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Chapter 3 third chapter

seamless 岛田庄司 3767Words 2018-03-22
Ozaki is still talking about the difference between Zero War and Zidian Kai, saying that the maximum speed difference between the two is 100 kilometers.There is also a difference between two 10mm cannons and four, so the destructive power is very different.At this point I interjected, "Mr. Ozaki." "Oops! I forgot! You're still busy! You're old and you only think about yourself. Let's get down to business. It's not a big deal! Did I give you my business card? Very good! You see When you came to my film, did you remember anything?" "The name Ozaki Zenkichi... have we met before?"

"No. We met for the first time. I'm not talking about the name, but please look at the title on the upper right." "Purple Electric Kai Research Preservation Association?" "By the way, it's Zidian Kai! I dedicated my whole life to this fighter jet. When you see this term, you should think of something, right?" "Purple Electric Kai... no!" "Tsk tsk! Really, are you still a newspaper employee? Isn't there a big news about Zikai in July this year?" "Oh! You mean the plane that was salvaged off the coast of Shikoku?"

At that time, there was such an incident: a Zidian Kai that sank on the bottom of the sea was accidentally discovered and brought back. "Not bad! You finally remembered." "Then what's going on?" "Wow! You amaze me! So you don't even know about the pilot?" "What pilot?" "A plane crashed near the scene where the Zidian Kai was picked up. Don't you know?" "Ah, I remembered. When the towing boat picked up the Zidian Gai, there were many interview boats conducting interviews. Suddenly, a small plane that was also for interviews crashed into the sea in front of those reporters.

"Yes! It's a civilian private jet chartered by the local bureau of your newspaper. So you should know." "But I'm in the English department! Except for the newspaper club, I never talk to colleagues in other departments. Besides, I'm not a reporter." In fact, I'm not at all interested in my job.So even though he is a newspaper employee, he doesn't pay special attention to what's happening in the news. "It was a sunny day, sunny and cloudless. Even a novice who had just got his pilot's license could fly easily and safely. But the plane suddenly crashed into the sea! What's more, the pilot was a novice , but a veteran with hundreds of hours of flying experience! Why is this?"

"It's really incomprehensible! I also felt very strange when I heard the news. But because there was a big accident in a famous tunnel at that time, I didn't pay special attention to this crash." "Did you see that Zidian Kai brought back? The cabin is full of oysters, it looks like a huge octopus tank. The propeller is also crooked. It's really ugly. This is the fast, invincible Ziden Kai Where did it end? I cry just thinking about it. But I'm glad I got it back." "Oh!" "However, although the wheels are stowed, there is no dead body on the driver's seat, and all the doors are tightly closed, and there are no major holes in the fuselage. Isn't this strange?"

"How to say?" "The wheels are put away, indicating that it is in flight status. In other words, it may be gliding on the water due to engine failure. Of course, the Shiden Kai may also be an aircraft that was abandoned by the United States after the war. Most of these situations are Burned; although a few were thrown into the sea, none of the wheels were retracted when they were discarded. After investigation, it was found that the Zidian Kai took off from the Matsuyama base, and the mission was a special attack. Since it took off as a special attack Yes, how could it be possible to land at sea due to engine failure? If it was shot down during an air battle, there should be remains on the driver's seat. But there is no. Even the shoes, flight cap, katana, etc. worn by the driver There is nothing, and nothing can be found, is it strange to you?"

"Maybe he escaped?" "Yes! I thought so too. But if it was you, would you close the windshield again after escaping? The plane is made of metal, and it will sink soon. If it is an engine failure, it is very easy. It might catch fire, are you in the mood to go back and close the window at this time?" "Perhaps he was hit on the head when he landed on the water and passed out?" "But no remains were found." "Probably eaten by a shark." "There will always be some bones left, right? The most important thing is that the frame of the windshield is still intact, and the fish's head can't reach it at all! Of course, sharks can also enter through the fuselage, the problem is that the fuselage is not Not a single hole was broken."

“It's incredible” "Nice! And very interesting, almost like a ghost plane." "It's really strange..." I still don't understand what his real intention is.It's a wonderful thing, but what does it matter to me?Why did you mention it to me specifically? "And it's too coincidental, isn't it? The Zidian Kai has been sunk for more than 30 years, and on the same day it was picked up, another plane suddenly crashed at the same place! And the pilot is an experienced veteran , The cause of the crash is unknown! The police said it was an operation error, but as I said just now, the day was sunny and clear, how could a veteran pilot in his fifties make an operation error on such a day?"

"You're absolutely right, very reasonable. But why bring this up to me? Me? Why didn't you talk to the police if you had any doubts about the accident?" I said. At this moment, Ozaki said something very strange: "Because I think that would be bad for you." "Oh? Why? I don't understand you." "I'm surprised you say that. Don't you know that the pilot of that little plane is a distant relative of yours?" "The driver?" I feel like I've been hit a lot. "Are you from Takamatsu? That pilot is called Hashimoto Shiro, who lives in Takamatsu, and is distantly related to you. I checked. He seems to have served at the Naval Base in Matsuyama during the war. There is a base in Matsuyama where Shiden Kai was based." , of course the fighter he was flying at that time was a Zidian modification."

"..." ※Bandhammer Academyの重学E-Book※ "Someone took off from Matsuyama with a Zidian Kai to carry out a special attack mission, but landed due to an engine failure on the way. When they were salvaged later, there was no one in the driver's seat, and the doors and windows were closed tightly. The salvage was in progress. During the operation, the former Zidian Kai pilot drove a small plane into the sea. How about it? Can you have a reasonable guess about these things? People like me who have no literary imagination can also Can these be combined into one story? Listen to me, I’m right. That Zidian Kai was piloted by a small plane pilot before! Do you think this idea is too romantic? Thirty-three years ago, he was the The special attack team member must die, but he has a dilemma that he must not die, so he deliberately separated from his teammates and landed on the sea alone, because it was not an ordinary attack operation, but a death-defying special attack with no return. There is no fuel left, so it is impossible for any companion to know about this, and no one should report him. The landing place is on the sea near the coast, not too far from the shore, and he is good at swimming, confident He was able to swim to the shore. When he escaped from the plane, because of his usual well-trained relationship, he accidentally closed the windshield... What do you think? Besides, there are other appropriate reasons to explain the fact that the doors and windows are closed tightly. Is this a fact? My statement can also prove the reason why he suddenly rushed into the sea with a small plane that day. When he was circling in the sky, because he couldn't bear the scolding of his conscience, the calls of the comrades of the death squad seemed to come from below. So he killed himself."

I suddenly realized that what he said was very reasonable, and maybe the facts were just as true as that.He continued: "Since it was an aircraft more than 30 years ago, the experts should be able to see that the engine is not faulty at all, right? But that would be a big problem, so there is no need to mention this matter again. The important thing is Hashimoto was not the only one in that Xiaofei, there was also a reporter and a photographer. The small plane was chartered by the two of them. That is to say, when Hashimoto Shiro committed suicide, two people who had nothing to do with him were also killed. It's dragged down! This is troublesome. To be honest, the dead photographer is the son of my friend Yoshida. I was very happy in the Matsuyama Comrades Association, so Yoshida asked me to investigate this matter. After running around, I finally found out some truths and learned something about you." I seem to have a little understanding of his real intentions. "You work in Takebashi, Tokyo, which is very close to my office. My office is in Nakano, just a short subway ride away, so I want to ask you what you mean. What I just said, I went to I didn't tell Yoshida now, because I hate trouble, and Yoshida is a person who loves to litigate. If he knew something, he would definitely trouble your family. But because I am his good friend, in case he troubles you , I should be able to talk him out of that." At this time, I finally understood the purpose of his coming to me.This fat man is trying to blackmail me!But why did he find me, a poor man?Could it be that you want to blackmail even my relatives?My heart was shaking, but I tried to calm myself down. "Are you going to threaten me?" I said. Yoshikichi Ozaki suddenly rubbed his beer-barrel belly and laughed.The way he smiled looked very unexpected to me.I thought he would say the amount of extortion in a gloomy and cold tone, but it turned out not. Then he said something very strange, which made me dumbfounded. He said with a smile on his face: "I knew you would say that .This can also be considered a threat! But it won’t be too much trouble, I just want you to write down the recipient’s address and name on the envelope.” "Write the name and address of the recipient?" I almost fell off my chair.What is going on here? "Maybe it surprised you again? I seem to be an extraordinary person, and everything I do seems to be extremely surprising. In fact, the thing is like this: the research and preservation of Zidian Kai that I presided over The association has compiled a booklet recording the salvage process of the Zidian Kai, and hopes to continue to send it to colleagues across the country, because there are too many names, and although it has been so long, they have not yet written the name and address of the recipient on the envelope. Well, the only members living in Tokyo are me and another man, there are only two people in total, and there is no money to hire part-time students to write. So I thought, maybe I can make an exchange with you, asking you to help write the name Address. The condition is that Yoshida will not be allowed to trouble you. You only need to help write for a day! It is very impolite to say so, but please forgive me. Just take it as a joke and play with me." "Oh..." I felt very disappointed, "But I have to go to work today...do I have to write today?" "Yes. If you can't finish writing within today, things will be very troublesome." "But I just arrived at the office not long ago, so I'm going to leave early now..." "It's better than taking a day off, right? If everything goes well, you can come back around two or three in the afternoon. It's easy to find a reason to leave early, just say that you received a notice from me that your relative had an accident. " "If I refuse, you will tell Yoshida about dragging people into the water when Hashimoto Shiro committed suicide?" "At that time, if Yoshida asked me about the results of the investigation, I would have no reason to keep my mouth shut." His speaking skills were very clever. "If I do as you say, can you promise not to mention those things to Yoshida?" "Promise is hard to say! But now you can only trust me. If you do what I say, I will never betray you. By the way! I will never trouble you again in the future. I swear it will only be this once. If I break my promise, you can use any means to retaliate... If you are in trouble, just ask Yoshida, and you can know my whereabouts." Finally, I stood up and walked to the public phone, intending to tell the company that because of the sudden death of a relative, I had to leave for a while and would not be back until three o'clock in the afternoon.
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