suddenly covered Pudi's mouth and nose.Just as Pudi was about to struggle, Guan Renmei's other hand hugged her tightly and pressed her against the counter with all her strength.In an instant, Bodi lost consciousness. "I'm very sorry, I really have no choice but to ask you to take a rest for tens of minutes, you really worked too hard!" Guan Renmei murmured. Puti had already passed out, Guan Renmei feared that she would wake up, Zhang Yang went out and missed something, tied up her mouth with a handkerchief, and tied up her hands and feet with some ropes and other things. There is a small kitchen behind the counter of the snack bar, and on the side of the kitchen is a storage room, piled up with scattered cans and sundries, and there is also a sofa chair, which Mr. Harry prepared for himself to take a nap in the afternoon.Guan Renmei put Pudi on the sofa and chair. When she came out of the kitchen, she was already dressed, with a windproof silk scarf tied around her neck and a small apron tied around her waist. She picked up the two food baskets Puti had packed up, and all the lights in the house were turned off. , and specially locked the glass door for her. Zuo Luntai's car was still parked nearby to watch out for Guan Renmei. Guan Renmei came out and gestured, indicating that everything was going well.Looking at the time, there is no slight error.Revolver started the motor and drove the car forward. Guan Renmei went back to her car first, and took out the coffee pot that Zuo Luntai had prepared for her.Guan Renmei saw the time, carried the food basket in both hands, and swayed across the wide road. The guards who just changed their shift came to meet them. They went one step ahead and filed into the Temple of Heaven Exhibition Hall. Changing shifts still requires a little formality, signing and checking, and it usually takes two to three minutes before the off-duty guards will leave in a team. Guan Renmei stood guard outside the gate, and after the off-duty guards left, the new successors hadn't stepped onto their posts, and walked towards the Temple of Heaven exhibition room with a food basket in both hands. "Why did Miss Pudi come so early today?" A guard greeted her first. "That's not Pudi, I changed to another person today!" Another guard said. Guan Renmei hurriedly said: "I am Pudi's older sister. Pudi is not feeling well today. I am here to replace her!" "No wonder, she is much more mature than Pudi!" At this time, several guards laughed at the same time, and then they surrounded Guan Renmei. "What good food did you bring us today? No beef patties and sauerkraut hot dogs again?" Guan Renmei waved her hand and said, "Don't act like a 'hungry wolf', tell me where is the plug?" "There are plugs everywhere in this exhibition room, you can use whatever you want!" A guard made a playful smile on purpose, causing all the guards to laugh. Guan Renmei was pretty and handsome, and it was her first time seeing her, so they were particularly interested.Guan Renmei claimed to be Pudi's older sister, and she was here to deliver the night meal on her sister's behalf, and none of the guards became suspicious. When the guards focused all their attention on Guan Renmei and ate tofu in a hurry, it was Revolver Tai who climbed the steel cable, climbed into the wall of the expo, and went straight to the roof of the Mongolian barbecue restaurant in the "China Pavilion" when. There is a distance of about 40 to 50 feet between the Mongolian Barbecue Hall and the Temple of Heaven exhibition room. Because it is a Liba steel frame building, many steel cables are pulled in all directions, and some of the steel cables are directly connected to the ground outside the venue.Zuo Luntai parked the car in a hidden place, took all the props that were used, put a black cloth bag on his shoulder, and climbed the steel cable to the steel frame building. The Temple of Heaven exhibition room was lit, and one could look down from a height to see the guards surrounding Guan Renmei, laughing and playing. Guan Renmei has found the electric plug, and plugged in the electric coffee pot. Once the ecstasy in the coffee pot evaporates, the medicine will turn into smoke and disperse in the air. Once you sniff it, you will feel dizzy .The guards didn't know what was going on, and thought it was the result of staying up late all night and lack of energy, and they needed a cup of hot coffee to refresh themselves. At this time, Guan Renmei had to cover her nose with a handkerchief, which contained a special antidote, which could avoid the ecstasy smoke. "Hey, what's the matter? The whole person is light and light, as if his feet are on floating clouds!" A guard said with his head on his hands. "Watching at night and gambling during the day, how much physical strength can a person survive?" Another guard teased him. Four guards were required to stay in the Temple of Heaven exhibition room, and another four guarded the entrance and surrounding areas separately. However, at night, they all rushed into the room, leaving only one guard at the entrance. Between the gates.Guan Renmei deliberately went outside to invite the guard to come in for coffee. At this time, Zuo Luntai had already climbed to the round roof of the Mongolian barbecue restaurant. He took out his long gun and was ready to shoot at the right time to create a fire alarm.The guards were already drinking coffee, and as long as the coffee was in their stomachs, combined with the ecstasy smoke they smelled just now, they would quickly lie down, at least falling into a coma for dozens of minutes. Zuo Lutai put on infrared glasses, and several shooting targets that had been loaded with incendiary gas cartridges would be clearly displayed.The first goal is to install a window at the end of the second floor of the office building in the center of the trade fair. The top of a fire extinguisher is hung on the wall. The burning gas cylinder is only the size of a beverage can and is coated with ultraviolet reflective paint. With infrared glasses, its reflection can be seen very clearly. Zuo Luntai was nicknamed "The World's No. 1 Gunslinger". His marksmanship was originally astonishing, and he could hit a hundred shots within a thousand yards.He installed a silencer on the muzzle of his gun, and looked down from a high position. He could see that several guards in the exhibition room of the Temple of Heaven were already staggering, and he believed that they would lie down in less than half a minute. Revolver began to take aim. He pulled the trigger, "chop"!There was a flash of fire.Not bad, no false shots on the first shot.I saw that the window of the office building was filled with thick smoke immediately, and the burning gas had already taken effect, and it began to burn, and the flames were blazing, as if it was on fire. Zuo Luntai fired a second shot, aiming at a utility pole next to the office building, on which was a square current transformer, and a burning gas was installed at the top of it. The second shot also hit the target.I saw a flash of fire, and a blue flame flowed out of the gas tank, as if a wire had gone off fire. Zuo Luntai fired a second shot, aiming to install it on the electric wire transformer in the children's playground. There were three places on fire in the exposition hall. The strange thing is that the exposition hall was still deserted and quiet, and no one noticed the fire.Zuo Luntai was puzzled.After the fire alarm, the electric current in the exhibition hall was turned off so that he could start stealing treasures. If the time was delayed, his entire plan would be overturned. At this time, it is believed that several guards in the exhibition room of the Temple of Heaven had already suffered from a drug attack and lay down.Guan Renmei dragged them one by one into the guard room to hide them, so as not to be noticed. Suddenly, the alarm bell rang, and at the same time someone shouted fire.The person who discovered the fire was not the staff who stayed in the office building overnight, but was in another cultural relics exhibition room in a western country.The night duty personnel of many units were all awakened, and rushed to spread the news one after another, and the order was chaotic for a while. Zuo Luntai couldn't miscalculate in terms of time. He disassembled the rifle and put it away. He took out the rope from the black cloth bag and threw it to the roof of the Temple of Heaven exhibition room. When there was chaos on the ground, the rope was quickly suspended across the roof of the Temple of Heaven exhibition room. He was agile and dressed in black night clothes, like a flowing shadow passing by in the air. The strange thing is that the power has not been cut off at this time, and the people who control the power don't know where it went. There were three places where the fire was burning, and Zuo Luntai was not worried at all. As long as the news of the fire alarm got out, the power would have to be cut off.He rolled over from the roof of the Temple of Heaven and fell to the skylight on the highest floor, and looked down through the window.At this time, Guan Renmei had already packed up several guards who were in a coma, and was climbing the wall to use adhesive tape to stick the electric eyes hanging on the wall one by one. When Zuo Luntai was about to enter the house through the skylight, suddenly there was movement outside the Temple of Heaven.Zuo Luntai turned around and looked, and couldn't help but turn pale with shock. It turned out that there were several fully armed guards outside the gate. "It's weird, no one is guarding the gate and the second gate!" said one of the guards. "The fire is so beneficial to us now, hurry up and buy time!" Another person said. There were three of them in total, and they broke into the exhibition room of the Temple of Heaven in a ghostly way. Zuo Luntai was puzzled, where did these three guards come from?Look at their costumes, they are no different from those of ordinary night guards, but the night guards have already gone to work, so why are there three more people here?There is no reason for two groups of people to take over at the same time! Then one of them said to buy time to start, what did they do? Guan Renmei also found the presence of these three unexpected guests in the room. She tried to send a danger signal to Zuo Luntai in time, but it was too late. The three uninvited guards had already pushed open the glass door and broke into the exhibition room of the Temple of Heaven. .Zuo Luntai let out a soft cry, and she looked up to find Zuo Luntai showing his head on the skylight, which was about ten feet above the ground.Guan Renmei unhurriedly jumped onto a TV set, kicked one leg towards the wall, and was caught by Zuo Luntai very lightly with one hand. Zuo Luntai pushed Guan Renmei to the skylight and climbed out of the roof. At this time, the venue of the exposition was noisy, and the night duty personnel woke up from their sleep and were busy fighting the fire. "What's going on?" Guan Renmei asked softly while leaning on the back of the room. "Who knows? Let's take a peek for a while, the background of these people seems to be a little bit wrong!" Zuo Luntai said. After the three armed guards slipped into the exhibition room, each of them drew their guns, looking menacing. "It's strange, there is no one in the house..." One of them said in amazement, "Maybe they went to fight the fire!" "No! Look, they are all asleep in the guard room!" "How could such a thing happen!" Among the three people, the leader is not tall, but it can be seen that his actions are quite agile.The other two were tall and tall, one of whom was black. "In this way, we don't have to do anything, and a fierce fight can be saved!" said the black man. "Let's gossip, it happened that someone came to steal treasure at the same time as us, and we were one step ahead of them!" The leader said: "We will soon start to remove the current leading to the exhibition room. After the power is cut off, the alarm bell will not ring. Already!" The three men began to work in the guard room, and one of them was still holding an axe, looking for the wall through which the power supply passed to pry and dig. Zuo Luntai suddenly realized that these three people also came for the purpose of stealing treasures. They pretended to be guards and planned to use force to rob them.It happened so coincidentally that they chose to do it at the same time as Zuo Luntai. Zuo Luntai had a plan. He broke through the defense weakness of the treasure exhibition room step by step, and stole the treasure without anyone noticing. A piece of treasure was easily stolen.But these three guys are sitting on all the ready-made deployments of Revolver. Judging from the fact that they were going to use an ax to cut off the wires embedded in the wall, the three of them were complete laymen. The wires of the electronic anti-theft equipment were criss-crossed, and no confusion was allowed, otherwise the alarm bell would ring at any time.If the anti-theft bell rings, the entire expo and commercial exhibition venue can hear it, and all the police officers on duty at night will surround them to arrest the robbers. Not to mention these three people can't escape, even Zuo Luntai and Guan Renmei can't escape. Zuo Luntai was sweating all over his body, wishing he could stop them immediately and warn them.However, each of the three held a murder weapon, and they were clearly desperadoes. "What is the origin of these three people?" Guan Renmei asked. Zuo Luntai shook his head and murmured, "Maybe they are the three masked thieves that Qiu Yisen is trying his best to investigate!" "Could it be someone from the camel side?" "Luo Tuo is a famous thief. He has many capable men under his command. How can he be so unprofessional?" "What should we do? We have worked hard, and we are finally about to succeed. Now, the scene has been completely destroyed by them, and the treasure we want to get is stolen by them..." Guan Renmei said anxiously, rubbing her hands. Zuo Luntai shook his head and said: "Fortunately, the treasure is a counterfeit, it doesn't matter if they steal it!" Seeing that the three thieves had split a corner of the wall with a sharp axe, they could see the PPC pipes where the wires were buried. Guan Renmei said anxiously again: "If the alarm bell rings and all the firefighters gather around to arrest the robbers, what should we do then? It would be too dishonorable to be arrested together with them!" Zuo Luntai said: "The current situation is easy to understand. If these three desperadoes are rounded up, they will definitely fight. We still have time to escape. Now, I want to scare them half to death first, and then make other reasons." !" As Zuo Luntai said, he took out a "jack" for repairing cars from the black cloth bag. This was for him to lift up the heavy glass cover on the treasure exhibition stand after the power outage. Guan Renmei's petite figure, The "jack" raised the glass cover to a gap about half a foot high, and Guan Renmei could get in, take out the pearl shirt and dragon ball hat, leave the name card of "Professor Yixia", and restore everything . Zuo Luntai slipped from the back of the Temple of Heaven to the exhibition room, and gently opened the skylight. He held the "jack" and aimed at the glass cover and smashed it down. After working, he rushed out of the exhibition room in a panic. At this moment, the lights went out, and the entire Expo Chamber declared a power outage.According to Zuo Luntai's estimation, the power outage was delayed for at least seven or eight minutes. "Hey, there's a power outage!" a gangster yelled. "So, we don't need to disconnect the wires!" said the black man, "It's really good for us!" "It's all with the help of the fire department!" "We just need to split the glass cover with an axe." One of the thieves still had a flashlight on. At this time, those desperadoes actually started to smash the glass cover with axes. Clang, clang, and the sound of glass breaking was quite ear-piercing. Fortunately, there was a bustling sound of firefighting in the expo hall, otherwise someone would soon find out that something was wrong here. Those desperadoes lost their heads in the fever of getting rich. After a while of fright, they had already thrown away the strange sound of smashing glass just now. Zuo Luntai sighed and said: "We are in bad luck, 'theft meets robbery', the scene was destroyed by them, as long as the power is restored, all the alarm bells of the electronic anti-theft equipment will ring, and the traffic will be blocked in all directions, and even we will be killed. It’s implicated! If we don’t leave at this time, there will be no chance, and in a few minutes, those guards who are sleeping will wake up!” Guan Renmei said: "If we leave like this, it's not too cheap for these thieves!" Zuo Luntai said: "If we stay any longer, we will be arrested together with them, and we won't be able to get rid of it even if we jump into the Yellow River!" A rope connected to the roof of the Mongolian barbecue restaurant has not been removed, Zuo Luntai asked Guan Renmeixing to crawl in front of the rope. Guan Renmei had practiced climbing ropes before, and she didn't need any effort at all, and her skills were quite nimble. In just a moment, she had already climbed up the circular steel frame roof of the Mongolian barbecue restaurant. Zuo Luntai also followed the hanging rope, and Guan Renmei helped her adoptive father take the black cloth bag, put away the rope, and murmured, "Leaving like this, I really don't want to be reconciled!" Zuo Luntai said: "That's fine, if the counterfeit on display is robbed, we can directly attack Qiu Yisen with all our heart and soul, and go for the real one in his collection!" Guan Renmei said, "Who are those three thieves? Do you have any impression?" "One of them is black, isn't it easy to identify?" Zuo Luntai replied. "There are probably hundreds of thousands of black people in Mexico City!" "Do you remember that Wallace Fanlun, a private detective hired by Jin Jinghua, has two assistants, one of whom is white named Williams, and the other is black named Scott!" "Oh, do you suspect that these three thieves are private detectives hired by Jin Jinghua?" "Isn't it? The leader is very similar to Wallace Van Lun. Although he has put on a disguise and a guard's uniform, he can still be recognized on the outline. It's only because we didn't put them in normally. In my eyes, I didn't even look at their faces!" Guan Renmei was stunned, and sighed, "Isn't Jin Jinghua equivalent to 'leading wolves into the house'? Private detectives were hired to protect the safety of the exhibited treasures, but instead they carried out self-stealing..." Zuo Luntai said: "This is the use of non-human beings. I can only blame Jin Jinghua for trusting his friends too much. In addition, the price he paid is too different from the value of the treasures on display. It is inevitable that people will be tempted by money!" The father and daughter packed up and hung the steel cable from the roof of the Mongolian barbecue restaurant, and went beyond the wall of the exhibition site. Come. "Do you think those three thieves will be caught?" Guan Renmei anxiously remembered that it was still the three desperadoes. "It depends on their good fortune. I don't think they can escape very far. However, their behavior has already implicated you. Pudi from the 'Harry's Snack Bar' will confess your appearance. The police will want you immediately!" "When the incident happens tomorrow, Luo Tuo and Qiu Yisen will think that you deliberately used this kind of low-handed method. That would be a big joke!" Guan Renmei said. "In any case, as long as this case happens, the world will be in chaos. What I am most interested in is to see how the old, treacherous and crooked camel will deal with it. General Montgoli will receive the report at noon tomorrow. That strange letter, first of all, people will suspect Luo Tuo's head, Luo Tuo is hiding two counterfeit products, he is not in a hurry, and he is in a state of desperation!" At this time, the fire engine was gradually approaching, with its lights looking around, Zuo Luntai and Guan Renmei had to go around to the side of the road to escape. "I think, at this time, Lei Lanlan thought we had succeeded, and would start to pretend to have abdominal pain and give birth. If she has already attracted well-meaning passers-by, this scene will have to continue." Zuo Luntai said. "If Lei Lanlan hasn't attracted the attention of passers-by, we still have time to stop it!" Guan Renmei said. Their father and daughter hurried to catch up with the car. This time, Guan Renmei drove the taxi, and Zuo Luntai drove his own car. They flew back the way they came, one after the other. Lei Lanlan's performance is quite realistic, she deserves to be a good actress.She followed Zuo Luntai's rules to make an appointment, every minute and every second were exactly the same, and she really lay down on the lawn beside the road, moaning and groaning. It happened very coincidentally that a young man driving a milky white sports car passed by.That man looked like a wealthy young man from a wealthy family, well dressed and polite. His car passed by and he stopped immediately when he saw Lei Lanlan lying on the side of the road. He didn't need to ask the reason, he knew what it was just by looking at Lei Lanlan's appearance.What he wondered was, why would a girl with a pot belly lie alone beside the main road in the middle of the night?It must be that there is a problem in the family, the husband and wife are at odds, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are at odds... He advised Lei Lanlan and was willing to send her to the hospital. But Lei Lanlan refused no matter what. She said that she had a female companion with her, and she had already rushed forward to invite the doctor.The young man planned to help her up from the ground and teach her to lie down in the car, but Lei Lanlan still refused, she would rather lie on the mud floor moaning and rolling. After a while, a patrol motorcycle police car passed by, and the young man stopped the motorcycle and asked the road policeman to help him.The road policeman also helped to persuade her, but Lei Lanlan insisted that her female companion will invite the doctor soon, so she taught the two men to worry about her. When things like this happened on the main road, the police couldn't leave them alone, especially at midnight and within his jurisdiction; when there was a fire at the fair, he couldn't do both, so he had to call for help by radio.Not long after, another motorcycle police car arrived. After some discussion, the two road policemen decided to divide their responsibilities, leaving one to greet the pregnant woman who was about to give birth, and the other to rush to the scene of the fire. A policeman who arrived later was more experienced. He used a wireless phone to contact the headquarters and asked them to call an ambulance to drive to the scene. When Lei Lanlan heard the policeman calling for an ambulance, she was secretly worried. If the ambulance really arrived and they forcibly carried her to the hospital, wouldn't that be bad? Isn't the "diorama" just torn apart?While moaning, she prevented the police officer from calling an ambulance, saying, "My companion has already gone to find a doctor for me, and the doctor will arrive soon. Even if the ambulance arrives, I will not go with you..." But the policeman ignored Lei Lanlan, he comforted Lei Lanlan and said, "This is not a joke..." Lei Lanlan knew that it was useless to object.She peeked at her watch from time to time. If Zuo Luntai followed the plan and nothing unexpected happened, the father and daughter had already succeeded, and it was time to rush to the place where she lay down. The fire alarm had already sounded, indicating that Zuo Luntai was proceeding according to plan. This old gangster in the Jianghu world is sophisticated and experienced, so he shouldn't make mistakes!Why didn't you arrive on time? Lei Lanlan had to continue "acting", her performance was realistic, the mother was about to give birth, there were intermittent labor pains in time, after a while, it was tingling... The strange thing is that young man, his heart is so kind?After he called the police, it was said that he had nothing to do with him anymore, but he had no intention of leaving, and stayed by Lei Lanlan's side all the time, wiping Lei Lanlan's sweat with a handkerchief from time to time. Lei Lanlan's face was smeared with the make-up oil used on the stage, thinking, wouldn't it be bad if the make-up oil was wiped off by this kind-hearted young man?Whenever the young man wiped her sweat with a handkerchief, Lei Lanlan would raise his hand to cover it.Her actions seemed very unreasonable, but the young man was not surprised.The temperament of pregnant women is always a little weird, and Lei Lanlan also has a shyness that is almost unfamiliar. The fire trucks sped forward from far to near, passing one by one. "Don't worry, the ambulance will arrive soon!" said the kind police officer. "I don't want an ambulance..." Lei Lanlan yelled, "I only trust the doctor I have hired!" "Have you ever given birth before?" the officer asked. "What is childbirth?" "Have you ever had a baby before? Is it the first?" "My first time..." "Then why do you only trust the doctor you hired? Did you hire an obstetrician or gynecologist?" "Now is not the time to interrogate the patient, we should relieve the suffering of the patient!" The young man spoke up and blamed the police officer. "I'm not asking questions, I'm just advising..." Suddenly, the taxi driven by Guan Renmei arrived. She looked at the current situation, there were passers-by and the police, just as Zuo Luntai expected, when Lei Lanlan found Guan Renmei arrived, she secretly cried out thank God, this is really a rescuer Arrived in time.In order to show her acting talent, Lei Lanlan suffered even more vividly, and even burst into tears. "Miss Lei, I have already invited the doctor for you!" Guan Renmei hurriedly left the taxi and said beside Lei Lanlan. The young man blamed Guan Renmei and said, "How can you leave a pregnant woman who is about to give birth by the side of the road and leave alone?" Guan Renmei explained: "I originally sent her to the doctor, but on the way, she suffered from severe abdominal pain and forced me to stop the car. She wanted to lie on the side of the road to rest, and she would never get in the car again. She said that the fetal position was moved by the impact of the bumping of the car, what should I do?" "Just kidding!" said the young man. "I've never been pregnant or given birth, how can I know these things?" Guan Renmei rebuked her deliberately unhappy. Zuo Luntai's car also arrived. He had changed his whole body, put on a pair of silver-rimmed glasses, and looked much older, just like a doctor. The car stopped by the side of the road. He carried the medical bag, approached the place where Lei Lanlan was lying in a panic on purpose, and said hoarsely, "Nonsense, nonsense, how can you stay on the ground and refuse to leave? Young man I'm really ignorant..." Lei Lanlan could hardly recognize that the old man was Zuo Luntai's incarnation, she sobbed and said, "Doctor Mosen, I am dying of pain..." The police officer greeted Zuo Luntai and said, "What is the doctor's name?" Zuo Luntai stared and said: "Now is not the time to investigate the identity, we must send this pregnant woman to the hospital as soon as possible!" "I've called an ambulance!" "What's the use of calling an ambulance? She's my patient!" Zuo Luntai said, bowed down, helped Lei Lanlan up from the ground, and said, "Who can help me? Help me get her into the car!" That kind young man had already stepped forward, and with his strong arms, he hugged Lei Lanlan by the waist. "Who is this person?" Zuo Luntai asked. "I was passing by." The young man replied. "What a kind heart! God bless you!" Zuo Luntai praised. “莫森医生,这位太太有大碍吗?”他问。 “她的胎位本来就不正,假如情况不对,可能要动大手术!” “那么要尽快赶赴医院去!” “谢谢你的帮忙!” 他们合力将雷兰兰抬进左轮泰的汽车里去之后,那青年人便向那路警关照说:“前面闹火警,交通可能壅塞,我们要争取时间,最好设法使我们交通无阻!” 那位警察一个立正,即骑上了摩托车踩响了马达。 很意外的,那位青年人竟自动地钻进左轮泰的车里,坐在雷兰兰的身畔。 左轮泰怔着,关人美也感愕然。假如说这家伙跟牢了不放,那岂不糟糕么? “你也跟我们一起到医院去么?”左轮泰发动汽车时,回首问。 “也许你们需要一个助手!” “不必了!”左轮泰说:“我的医院里多的是护士!” “不用再麻烦了……”雷兰兰也说。 “一点不碍事,我反正是闲着。”那青年说。 “你太热心了……” “不瞒你说,家母就是因生我难产遇难的,所以我对产妇特别同情!” "What's your name?" “沙利文?蒙戈利。” 左轮泰听见蒙戈利的名字,心中就打了一个疙瘩,他赶忙开亮了车厢的电灯,重新将这青年人打量了一番。青年人也感到诧异,为什么左轮泰的神色会这样的特别?雷兰兰也忘了她的痛苦,不住地向沙利文瞪眼。 “怎么回事?有什么不对吗?”沙利文问。 左轮泰回心一想,这是不可能的事,这名自称是沙利文?蒙戈利的青年分明是东方人,而蒙戈利将军是道地的墨国人,他们之间不可能会有什么关系,据左轮泰所知,蒙戈利将军并无子女,或许是名字上的巧合…… 警车已经在前面开道,特别鸣起了警报,呜呜作响,是时消防车一辆接一辆地驶至,博览会的官员得到火警消息也赶赴现场,道路上顿时热闹起来,假如没有警车开道的话,很难可以顺利行进呢。 左轮泰已无暇再去考虑沙利文?蒙戈利的问题,他驾着汽车,匆忙追随在警车之后。心中却在盘算,在离开这是非之地后,该怎样将这青年人打发走呢?要不然,西洋镜还是会被拆穿的。 “你是在念书还是在工作?”左轮泰边驾着车边问。 “我在三藩市念书,休假到墨城来的!”沙利文回答。 “老家在墨城么?” “我是一个孤儿,家母因难产抛下了我……” 忽的,博览会防盗铃大响,至少有半个墨城的地方可以听得到这可怕的声响。 摩托车仍然在前面疾驰,警号呜呜呜着,有如鬼哭神号,正好和展览会方面的警铃相应和。消防车、救护车,各拉各的警报,有如大合唱,墨城的这天晚上,可谓够热闹了。 汽车穿过市区,将要驶向“满山农场”的道路时,左轮泰停下汽车,向那位路警招呼说: “交通繁杂的地段已经过去,前面不远就到达我的医院,博览会正在闹火警,我想你得赶回去维持秩序,我表雷兰兰小姐向你道谢,待孩子平安生产之后,我会致函警察总署重新致谢的,你们的热心服务,令人赞佩!” 那路警忙说:“致函就不必了,为社会服务是我们的职责。你的医院还有多远?” “就在前面,顶多还有百余码地方,那所高大的黑房子!”左轮泰说。 “你可否给我一张名片?” “非常抱歉,出来时匆忙,没有带名片!” “你是莫森医生么?”路警说时,一面用小簿子记载下来。 “是的,莫森医学博士,妇产科权威,前两天墨城市长的小姨子分娩就是我接生的!” 路警摇头说:“市长的小姨子分娩我倒没有听说,这不是什么新闻嘛!” “生下一个男婴九磅零五盎士!” 路警草草记载完毕,行了一个礼,即调转摩托车头,匆忙又向博览会方向急驰而去。 关人美驾着的计程车追踪而至。她探首车外,说:“为什么汽车停下了?” 左轮泰说:“我向刚才的那位路警道谢,感谢他的热心服务!” 关人美又说:“雷兰兰小姐如何了?情绪比较好些了么?” 左轮泰说:“不要紧,距离生产还有一段时间,头一胎分娩总会比较紧张的!” 沙利文突然插嘴说:“莫森大夫,你说你的医院就在前面那座高大黑色的房子?” 左轮泰说:“是的,有何不妥吗?” “没有!”这青年人连忙解释:“我只是好奇罢了,因为那栋房子经常闹鬼,墨城的市民称它为鬼屋,我不知道它什么时候租出去了?” 左轮泰一怔,说:“那么你对墨城非常熟悉了?” “不!不太熟悉!” “那么你怎知它是鬼屋?” “听说罢了!”
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