Home Categories English reader Fingersmith

Chapter 13 Chapter Thirteen

Fingersmith 莎拉·沃特斯 72104Words 2018-03-22
The night which follows I remember brokenly. I remember that I keep at the side of the bed with my eyes quite hidden, and will not rise and go down to the kitchen, as Mrs Sucksby wishes. I remember that Richard comes to me, and again puts his shoe to my skirts, to nudge me, then stands and laughs when I will not stir, then leaves me. I remember that someone brings me soup, which I will not eat. That the lamp is taken away and the room made dark. That I must rise at last, to visit the privy; and that the red-haired, fat-faced girl—Dainty—is made to show me to it, then stands at the door to keep me from running from it into the night. I remember that I weep again, and am given more of my drops in brandy. That I am undressed and put in a night-gown not my own. That I sleep, perhaps for an hour—that I am woken by the rustling of taffeta— that I look in horror to see Mrs Sucksby with her hair let down, shrugging off her gown, uncovering flesh and dirty linen, snuffing out her candle, then c limbing into the bed beside me. I remember

that she lies, thinking me sleeping—puts her hands to me, then draws them back—finally, like a miser with a piece of gold, catches up a lock of my hair and presses it to her mouth. I know that I am conscious of the heat of her, the unfamiliar bulk and sour scents of her. I know that she falls quickly into an even sleep, and snores, while I start in and out of slumber. The fitful sleeping makes the hours pass slowly: it seems to me the night has many nights in it—has years of nights!—through which, as if through drifts of smoke, I am compelled to stumble. I wake now, believing I am in my dressing-room at Briar; now, in my room at Mrs Creams; now, in a madhouse bed, with a nurse vast and comfortable beside me. I wake, a hundred times. I wake to moan and long for slumber—for always, at the last, Comes the remembrance, sharp and fearful, of where I truly lie, how I arrived there, who and what I am.

At last I wake and do not sleep again. The dark has eased a little. There has been a street-lamp burning, that has lit the threads of the bleached net scarf hung at the window; filthy pink. The pink gives way, in time, to a sickly yellow. It creeps, and with it creeps sound—softly at first, then rising in a staggering crescendo: crowing cocks, whistles and bells, dogs, shrieking babies, violent calling , coughing, spitting, the tramp of feet, the endless hollow beating of hooves and the grinding of wheels. Up, up it comes, out of the throat of London. It is six or seven oclock. Mrs Sucksby sleeps on at my side, but I am wide awake now, and wretched, and sick at my stomach. I rise, and— though it is May, and milder here than at Briar—I shiver. I still wear my gloves, but my clothes and shoes and leather bag Mrs Sucksby has locked in a box—In case you should wake bewildered, darling, and, thinking you was at home, get dressed, walk off and be lost.— I re member her saying it, now, as I stood dosed and dazed before her. Where did she put the key?—and the key to the door of the room? I shiver again, more violently, and grow sicker than ever; are horribly clear. I must get out. I must get out! I must get out of London—go anywhere—back to Briar. I must get money. / must, I think—this is the clearest thought of all—/ must get

Sue! Mrs Sucksby breathes heavily, evenly. Where might she have put the keys? Her taffeta gown is hanging from the horse-hair screen: I go silently to it and pat the pockets of its skirt. , the chest of drawers, the mantelpiece— no keys; but many places, I suppose, where they might be concealed. Then she stirs—does not wake, but moves her head; and I think I know—think I begin to remember . . . She has the keys beneath her pillow: I recall the crafty movement of her hand, the muffled ringing of the metal I take a step. Her lips are parted, her white hair loose upon her cheek. I step again, and the floorboards creak. I stand at her side—wait a moment, uncertain; slowly, slowly, reach.

She opens her eyes. She takes my wrist, and smiles. She coughs. My dear, I loves you for trying, she says, wiping her mouth. But the girl aint been born thats got the touch that will get past me, when Ive a mind to something. Her grip is strong about my arm; a caress. I shudder. Lord, aint you cold! she says then. Here, sweetheart, let us cover you up. She pulls the knitted quilt from the bed and puts it about me. Better, dear girl? My hair is tangled, and has fallen before my face. I regard her through it. I wish I were dead, I say. Oh, now, she answers, rising. What kind of talk is that?

I wish you were dead, then. She shakes her head, still smiles. Wild words, dear girl! She sniffs. There has come, from the kitchen, a terrible odour. Smell that? Thats Mr Ibbs, a-cooking up our breakfasts. Lets see who wishes she was dead , now, thats got a plate of bloaters before her! She rubs her hands again. Her hands are red, but the sagging flesh upon her arms has the hue and polish of ivory. She has slept in her chemise and petticoat; now she hooks on a pair of stays, climbs into her taffeta gown, then comes to dip her comb in water and brush her hair. Tra la, hee hee, she sings brokenly, as she

does it. I keep my own tangled hair before my eyes, and watch her. Her naked feet are cracked, and bulge at the toe. Her legs are almost hairless. When she bends to her stockings, she groans. permanently marked by the pinch of her garters. There, now, she says, when she is dressed. A baby has started crying. That will set my others all off. Come down, dear girl—will you?—while I give em their pap. Come down? I say. I must go down, if I am to escape. But I look at myself. Like this? Wont you give me back my gown, my shoes? Perhaps I say it too keenly, however; or else my look has something of cunning, or desperation, in it. She hesitates, then says, That dusty old frock? Them boots? Why, thats walking-gear. silk wrapper. She takes up the dressing-gown from the hook on the back of the door. Heres what ladies wear, for their mornings at home. Heres silk slippers, too. Shant you look well, in these? Slip em on, dear girl, and come down for your breakfast. No need to be shy. John Vroom dont rise before twelve, theres only me, and Gentleman—hes seen you in a state of dishabilly, I suppose!—and Mr Ibbs. And him, dear girl, you might consider now in the light of—well, lets say an uncle. Eh?

I turn away. The room is hateful to me; but I will not go with her, undressed, down to that dark kitchen. She pleads and coaxes a little longer; then gives me up, and goes. The key turns in the lock. I step at once to the box that holds my clothes, to try the lid. It is shut up tight, and is stout. So then I go to the window, to push at the sashes. They will lift, by an inch or two, and the rusting nails that keep them shut I think might give, if I pushed harder. But then, the window frame is narrow , the drop is great; and I am still undressed. Worse than that, the street has people in it; and though at first I think to call to them—to break the glass, to signal and shriek—after a second I begin to look more closely at them, and I see their faces, their dusty clothes, the packets they carry, the children and dogs that run and tumble at their sides. There is life, said Richard, twelve hours ago.

is hard, it is wretched. It would have been yours, but for Mrs Sucksbys kindness in keeping you from it. . . At the door to the house with the shutters with the heart-shaped holes, a girl in a dirty bandage sits and feeds her baby. She lifts her head, catches my gaze; I start back from the glass, and cover my face up with my hands. When Mrs Sucksby comes again, however, I am ready. Listen to me, I say, going to her. You know that Richard took me away from my uncles house? You know my uncle is rich, and will seek me out? Your uncle? she says. She has brought me a tray, but stands in the door-place until I move back.

Mr Lilly, I say, as I do it. You know who I mean. He still thinks me his niece, at least. Dont you suppose he will send a man, and find me? Do you think he will thank you, for keeping me like this? I should say he will--if he cares so much about it. Aint we made you cozy, dear? You know you have not. You know you are keeping me here against my will. For Gods sake, give me my gown, won't you? All right, Mrs Sucksby?—It is Mr Ibbs. My voice has risen, and has brought him out of the kitchen to the foot of the stairs. Richard, too, has stirred in his bed: I hear him cross his floor, draw open his door, and listen.

All right! calls Mrs Sucksby lightly. There, now, she says to me. And heres your breakfast, look, growing chilly. She sets the tray upon the bed. The door is open; but I know that Mr Ibbs still stands at the foot of the stairs, that Richard waits and listens at the top. There, now, she says again. and a fork upon it, and a linen napkin. Upon the plate there are two or three amber-coloured fish in a juice of butter and water. They have fins, and faces. About the napkin there is a ring of polished silver, a little like the one that was kept for my especial use at Briar; but without the initial. Please let me go, I say. Mrs Sucksby shakes her head. Dear girl, she says, go where? She waits and, when I do not answer, leaves me. Richard closes his door and goes back to his bed. I hear him humming. I think of taking up the plate, hurling it against the ceiling, the window, the wall. Then I think: You must be strong. You must be strong and ready to run. And so I sit and eat—slowly, wretchedly, carefully picking out the bones from the amber flesh. My gloves grow damp and stained; and I have none with which to replace them. After an hour, Mrs Sucksby comes back, to take the empty plate. Another hour, and she brings me coffee. While she is gone I stand, again, at the window, or press my ear to the door. I pace, and sit , and pace again. I pass from fury to maudlin grief, to stupor. But then Richard comes. Well, Maud— is all he says. I see him, and am filled with a blistering rage. I make a run at him, meaning to strike his face: he wards off the blows and knocks me down, and I lie upon the floor and kick, and kick— Then they dose me again with medicine and brandy; and a day or two passes in darkness. When I wake next, it is again unnaturally early. There has appeared in the room a little basket chair, painted gold, with a scarlet cushion on it. I take it to the window and sit with the dressing-gown about me, until Mrs. Sucksby yawns and opens her eyes. Dear girl, all right? she says, as she will say every day, every day; and the idiocy or perversity of the question—when all is so far from being right, as to be so wrong I would almost rather die than endure it —prompts me to grind my teeth or pull at my hair, and gaze at her in loathing. Good girl, she says then, and, Like your chair, do you, dear? I supposed you would. She yawns again, and looks about her. Got the po? she says. I am used in my modesty to taking the chamber-pot behind the horse-hair screen. Pass it over, will you, sweetheart? Im ready to bust. I do not move. After a second she rises and fetches it herself. It is a thing of white china, dark inside with what, when I saw it first, in the half-light of morning, I queasily took to be clumps of hair but which proved to be decoration merely—a great eye with lashes, and about it, in a plain black fountain, a motto: use me well and keep me clean and ill not tell of what ive seen! a present from wales The eye gives me, always, a moment or two of uneasiness; but Mrs Sucksby sets the pot down and carefully lifts her skirt, and stoops. When I shudder, she makes a face. Not nice, is it, dear? Never mind. We shall have you a closet, in our grand house. She straightens, pushes her petticoat between her legs. Then she rubs her hands. Now, then, she says. She is looking me over, and her eyes are gleaming. What do you say to this? How about we dress you up today, make you look handsome? Theres your own gown in the box. a dull old thing, aint it? And queer and old-fashioned? How about we try you in something nicer. I got dresses saved for you—got em wrapped in silver-paper—that fine, you wont believe it. Bring Dainty in and get em fitted up? Daintys clever with a needle, though she seems so rough—dont she? Thats just her way. She was what you would say, not brought up, but dragged up. But she is kind at her heart. She has my attention, now. Dresses, I think. Once I am dressed, I might escape. She sees the change in me, and is pleased. She brings me another breakfast of fish, and again I eat it. She brings me coffee, sweet as syrup: it makes my heart beat hard. Then she brings me a can of hot water . She wets a towel and tries to wash me. I will not let her, but take the towel from her, press it against my face, under my arms, between my legs.—The first time, in all my life, that I washed myself. Then she goes off—locks the door, of course, behind her—comes back with Dainty. They are carrying paper boxes. They set them down upon the bed, untie their strings and draw out gowns. Dainty sees them, and screams. The gowns are all of silk: one of violet, with yellow ribbon trimming it, another of green with a silver stripe, and a third of crimson . Dainty takes up an edge of cloth and strokes it. Pongee? she says, as if in wonder. Pongee, with a foulard rouche, says Mrs Sucksby—the words coming awkwardly, fleshily out of her mouth, like cherry stones. She lifts the crimson skirt, her chin and cheeks as red in the reflected light of the silk as if stained with cochineal . She catches my eye. What do you say, my dear, to these? I have not known such colours, such fabrics, such gowns, exist. I imagine myself in them, upon the streets of London. My heart has sunk. She blinks, then recovers. You say that now. But you been kept too long in that dreary great house of your uncles. Is it to be wondered at if youve no more idea of ​​fashion, than a bat? dear girl, upon the town, you shall have a set of dresses so gay, you shall look back on these and laugh your head off to think you ever supposed em bright. She rubs her hands. Now, which best takes your fancy? The arsenic green and the silver? Haven't you a grey, I say, or a brown, or a black? Dainty looks at me in disgust. Grey, brown or black? says Mrs Sucksby. When theres silver here, and violet? Make it the violet, then, I say at last. I think the stripe will blind me, the crimson make me sick; though I am sick, anyway. Mrs Sucksby goes to the chest of drawers and opens it up. She brings out stockings , and stays, and colored petticoats. The petticoats astonish me: for I have always supposed that linen must be white—just as, when I was a child, I thought that all black books must turn out Bibles. But I must be colored now, or go naked. They dress me, like two girls dressing a doll. Now, where must we nip it? says Mrs Sucksby, studying the gown. Hold still, my dear, while Dainty takes her measure. look at your waist.—Hold steady! A person dont want to wriggle while Daintys by with a pin in her hand, I can tell you.—Thats better. Too loose, is it? Well, we cant be particular about the size— ha, ha!—the way we get em. They take away my gloves; but bring me new ones. On my feet they put white silk slippers. May I not wear shoes? I say, and Mrs Sucksby answers: Shoes? Dear girl, shoes are for walking in. Whereve you got to walk to . . .? She says it distractedly. She has opened up the great wooden box and brought out my leather bag. Now, as I look on, and while Dainty stitches, she goes with it to the light of the window, makes herself comfortable in the creaking basket chair, and begins to sort through the items inside. I watch as she fingers slippers, playing-cards, combs. Its my jewels she wants, however. She finds in time the little linen packet, unwraps it and tips the contents into her lap . Now, whats here? A ring. A bangle. A ladies picture. She gazes at this in an assessing way; then all at once her expression changes. I know whose features she is seeing there, upon the face where once I looked for mine . She puts it quickly aside. A bracelet of emeralds, she says next, in fashion at the time of King George; but with handsome stones. We shall find you a nice price for those. A pearl on a chain. A ruby ​​necklace— thats too heavy, that is, for a girl with your looks. I got you a nice set of beads—glass beads, but with such a shine, youd swear they was sapphires!—suit you much better. And— Oh! Aint that a beauty? Look Dainty, look at the stunning great stones in that! Dainty looks. What a spanker! she says. It is the brooch of brilliants I once imagined Sue breathing upon, and polishing, and gazing at with a squinting eye. Now Mrs Sucksby holds it up and studies it with her own eye narrowed. It sparkles. It sparkles, even here. I know the place for this, she says. Dear girl, you wont mind? She opens its clasp and pins it to the bosom of her gown. Dainty lets fall her needle and thread, to watch her. Oh, Mrs S! she says. You looks like a regular queen. My heart beats hard again. The Queen of Diamonds, I say. She eyes me uncertainly—not knowing if I mean to compliment or mock. I do not know, myself. For a time, then, we say nothing. Dainty finishes her work, then combs my hair and twists and pins it into a knot. Then they make me stand, so they might survey me. They look expectant, tilt their heads; faces fall. Dainty rubs her nose. Mrs Sucksby drums her fingers across her lips, and frowns. There is a square of glass upon the chimney-piece, with plaster hearts about it: I turn, and see what I can of my face and figure, in that. I barely recognize myself. My mouth is white. My eyes are swollen and red, my cheeks the texture and color of yellow flannel. My unwashed hair is dark with grease at the scalp. The neck of the gown is low, and shows the lines and points of the bones about my throat. Perhaps violet, after all, says Mrs Sucksby, aint the color for you, dear girl. Brings out the shadows under your eyes and makes em seem rather too like bruises. And as for your cheek—what say you give it a bit of a pinch, put the roses back in it? No? Let Dainty try for you then. Shes got a grip like thunder, she has. Dainty comes and seizes my cheek, and I cry out and twist from her grasp. All right, you cat! she says, tossing her head and stamping. Im sure, you can keep your yellow face! Hi! Hi! says Mrs Sucksby. Miss Lilly is a lady! I want her spoke to like one. You put that lip in. Dainty has begun to pout. green and silver? Only a touch of arsenic in that green—wont harm you at all, so long as you keep from sweating too hard in the bodice. But I cannot bear to be handled again, and will not let her unfasten the violet dress. You like it, dear girl? she says then, her face and voice grown softer. There! I knew the silks would bring you round at last. Now, what say we go down and stun the gents? Miss Lilly?—Dainty, you go on first. Them stairs are tricky, I should hate for Miss Lilly to take a tumble. She has unlocked the door. Dainty passes before me and, after a second, I follow. I still wish I had shoes, a hat, a cloak; but I will run, bare-headed, in silken slippers, if I must. will run, all the way to Briar. Which was the door, at the foot of the stairs, that I ought to take? I am not sure. I cannot see. Dainty walks ahead of me, and Mrs Sucksby follows anxiously behind. Find your step, dear girl? she says. I do not answer. For there has come, from some room close by, an extraordinary sound—a sound, like the cry of a peahen, rising, then trembling, then fading to silence. start, and turn. Mrs Sucksby has also turned. Go on, you old bird! she cries, shaking her fist. And then, to me, more sweetly: Not frightened, dear? Why, thats only Mr Ibbss aged sister, that is kept to her bed, poor thing, and prone to the horrors. She smiles. The cry comes again, I hear it and hasten down the shadowy stairs—my limbs aching and cracking as I do it, and my breath coming quick. Dainty waits at the bottom. The hall is small, she seems to fill it .In here, she says. She has opened the door to the kitchen. There is a street-door behind her, I think, with bolts across it. I slow my step. But then Mrs Sucksby comes and touches my shoulder. , dear girl. This way. I step again, and almost stumble. The kitchen is warmer than I recall, and darker. Richard and the boy, John Vroom, are sitting at the table playing at dice. They both look up when I appear, and both laugh. John says, Look at the face on that! Who bruised the eyes, then? Dainty, say it was you and I'll kiss you. Ill bruise your eyes, get my hands on you, says Mrs Sucksby. Miss Lilly is only tired. Get out of that chair, you little waste, and let her sit down. She says this, locking the door at her back, pocketing the key, then crossing the kitchen and trying the other two doors, making sure they are fast.—Keep the drafts out, she says, when she sees me watching her. John throws the dice again, and reckons up his score, before he rises. Richard pats the empty seat. Come, Maud, he says. Come, sit beside me. And if you will only promise not to fly at my eyes— as you did, you know, on Wednesday—then I shall swear, on Johnnys life! not to knock you down again. John scowls. Don't you make so free with my life, he says; else, I might make free with yours—you hear me? Richard does not answer. He holds my gaze, and smiles. Come, let us be friends again, hmm? He puts his hand to me, and I dodge it, drawing my skirts away. The fastening of the doors, the closeness of the kitchen, has filled me with a kind of bleak bravado. I dont care, I say, to be thought a friend of yours. I dont care to be thought a friend to any of you. I come among you because I must; because Mrs Sucksby wills it, and I havent life left in me to thwart her. For the rest, remember this: I loathe you all. And I sit, not in the empty place beside him, but in the great rocking-chair, at the head of the table. I sit in it and it creaks. John and Dainty gaze quickly at Mrs Sucksby, who blinks at me, two or three times. And why not? she says at last, forcing a laugh. You make y6ur-self comfy, my dear. Ill take this hard old chair here, do me good. She sits and wipes her mouth. Mr Ibbs not about? Gone off on a job, says John. Took Charley Wag. She nods. And all my infants sleeping? Gentleman give em a dose, half an hour ago. Good boy, good boy. Keep it nice and quiet. She gazes at me. All right, Miss Lilly? Like a spot of tea, perhaps? I do not answer, but rock in my chair, very slowly. wets her lips. Make it coffee, then. Dainty, hot up some water.—Like a cake, dear girl, to chase it down with? Shall John slip out and fetch one? Dont care for cakes? Theres nothing, I say slowly, that could be served to me here, that wouldnt be to me as ashes. She shakes her head. Why, what a mouth you've got, for poetry! As for the cake, now—? I look away. Dainty sets about making the coffee. A gaudy clock ticks, and strikes the hour. Richard rolls a cigarette. Tobacco smoke, and smoke from the lamps and spitting candles, already drifts from wall to wall. The walls are brown, and faintly gleam, as if painted with gravy; they are pinned, here and there, with colored pictures—of cherubs, of roses, of girls on swings—and with curling paper clippings, engravings of sportsmen , horses, dogs and thieves. Beside Mr Ibbss brazier three portraits—of Mr Chubb, Mr Yale and Mr Bramah—have been pasted to a board of cork; and are much marked by dart-holes. If I had a dart, I think, I might threaten them with it, make Mrs Sucksby give up her keys. If I had a broken bottle. If I had a knife. Richard lights his cigarette, narrows his eyes against the smoke and looks me over. Pretty dress, he says. Just the color for you. He reaches for one of the yellow ribbon trimmings, and I hit his hand away. Tut, tut, he says then. Temper not much improved, I fear. We were in hopes that you would sweeten up in confinement. As apples do. Go to hell, will you? I say. He smiles. Mrs Sucksby colours, then laughs. Hark at that, she says. Common girl says that, sounds awfully vulgar. Lady says it, sounds almost sweet. Still, dear—here she leans across the table, drops her voice—I wish you mightnt speak so nasty. I hold her gaze. And you think, I answer levelly, your wishes are something to me, do you? She flinches, and colors harder; her eyelids flutter and she looks away. I drink my coffee, then, and dont speak again. Mrs Sucksby sits, softly beating her hands upon the table-top, her brows drawn together into a frown. John and Richard play again at dice, and quarrel over the game. Dainty washes napkins in a bowl of brown water, then sets them before the fire to steam and stink. I close my eyes. My stomach aches and aches. If I had a knife, I think again. Or an ax . . . But the room is so stiflingly hot, and I am so weary and sick, my head falls back and I sleep. When I wake, it is five oclock. The dice are put away. Mr Ibbs is returned. Mrs Sucksby is feeding babies, and Dainty is cooking a supper. Bacon, cabbage, crumbling pota- toes and bread: they give me a plate and, miserably picking free the strips of fat from the bacon, the crusts from the bread, as I pick bones from my breakfasts of fish, I eat it. Then they put out glasses. some tipple, Miss Lilly? Mrs Sucksby says. A stout, or a sherry? A gin? says Richard, some look of mischief in his eye. I take a gin. The taste of it is bitter to me, but the sound of the silver spoon, striking the glass as it stirs, brings a vague and nameless comfort. So that day passes. So pass the days that follow. I go early to bed— am undressed, every time, by Mrs Sucksby, who takes my gown and petticoats and locks them up, then locks up me. , each morning, sick and clear-headed and afraid; and I sit in the little gold chair, running over the details of my confinement, working out my plan of escape. For I must escape. I will escape. Ill escape, and go to Sue. What are the names of the men who took her? I cannot remember. Where is their house? I do not know. Never mind, never mind, I shall find it out. First, though, I will go to Briar, beg money from my uncle—hell still believe himself my uncle, of course—and if hell give me none, Ill beg from the servants! Ill beg from Mrs Stiles! Or, Ill steal! Ill steal a book from the library, the rarest book, and sell it—! Or, no, I wont do that.—For the thought of returning to Briar makes me shudder, even now; and it occurs to me in time that I have friends in London, after all. I have Mr Huss and Mr Hawtrey. Huss—who liked to see me climb a staircase. Could I go to him, put myself in his power? I think I could, I am desperate enough . . . Mr Hawtrey, however, was kinder; to his shop on Holywell Street.—I think hell help me. I am sure he will. And I think Holywell Street cannot be far—can it? I do not know, and there are no maps here. But I shall find out the way. Mr Hawtrey will help me, then. Mr Hawtrey will help me find Sue . . . So my thoughts run, while the dawns of London break grubbily about me; while Mr Ibbs cooks bloaters, while his sister screams, while Gentleman coughs in his bed, while Mrs Sucksby turns in hers, and snores, and sighs. If only they would not keep me so close! One day, I think, each time a door is made fast at my back, one day theyll forget to lock it. Then Ill run. Theyll grow tired of always watching.—But, they do not. I complain of the thick, exhausted air. I complain of the mounting heat. I ask to go, often than I need, to the privy: for the privy lies at the other end of that dark and dusty passage at the back of the house, and shows me daylight. I know I could run from there to freedom, if I had the chance; but the chance does not come: Dainty walks there with me every time, and waits until I come out.—Once I do try to run, and she easily catches me and brings me back; and Mrs Sucksby hits her, for letting me go. Richard takes me upstairs, and hits me. Im sorry, he says, as he does it. But you know how hard we have worked for this. All you must do is wait, for the bringing of the lawyer. You are good at waiting, you told me once. oblige us? The blow makes a bruise. Every day I see how it has lightened, thinking, Before that bruise quite fades, I will escape! I pass many hours in silence, brooding on this. I sit, in the kitchen, in the shadows at the edge of lamp-light—Perhaps they'll forget me, I think. Sometimes it almost seems that they do: the stir of the house goes on, Dainty and John will kiss and quarrel, the babies will shriek, the men will play at cards and dice. Now and then, other men will come—or boys, or else, more rarely, women and girls—with plunder, to be sold to Mr Ibbs and then sold on. They come, any hour of the day, with astonishing things—gross things, gaudy things—poor stuff, it seems to me, all of it: hats, handkerchiefs, cheap jewels, lengths of lace—once a hank of yellow hair still bound with a ribbon. A tumbling stream of things—not like the books that came to Briar, that came as if sinking to rest on the bed of a viscid sea, through dim and silent fathoms ; nor like the things the books described, the things of convenience and purpose—the chairs, the pillows, the beds, the curtains, the ropes, the rods . . . There are no books, here. There is only life in all its awful chaos. And the only purpose the things are made to serve, is the making of money. And the greatest money-making thing of all, is me. Not chilly, dear girl? Mrs Sucksby will say. Not peckish? Why, how warm your brow is! Not taking a fever, I hope? We cant have you sick. I do not answer. I have heard it all before. her tuck rugs about me, I let her sit and chafe my fingers and cheek. Are you rather low? shell say. Just look at them lips. Theyd look handsome in a smile, they would. Not going to smile? Not even—she swal-lows—for me? Only glance, dear girl, at the almanack. She has scored through the days with crosses of black. Theres a month nearly gone by already, and only two more to come. Then we know what follows! That aint so long, is it? She says it, almost pleadingly; but I gaze steadily into her face— as if to say that a day, an hour, a second, is too long, when passed with her. Oh, now! Her fingers clench about my hand; then slacken, then pat. Still seems rather queer to you, does it, sweetheart? she says. Never mind. What can we get you, that will lift your spirits? Hey? A posy of flowers? A bow, for your pretty hair? A trinket box? A singing bird, in a cage? Perhaps I make some movement. Aha! Wheres John? John, heres a shilling—its a bad one, so hand it over fast—nip out and get Miss Lilly a bird in a cage.—Yellow bird, my dear, or blue?—No matter, John, so long as its pretty . . . She winks. John goes, and returns in half an hour with a finch in a wicker basket. They fuss about that, then. They hang it from a beam, they shake it to make it flutter; Charley Wag, the dog, leaps and whines beneath it. It will not sing, however—the room is too dark—it will only beat and pluck at its wings and bite the bars of its cage. At last they forget it. John takes to feeding it the blue heads of matches—he says he plans, in time, to make it swallow a long wick, and then to ignite it. Of Sue, no-one speaks at all. Once, Dainty looks at me as she puts out our suppers, and scratches her ear. Funny thing, she says, how Sue aint come back from the country, yet. Aint it? Mrs Sucksby glances at Richard, at Mr Ibbs, and then at me. She wets her mouth. Look here, she says to Dainty, I havent wanted to talk about it, but you might as well know it, now. The truth is, Sue aint coming back, not ever. That last little bit of business that Gentleman left her to see to had money in. More money than was meant for her share. Shes up and cut, Dainty, with the cash. Daintys mouth falls open. No! Sue Trinder? What was like your own daughter?—Johnny! John chooses that moment to come down, for his supper. Johnny, you aint going to guess what! Sues took all of Mrs Sucksbys money, and thats why she aint come back. Done a flit. Just about broke Mrs Sucksbys heart. If we see her, we got to kill her. Done a flit? Sue Trinder? He snorts. She aint got the nerve. Well, she done it. She done it, says Mrs Sucksby, with another glance at me, and I dont want to hear her name said in this house. Thats all. Sue Trinder, turned out a sharper! says John. Thats bad blood for you, says Richard. He also looks at me. Shows up in queer ways. What did I just say? says Mrs Sucksby hoarsely. I wont have her name said. She lifts her arm, and John falls silent. But he shakes his head and gives a whistle. Then after a moment, he laughs. More meat for us, though, aint it? he says, as he fills his plate. —Or would be, if it wasnt for the lady there. Mrs Sucksby sees him scowling at me; and leans and hits him. After that, if the men and women who come to the house ask after Sue, they are taken aside and told, like John and Dainty, that she has turned out wicked, double-crossed Mrs Sucksby and broken her heart. They all say the same: Sue Trinder? Whod have thought her so fly? Thats the mother, that is, coming out in the child . . . They shake their heads, look sorry. But it seems to me, too, that they forget her quickly enough. It seems to me that even John and Dainty forget her. It is a short-memoried house, after all. It is a short-memoried district. Many times I wake in the night to the sound of footsteps, the creak of wheels—a man is running, a family taking flight, quietly, in darkness. The woman with the bandaged face, who nurses her baby on the step of the house with the shutters with the heart-shaped holes, disappears; her place is taken by another—who, in her turn, moves on, to be replaced by another, who drinks. Whats Sue, to them? Whats Sue, to me? Im afraid, here, to remember the pressing of her mouth, the sliding of her hand. But Im afraid, too, of forgetting. I wish I could dream of her. I never do. Sometimes I take out the picture of the woman I supposed my mother, and look for her features there—her eyes, her pointed chin. Mrs Sucksby sees me do it. She watches, fretfully. Finally she takes the picture away. Dont you be thinking, she says, on things that are done and cant be changed. All right, dear girl? You think of the time to come. She imagines I brood upon my past. But I am still brooding on my future. I am still watching keys as they are turned—soon one will be left in a lock, I know it. I am watching Dainty and John, Mr Ibbs— they are growing too used to me. Theyll turn careless, theyll forget. Soon, I think. Soon, Maud. So I think; until this happens. Richard takes to leaving the house each day, not saying where he is going. He has no money, and will have none until the bringing of the lawyer: I think he goes only to walk the dusty streets, or to sit in the parks; I think the heat and the closeness of the Borough kitchen stifles him as much as it stifles me. One day, however, he goes, but returns in an hour. The house is quiet, for once: Mr Ibbs and John are out, and Dainty is sleeping in a chair. Mrs Sucksby lets him into the kitchen, and he throws off his hat and kisses her cheek. His face is flushed and his eyes are gleaming. Well, what do you think? he says. Dear boy, I cant imagine! Have all your horses come up at once? Better than that, he says. He reaches for me. Maud? What do you think? Come, out of the shadows. Dont look so fierce! Save that, till youve heard my news. It concerns you, rather. He has seized my chair and begun to haul me closer to the table. I shake him off. Concerns me, how? I say, moodily. I have been sitting, thinking over the shape of my life. Youll see. Look here. He puts his hand to his waistcoat pocket and draws something out. A paper. He waves it. A bond, dear boy? says Mrs Sucksby, stepping to his side. A letter, he says, from—well, guess who? Will you guess, Maud? I say nothing. He pulls a face. Wont you play? Shall I give you a clue? It is someone you know. A friend, very dear. My heart gives a lurch. Sue! I say at once. But he jerks his head, and snorts. Not her. You think they give them paper, where she is? He glances at Dainty; who opens and closes her eyes, and then sleeps on. Not her, he says again, more quietly. I mean, another friend of yours. You wont guess? I turn my face. Why should I? You mean to tell me, dont you? He waits another moment; then: Mr Lilly, he says. Your uncle, that was.—Aha! I have started. You are interested! Let me see, I say. Perhaps my uncle is searching for me, after all. Now, now. He holds the letter high. It has my name upon it, not yours. Let me see! I rise, pull down his arm, see a line of ink; then push him away. Thats not my uncles hand, I say—so disappointed, I could strike him. I never said it was, says Richard. The letters from him, but sent by another: his steward, Mr Way. Mr Way? More curious still, hmm? Well, you shall understand that, when you read it. Here. He unfolds the paper and hands it to me. Read this side, first. Its a postscript; and explains, at least—what Ive always thought so queer—why weve heard nothing from Briar, till now . . . The hand is cramped. The ink is smeared. I tilt the paper to catch what light I can; then read. Dear Sir.—I found today among my masters private papers, this letter, & do suppose he meant it to be sent; only, he fell into a grave indisposition shortly after having wrote it, sir, which indisposition he continues in to this day.—Mrs Stiles & me did think at first, that this was through his niece having run off in such a scandalous manner; though we beg leave to notice, sir, that his words herein suggest him not to have been overly astonished by that deed; as, begging leave again sir, no more were we.—We send this respectfully, sir, and presume to hope it finds you cheerful.—Mr Martin Way, Steward of Briar. I look up, but say nothing. Richard sees my expression and smiles. Read the rest, he says. I turn the paper over. The letter is short, and dated 3rd of May—seven weeks ago, now. It says this. To Mr Richard Rivers, from Christopher Lilly, Esq.—Sir. I suppose you have taken my niece, Maud Lilly. I wish you joy of her! Her mother was a strumpet, and she has all her mothers instincts, if not her face. The check to the progress of my work will be severe; but I take comfort in my loss, from this: that I fancy you, sir, a man who knows the proper treating of a whore.—CL I read it, two or three times; then read it again; then let it fall. Mrs Sucksby instantly takes it up, to read herself. As she labours over the words, she grows flushed. When she has finished, she gives a cry: That blackguard! Oh! Her cry wakes Dainty. Who, Mrs Sucksby? Who? she says. A wicked man, thats all. A wicked man, who is ill, as he ought to be. No-one you know. Go back to sleep. She reaches for me. Oh, my dear— Leave me alone, I say. The letter has upset me, more than I should have believed. I dont know if it is the words that have wounded me most; or the final proof they seem to give, to Mrs Sucksbys story. But I cannot bear to be watched by her, and by Richard, with my feelings in such a stir. I walk as far from them as I may—some two or three steps-— to the brown kitchen wall; then I walk from there to another wall and from there to a door; and I seize and vainly turn the handle. Let me out, I say. Mrs Sucksby comes to me. She makes to reach, not for the door, but for my face. I push her off—go quickly, to the second door, and then the third.—Let me out! Let me out! She follows. Dear girl, she says, dont let yourself be upset by that old villain. Why, he aint worth your tears! Will you let me out? Let you out, to where? Aint everything here, that you need now? Aint everything here, or coming? Think of them jewels, them gowns— She has come close again. Again, I push her away. I step back to the gravy-coloured wall, and put my hand to it—a fist—and beat and beat it. Then I look up. Before my eyes is the almanack, its pages swarming with crosses of black. I catch hold of it, and pluck it from its pin. Dear girl— Mrs Sucksby says again. I turn and throw it at her. But afterwards, I fall weeping; and when the fit of tears has passed, I think I am changed. My spirit has gone. The letter has taken it from me. The almanack goes back upon the wall, and I let it stay there. It grows steadily blacker, as we all inch nearer to our fates. The season advances. June grows warm, then even warmer. The house begins to be filled with flies. They drive Richard to a fury: he pursues them with a slipper, red-faced and sweating.—You know I am a gentlemans son? he will say. Would you think it, to look at me now? Would you? I do not answer. I have begun, like him, to long for the coming of Sues birthday in August. I will say anything they wish, I think, to any kind of solicitor or lawyer. But I pass my days in a sort of restless lethargy; and at night—for it is too hot to sleep—at night I d at the narrow window in Mrs Sucksbys room, gazing blankly at the street. Tome away from there, sweetheart, Mrs Sucksby will murmur f he wakes. They say there is cholera in the Borough. Who knows but you wont take a fever, from the draught? May one take a fever, from a draught of foetid air? I lie down at her side until she sleeps; then go back to the window, press my face to the gap between the sashes, breathe deeper. I almost forget that I mean to escape. Perhaps they sense it. For at last they leave me, one afternoon—at the start of July, I think— with only Dainty to guard me. You watch her close, Mrs Sucksby tells her, drawing on gloves. Anything happen to her, Ill kill you. Me, she kisses. All right, my dear? I shant be gone an hour. Bring you back a present, shall I? I do not answer. Dainty lets her out, then pockets the key. She sits, draws a lamp across the table-top, and takes up work. Not washing napkins—for there are fewer babies, now: Mrs Sucksby has begun to find homes for them, and the house is daily growing stiller—but the pulling of silk stitches from stolen handkerchiefs. She does it listlessly, however. Dull work, she says, seeing me look. Sue used to do this. Care to try? I shake my head, let my eyelids fall; and presently, she yawns. I hear that; and am suddenly wide awake. If she will sleep, I think, I might try the doors—steal the key from her pocket! She yawns again. I begin to sweat. The clock ticks off the minutes—fifteen, twenty, twenty-five. Half an hour. I am dressed in the violet gown and white silk slippers. I have no hat, no money—never mind, never mind. Mr Hawtrey will give you that. Sleep, Dainty. Dainty, sleep. Sleep, sleep . . . Sleep, damn you! But she only yawns, and nods. The hour is almost up. Dainty, I say. She jumps. What is it? Im afraid— Im afraid I must visit the privy. She puts down her work, pulls a face. Must you? Right now, this minute? Yes. I place my hand on my stomach. I think I am sick. She rolls her eyes. Never knew a girl for sickness, like you. Is th what they call a ladys constitution? I think it must be. Im sorry, Dainty. Will you open the door5 Ill go with you, though. You neednt. You might stay at your sewing, if you like ..." Mrs Sucksby says I must go with you, every time; else Ill catch it. Here. She sighs, and stretches. The silk of her gown is stained beneath the arms, the stain edged white. She takes out the key, unlocks the door, leads me into the passage. I go slowly, watching the lurching of her back. I remember having run from her before, and how she caught me: I know that, even if I might hit her aside now, she would only rise again at once and chase me. I might knock her head against the bricks . . . But I imagine doing it, and my wrists grow weak, I dont think I could. Go on, she says, when I hesitate. Why, whats up? Nothing. I catch hold of the privy door and draw it to me, slowly. You neednt wait, I say. No, Ill wait. She leans against the wall. Do me good, take the air. The air is warm and foul. In the privy it is warmer, and fouler. But I step inside and close the door and bolt it; then look about me. There is a little window, no bigger than my head, its broken pane stopped up with rag. There are spiders, and flies. The privy seat is cracked and smeared. I stand and think, perhaps for a minute. All right? calls Dainty. I do not answer. The floor is earth, stamped hard. The walls are powdery white. From a wire hang strips of news-print. Ladies and Gentlemens Cast-off Clothing, in Good or Inferior Condition, Wanted for— Welsh Mutton & New-laid Eggs— Think, Maud. I turn to face the door, put my mouth to a gap in the wood. Dainty, I say quietly. What is it? Dainty, I am not well. You must fetch me something. What? She tries the door. Come out, miss. I cant. I darent. Dainty, you must go to the drawer, in the chest in my room upstairs. Will you? There is something there. Will you? Oh, I wish you would hurry! Oh, how it rushes! I am afraid of the men coming back— Oh, she says, understanding me at last. She drops her voice. Caught you out has it? Will you go for me, Dainty? But Im not to leave you, miss! I must keep here, then, until Mrs Sucksby comes! But say that John, or Mr Ibbs, should come first! Or say I swoon? And the door is bolted! What will Mrs Sucksby think of us, then? Oh Lord, she mutters. And then: In the chest of drawers, you say? The top-most drawer, on the right. Will you hurry? If I might ust make myself neat, and then lie down. I always take it so badly— All right. Be quick! All right! Her voice is fading. I press my ear to the wood, hear her feet, the opening and swinging back of the kitchen door.—I slide the bolt and run. I run out of the passage and into the court—I remember this, I remember the nettles, the bricks. Which way from here? There are high walls all about me. But I run further, and the walls give way. Theres a dusty path—it was slick with mud, when I came down it before; but I see it, and know it—I know it!—it leads to an alley and this, in turn, leads to another path, which crosses a street and leads me—where? To a road I do not recognise, that runs under the arches of a bridge. I recall the bridge, but remember it nearer, lower. I recall a high, dead wall. There is no wall here. No matter. Keep going. Keep the house at your back, and run. Take wider roads now: the lanes and alleys twist, and are dark, you must not get caught in them. Run, run. No matter that the sky seems vast and awful to you. No matter that London is loud. No matter that there are people here—no matter that they stare—no matter that their clothes are worn and faded, and your gown bright; that their heads are covered, yours bare. No matter that your slippers are silk, that your feet are cut by every stone and cinder— So I whip myself along. Only the traffic checks me, the rushing horses and wheels: at every crossing I pause, then cast myself into the mass of cabs and waggons; and I think it is only my haste, my distraction—that, and perhaps the vividness of my dress—that makes the drivers pull at their reins and keep from running me down. On, on, I go. I think once a dog barks at me, and snaps at my skirt. I think boys run beside me, for a time—two boys, or three— shrieking to see me stagger. You, I say, holding my hand against my side, will you tell me, where is Holywell Street? Which way, to Holywell Street?—but at the sound of my voice, they fall back. I go more slowly then. I cross a busier road. The buildings are grander here—and yet, two streets beyond them the houses are shabby. Which way must I go? I will ask again, I will ask in a moment; for now, I will only walk, put streets and streets between myself and Mrs Sucksby, Richard, Mr Ibbs. What matter if I grow lost? I am lost already . . . Then I cross the mouth of a rising passage of yellow brick and see at the end of it, dark and humped above the tips of broken roofs, its gold cross gleaming, the church of St Pauls. I know it, from illustrations; and I think Holywell Street is near it. I turn, pick up my skirts, make for it. The passage smells badly; but the church seems close. So close, it seems! The brick turns green, the smell grows worse. I climb, then suddenly sink, emerge in open air and almost stumble. I have expected a street, a square. Instead, I am at the top of a set of crooked stairs, leading down to filthy water. I have reached the shore of the river. St Pauls is close, after all; but the whole of the width of the Thames is flowing between us. I stand and gaze at it, in a sort of horror, a sort of awe. I remember walking beside the Thames, at Briar. I remember seeing it seem to fret and worry at its banks: I thought it longed—as I did—to quicken, to spread. I did not know it would spread to this. It flows, like poison. Its surface is littered with broken matter—with hay, with wood, with weed, with paper, with tearings of cloth, with cork and tilting bottles. It moves, not as a river moves, but as a sea: it heaves. And where it breaks, against the hulls of boats, and where it is thrown, upon the shore, and about the stairs and the walls and wooden piers that rise from it, it froths like sour milk. It is an agony of water and of waste; but there are men upon it, confident as rats—pulling the oars of rowing-boats, tugging at sails. And here and there, at the rivers edge—bare-legged, bent-backed—are women, girls and boys, picking their way through the churning litter like gleaners in a field. They dont look up, and do not see me, though I stand for a minute and watch them wade. All along the shore I have come to, however, are warehouses, with working men about them; and presently, as I become aware of them, they also spot me—spot my gown, I suppose—first stare, then signal and call. That jerks me out of my daze. I turn—go back along the yellow passage, take up the road again. I have seen the bridge that I must cross to reach St Pauls, but it seems to me that I am lower than I ought to be, and I cannot find the road that will lead me up: the streets I am walking now are narrow, unpaved, still reeking of dirty water. There are men upon them, too—men of the boats and warehouses, who, like the others, try to catch my eye, whistle and sometimes call; though they do not touch me. I put my hand before my face, and go on faster. At last I find a boy, dressed like a servant. Which way is the bridge, I say, to the other shore? He points me out a flight of steps, and stares as I climb them. Everybody stares—men, women, children—even here, where the road is busy again, they stare. I think of tearing off a fold of skirt to cover my naked head. I think of begging a coin. If I knew what coin to beg for, how much a hat would cost me, where it might be bought, I would do it. But I know nothing, nothing; and so simply walk on. The soles of my slippers I think are beginning to tear. Dont mind it, Maud. If you start to mind it, you will weep. Then the road ahead of me begins to rise, and I see again the gleam of water. The bridge, at last!—that makes me walk quicker. But walking quicker makes the slippers tear more; and after a moment, I am obliged to stop. There is a break in the wall at the start of the bridge with, set into it, a shallow stone bench. Hung up beside it is a belt of cork—meant for throwing, it says upon a sign, to those in difficulties upon the river. I sit. The bridge is higher than I imagined it. I have never been so high! The thought makes me dizzy. I touch my broken shoe. May a woman nurse her foot on a public bridge? I do not know. The traffic passes, swift and unbroken, like roaring water. Suppose Richard should come? Again, I cover my face. A moment, and Ill go on. The sun is hot. A moment, to find my breath. I close my eyes. Now, when people stare, I cannot see them. Then someone comes and stands before me, and speaks. Im afraid youre unwell. I open my eyes. A man, rather aged. A stranger to me. I let my hand fall. Dont be afraid, he says. Perhaps I look bewildered. I didnt mean to surprise you. He touches his hat, makes a sort of bow. He might be a friend of my uncles. His voice is a gentlemans voice, and his collar is white. He smiles, then studies me closer. His face is kind. Are you unwell? Will you help me? I say. He hears my voice and his look changes. Of course, he says. What is it? Are you hurt? Not hurt, I say. But I have been made to suffer dreadfully. I— I cast a look at the coaches and waggons upon the bridge. Im afraid, I say, of certain people. Will you help me? Oh, I wish you would say you will! I have said it, already. But, this is extraordinary! And you, a lady— Will you come with me? You must tell me all your story; I shall hear it all. Dont try to speak, just yet. Can you rise? Im afraid youre injured about the feet. Dear, dear! Let me look for a cab. Thats right. He gives me his arm, and I take it and stand. Relief has made me weak. Thank God! I say. Oh, thank God! But, listen to me. I grip him harder. I have nothing—no money to pay you with— Money? He puts his hand over mine. I should not take it. Dont think of it! —But I have a friend, who I think will help me. If youll take me to him? Of course, of course. What else? Come, look, heres what we need. He leans into the road, raises his arm: a cab pulls out of the stream of traffic and halts before us. The gentleman seizes the door and draws it back. The cab is covered, and dark. Take care, he says. Can you manage? Take care. The step is rather high. Thank God! I say again, lifting my foot. He comes behind me as I do it. Thats right, he says. And then: Why look, how prettily you climb! I stop, with my foot upon the step. He puts his hand upon my waist. Go on, he says, urging me into the coach. I step back. After all, I say quickly, I think I should walk. Will you tell me the way? The day is too hot to walk. You are too weary. Go on. His hand is upon me still. He presses harder. I twist away and we almost struggle. Now, then! he says, smiling. I have changed my mind. Come, now. Let go of me. i Do you wish to cause a fuss? Come, now. I know a house— A house? Havent I told you that I want only to see my friend? Well, hell like you better, I think, when you have washed your hands and changed your stockings and taken a tea. Or else—who knows?—when you have done those things you may find you like me better.—Hmm? His face is still kind, he still smiles; but he takes my wrist and moves his thumb across it, and tries, again, to hand me into the coach. We struggle properly, now. No-one tries to intervene. From the other vehicles in the road I suppose we are quite hidden. The men and women passing upon the bridge look once, then turn their heads. There is the driver, however. I call to him. Cant you see? I call. Theres been a mistake here. This man is insulting me.—The man lets me go, then. I move further about the coach, still calling up. Will you take me? Will you take me, alone? I shall find someone to pay you, I give you my word, when we arrive. The driver looks me over blankly as I speak. When he learns I have no money, he turns his head and spits. No fare, no passage, he says. The man has come close again. Come on, he says—not smiling, now. Theres no need for this. What are you playing at? Its clear youre in some sort of fix. Shouldnt you like the stockings, the tea? But I still call up to the driver. Will you tell me, then, I say, which way I must walk? I must reach Holywell Street. Will you tell me, which way I must take, for there? He hears the name and snorts—in scorn, or laughter, I cannot tell. But he raises his whip. That way/ he says, gesturing over the bridge; then westwards, by Fleet Street. Thank you. I begin to walk. The man reaches for me. Let go of me, I say. You dont mean it. Let go! I almost shriek it. He falls back. Go on, then! he says. You damn little teaser. I walk, as quickly as I can. I almost run. But then, after a moment, the cab comes beside me and slows to match my pace. The gentleman looks out. His face has changed again. Im sorry, he says, coaxingly. Come up. Im sorry. Will you come? Ill take you to your friend, I swear it. Look here. Look here. He shows me a coin. Ill give you this. Come up. You mustnt go to Holywell Street, they are bad men there—not at all like me. Come now, I know youre a lady. Come, Ill be kind ..." So he calls and murmurs, half the length of the bridge; until finally a line of waggons forms behind the crawling cab, and the driver shouts that he must go on. Then the man draws back, puts up his window with a bang; the cab pulls away. I let out my breath. I have begun to shake. I should like to stop, to rest; I dare not, now. T leave the bridge: here the road meets another, more busy than those on the southern shore; but more anonymous too, I think. I am grateful for that, though the crowds—the crowds are terrible. Never mind, never mind, push through them. Go on. Westwards, as the driver directed. Now the street changes again. It is lined with houses with bulging windows—shops, I understand them to be, at last: for there are goods on show, marked up with prices on cards. There are breads, there are medicines. There are gloves. There are shoes and hats.—Oh, for a little money! I think of the coin the gentleman offered, from the window of the coach: should I have seized it, and run? Too late to wonder it now. No matter. Go on. Here is a church, parting the road like the column of a bridge parts water. Which side ought I to take? A woman passes, bare-headed like me: I catch her arm, ask her the way. She points it out and then, like everyone else, stands staring as I take it. But here is Holywell Street at last!—Only, now I hesitate. How have I imagined it? Not like this, perhaps—not so narrow, so crooked, so dark. The London day is still hot, still bright; in turning into Holywell Street, however, I seem to step into twilight. But the twilight is good, after all: it hides my face, and robs my gown of its colours. I walk further. The way grows narrower. The ground is dusty, broken, unpaved. There are shops, lit up, on either side of me: some with lines of tattered clothes hung before them, some with broken chairs and empty picture-frames and coloured glasses spilling from them, in heaps; the most, however, selling books. I hesitate again, when I see that. I have not handled a book since I left Briar; and now, to come so suddenly upon them, in such numbers; to see them laid, face-up, like loaves in trays, or piled, haphazardly, in baskets; to see them torn, and foxed, and bleached—marked up 2d., 3d., This Box Is.—quite unnerves me. I stop, and watch as a man picks idly through a box of coverless volumes and takes one up. The Mousetrap of Love.—I know it, I have read that title so many times to my uncle I know it almost by heart! Then the man lifts his head and finds me watching; and I walk on. More shops, more books, more men; and finally a window, a little brighter than the rest. The display is of prints, hung up on strings. The glass has Mr Hawtreys name upon it, in letters of flaking gold. I see it, and shake so hard I almost stumble. Inside, the shop is small and cramped. I have not expected that. Th
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