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  • detective reasoning

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 15477

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Chapter 1 Chapter One

seamless 岛田庄司 795Words 2018-03-22
"What's that? A charm?" said the manager, looking at my fingers. My hands are on the bar.Except for the two thumbs, the nails of the other eight fingers have numbers written with my signature pen.The characters are very small. "No, I'm just writing casually." As I said, I ordered a glass of "Crispy Hoof Dog" to the bartender. "What's a crispy dog?" the manager asked. "Probably some sort of vodka," I replied. "Every time you come here, you seem to order different drinks. Last time it was called Yokohama cocktail, and last time it seemed to be called Kiri."

"Because I like things to change. I hate things that stay the same," I said. The manager nodded with a very understanding expression, and took a sip of the whiskey and water.He orders the same wine every time he comes. "Yes, daily life is really boring. I have passed my 50th birthday in April this year, and I have been an office worker for nearly 30 years. But from birth to now, I have never been incomprehensible in my daily life. strange thing," he said. I originally wanted to go along with him, but I gave up because I remembered something. "I really want to encounter some unbelievable and strange things. I look forward to it every day, but I have never encountered it. Human behavior is really not interesting at all. All actions only consider the gains and losses. If you think it is beneficial, do it if you think it is not good. Don't do it. It's that simple. By comparison, a creature as boring as a woman is the most incredible and incomprehensible thing in the world."

The manager glanced at me after speaking.He probably expected me to nod in agreement, but I didn't budge. ※Bandhammer Academy's E-Book※ He looked at me and said, "Hey, you must be the same, right? Because it's too boring, so I come here to order different drinks and write numbers on my nails." "Yes... But, Manager, I once encountered a strange and incomprehensible thing!" I said. "Oh," the manager said with a provocative expression, "is it really weird? Or just ran into a woman who was running away, and she said something weird to you?"

"No! It was an incredible experience. It's been seven years and I still don't know what happened." "Oh" "I often think of that incident and try to explain the whole story, but I can't. No matter how hard I try, I can't explain it! If you can come up with an answer, manager, I will definitely listen!" "Tell me quickly! But it has to be something really strange." "of course." "Okay, let's talk!" The manager sat upright in the round chair.I began to tell the story of that incident.
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