Home Categories detective reasoning The Mystery of the Female Corpse in the Library

Chapter 13 Chapter Twelve

1 Conway Jefferson woke up and stretched.He waved his long, powerful arms.Since that accident, all the power in his body seems to be concentrated in his arms. The soft morning light can be seen through the curtains. Conway Jefferson laughed.He was always in such a good mood every time he woke up. He was refreshed and his inner vitality was restored.Another day!He lay like this for a while, then rang the special bell.Suddenly he was overwhelmed by a burst of memory. When the sensitive Edwards entered the house softly, he heard the moan of the master. Edwards' hand rested on the curtain.He said, "Do you feel pain, sir?"

Conway Jefferson said gruffly, "It doesn't hurt, go ahead and pull them apart." Bright light suddenly flooded the room.Edwards was so empathetic that he didn't look at his master. Conway Jefferson had a stern face. As he lay there remembering and thinking, Ruby's beautiful, lifeless face appeared again before his eyes, but he didn't use the adjective lifeless in his mind.He would still say that she was innocent last night.A naive, simple child: and now?Conway Jefferson suddenly felt tired.He closed his eyes and murmured in a low voice: "Margaret..." It was the name of his deceased wife.

2 "I like your friend." Adelaide Jefferson said to Mrs. Bantry. They were sitting on the balcony. "Jane Marple is a very remarkable woman," said Mrs. Bantry. "She's nice, too," Eddie said with a smile. "Some say she's a scandal-monger," said Mrs. Bantry, "but she's not." "She just has a low opinion of humanity." "It can be said like this." Adelaide Jefferson said: "That was a boring thing, and it's all right now." Mrs Bantry stared at her. Eddie explained: "Such a high rating—idealizing a trivial thing:" "You mean Ruby Keene?"

Eddie nodded. "I don't want to treat her unfairly, she has no malice herself. Poor little reptile, she has to fight for what she wants. She's not bad, a normal person, gentle, and stupid. But she's a firm Gold Rush. I don't think she planned or premeditated, she was just quick to take advantage of opportunities, and she knew how to charm a lonely old man. " Mrs. Bantry said, thinking: "Must Conway be lonely?" Eddie moved uneasily."He's alone—this summer," she says. She pauses, then blurts out: "Mark will say it's all my fault. Maybe, I don't know."

She was silent for a while, and then, unable to restrain herself, said with difficulty, almost reluctantly: "I—I had a very rough life. My first husband, Mike Carmody, died shortly after our marriage. It's - I'm crushed. You know, Peter was born after he died. Frank Jefferson was Mike's best friend, so we see each other a lot. He's the godfather of getting - that's Mike's request. I like it very much He—and—oh! Feel sorry for him too. " "Sorry?" Mrs. Bantry was obviously interested. "Yes, that's right. Sounds weird, doesn't it? Frank always wanted something. His parents couldn't have been nicer to him. But—what shall I say? Look, old Mr. Jefferson Too strong a personality. You can't have a personality with him. Frank felt that way.

"He was very happy when we got married--very happy. Mr. Jefferson was very generous, he gave Frank a lot of money--said he wanted his children to be independent, and didn't want them to wait till he died. He was so kind-- So generous. But it had all come so suddenly. He should have taken Frank a step at a time to independence. "And Frank was out of his wits. He wanted to be as good as his father, good at money and business, far-sighted, and successful. Of course, he couldn't. He didn't speculate with that money, exactly, but Put it in the wrong place at the wrong time. You know, if you are not good at managing money, money can be lost quickly, surprisingly quickly. The more Frank loses, the more he wants to use it through some smart money. to bring it back, so it creates a vicious cycle where it gets worse and worse."

"But, my dear," said Mrs. Bantry, "can't Conway give him advice?" "He didn't want advice. He just wanted to do well on his own. That's why we never let Mr. Jefferson know. Frank died with very little—just a very small sum left to me. .I—I didn't let his father know either. You see—" She turned her head suddenly. "Telling him would make me feel like I'd betrayed Frank. Frank must not have liked it. Mr. Jefferson had been ill for a long time. When he recovered he thought I was a very rich widow. I kept it from him. It's a matter of self-respect. He knows I'm careful with my money - but he approves of it and thinks I'm a frugal woman. Of course Peter and I have actually lived with him since then and he pays All our living expenses, so I never have to worry about it."

She said slowly, "We've been like a family all these years—just—just—you see (or don't you?) that in his eyes I was never Frank's widow—I was always Frank's wife .” Mrs Bantry knew what she meant. "You mean he never accepted their deaths?" "No. He was always great, but he fought his pain by refusing to acknowledge death. Mark was Rosamund's husband and I was Frank's wife—although Frank and Rosamund were no longer actually With us - but they still exist." Mrs. Bantry said softly, "That's a marvelous loyalty." "Yeah. We've been doing that for years and years, but suddenly -- this summer -- I don't feel right.

I feel -- I feel rebellious.It's a horrible thing to say, but I don't want to think about what's over with Frank 2 - my love and companionship with him, and the pain he caused me when he died.I used to have all of these, but not anymore. " "It's hard to describe the feeling. It's like erasing the past and starting over. I want to be myself - Eddie, I'm young and strong enough to play, swim, dance - alone. And Hugo (You know Hugo McLeath?) - he's a baby, always wanted to marry me, but, I didn't really think about it - - but this summer, I did start thinking about it - not seriously - It's just hazy..."

She stopped and shook her head. "So I guess I'm ignoring Jeff. I don't mean really ignoring him, but my mind is not on him. When I see Ruby lets him drive, L\, I'm glad it gives me more freedom to do what I want.I never dreamed—certainly never dreamed—that he would be so—so—infatuated with her! asked Mrs. Bantry, "when you really found out?" " "I'm dumbfounded—absolutely dumbfounded: angry, I'm afraid." "I'd be offended," said Mrs. Bantry. "You know, and Peter. Peter's whole future depends on Jeff. Jeff sees him as his grandson, or maybe that's just my own idea. He's not his grandson, not even a relative. To think of him Will be disinherited!" Her beautiful and strong hands on her lap trembled a little. "That's how I feel—that vulgar little gold-digger fool—oh! I should have killed her:" She stopped in amazement, and looked at Mrs. Bantry with begging fear from her beautiful hazel eyes.She said, "It's a terrible thing to say!" Hugo MacLeath came softly behind him, and he asked, "What's a terrible thing to say?"

"Sit down, Hugo. You know Mrs. Bantry, don't you?" McLeath had greeted her.He asked in a low voice, "What's so scary to tell?" Eddie.Jefferson said, "I wish I'd killed Ruby Keith." Hugo McClay thought for a moment, then said, "No, I wouldn't say that if I were you. It might be misunderstood." His quiet gray eyes looked at her meaningfully. He said, "You've got to be careful, Eddie." There was a warning in his tone. 3 A few minutes later, Miss Marple came out of the hotel to find Mrs. Bantry, while Hugo McLeath and Adelaide Jefferson walked along the path to the sea. Sitting down, Miss Marple said: "He seems very engaged." "Have been invested for years: he's that kind of man." "I know. Same with Major Bury. He courted an Anglo-Indian widow for ten years. It was a joke among friends: she finally agreed to marry him - but unfortunately, in the first ten years of their wedding God, she eloped with the driver! A very nice woman, always understanding. " "Human behavior is very queer indeed," agreed Mrs. Bantry. "Jane, I wish you were here just now. Eddie Jefferson told me all about herself—how her husband ran out of all his money, but they never told Mr. Jefferson. And this summer, everything It's all changed—” Miss Marple nodded. "Yes, I guess she's rebelling against being forced to live in the shadows of her past? After all, everything has a time limit. You can't sit forever in a room with the curtains closed. I guess Mrs. Jefferson drew the curtains, Taking off the widow's mourning clothes, and her father-in-law was very upset about it. He felt abandoned in the ice and snow. I don't think he realized who made her change like this. He must not be happy about it anyway. So Like old Mr. Badger, when his wife began to learn spiritualism, he was ready. Any pretty young girl who would listen to him." Mrs. Bantry asked: "Do you think her cousin Josie got her on purpose? It's a conspiracy?" Miss Marple shook her head. "No, I don't think so at all. I don't think Josie has the ability to predict people's reactions yet. She's pretty dumb about it. Though she's shrewd and practical, she's narrow-minded and absolutely incapable of predicting the future, and is often confused by it." stunned." "Everyone seemed to be stunned by it," said Mrs. Bantry. "Eddie—and Mark Gaskell." Miss Marple smiled. "I daresay he had his purpose. A bold fellow with a wandering eye: no matter how much he loved his wife before, he wasn't the kind of man who could live in widowhood for years. I think the two of them at Old Jefferson Under the restraint of Mister's eternal memory, he is restless." "Only," added Miss Marple sarcastically, "it's easier for men." 4 At this point, Mark's conversation with Sir Henry Clithering confirmed this comment. Mark went straight to the point with his characteristic candor. "I just realized," he said, "that I'm the police's number one suspect: they're looking into my finances. You know, I'm broke, or almost. Died a few months later, Eddie and I got a regular split and everything was fine. Actually, I had a lot of debt... If it broke, it would be miserable. If it can be avoided, it's a different story - I will rise to the top , and become a very rich man." Sir Henry Clithering said: "Mark, you're a gambler." "Always have. Risk everything - that's my motto. Yes, it was a lucky thing for me that the poor child was strangled. This is not my doing.I am not a murderer.I don't think I can kill anyone.I'm so easygoing.But I'm afraid I won't be able to convince the police of this: I'll have to pray and wait to hear back from the criminal investigators: I have a motive, I'm present, I have no flagrant moral scruples 2 It's hard to imagine I'm not locked up now!The superintendent's eyes were very sharp. " "You have a useful weapon, an alibi." "An alibi is the most unreliable thing in the world! Innocent people never have an alibi: besides, by the time of death, or something like that, I daresay if the three doctors said the girl was midnight Killed, at least six doctors can be found swearing that she was killed at five o'clock in the morning - then, what's the use of my alibi?" "Anyway, it's okay to joke." "Bad taste, isn't it?" said Mark cheerfully. "Actually, I'm scared. Think it's murder! Don't think I don't feel sorry for old Jeff. I feel for him. Although it was a big blow, it was better this way than waiting for him to find out the truth about her. " "What do you mean? Find out the truth about her?" Mark blinked. "Where can she go that night? I bet she's going to meet a guy. Jeff won't be happy. He definitely won't be. If he finds out she's cheating on him—and finds out she's not the innocent-looking Wicked little girl—then—my father-in-law is a queer man. He has great self-control, but that self-control can also break. If that happens—be careful!" Sir Henry gave him a curious look. "Do you like him, or don't you like him?" "I liked him very much—and at the same time I hated him. I'll try to explain. Conway Jefferson was a man who liked to control everything around him. He was a benevolent monarch, kind, generous, and emotional—but he was the keynote , and everyone else has to follow him." Mark Gaskell paused and added: "I love my wife. I will never feel the same way about anyone again. Rosamund was sunshine, laughter and flowers. When she died I felt like It's a fighter who gets knocked out in the ring. But the referee takes too long to count. I am a man after all.I like women.I don't want to get married again - not at all.Alas, but it doesn't matter.I just have to be careful - but I did have a lot of fun.Poor Eddie can't do it.Eddie was a genuinely good woman, the kind of woman a man would rather marry than sleep with.Give her half the chance and she'll marry again--and be happy, and make the other person happy too.But old Jeff sees her forever as Frank's wife--and forces her to think so too.He himself does not know, but we are like prisoners in a prison.I escaped nicely a long time ago.Eddie had only escaped this summer—a shock to him.His world shattered.The result was—Ruby Keene. " He couldn't help singing: But she's in the grave, oh, what do I do!Let's go have a drink, Clithering. Sir Henry thought: I wonder if Mark Gaskell has not come under suspicion by the police.
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