Home Categories detective reasoning Bertram Inn

Chapter 4 Chapter Four

Bertram Inn 阿加莎·克里斯蒂 3812Words 2018-03-22
In Scotland Yard (Greater Scotland Yard headquarters), a meeting is taking place.This is an informal meeting.Sitting casually around the conference table were about six or seven people, each of whom was a major player in their industry.The topics that attract the attention of these legal defenders have grown in importance in the last two or three years.It involves a string of criminal cases whose success has rattled everyone from top to bottom.The number of robberies is on the rise and is quite wide-ranging.Rob a bank, rob a salary unit, steal jewelry sent in the mail, and rob a train.In less than a month, a bold and vast plan was adopted and some results were obtained.

Mr Ronald Graves - Assistant Commissioner of Police at Scotland Yard - sat at the head of the table to preside over the meeting.According to his usual practice, he listens more and speaks less.There is no formal debriefing on this occasion.That's the day-to-day work of the CID.This is a high-level meeting that brings together opinions that look at these issues from slightly different angles.Mr. Ronald Graves' eyes scanned his group slowly, then nodded to the person at the other end of the table. "Okay. 'Pop,'" he said, "let's hear some of your kind witticisms."

The man called "Father" was Chief Inspector Fred Davy.He will be retiring soon, but he looks older than he is.That's why he was called "Daddy".He was fat and always looked so comfortable, and his manner was always so kind and friendly that many criminals were dismayed to find that he was not as kind and gullible as he seemed. "Yes, 'Father,' let us have your opinion," said the other Chief Inspector. "It's huge," said Chief Inspector Davy, with a deep sigh. "Yes, it's huge, and it's probably still getting bigger." "When you say big, do you mean the quantity?"

"right." Another man named Comstock, with his angular fox face and watchful eyes, broke in to say: "Do you think it's good for them?" "Yeah, and no," Dad said, "it could be a disaster. But damn it, so far they're pretty much in control." Superintendent Andrews was a tall, lanky, blond, dreamy-looking man.He said thoughtfully: "I've always felt that there's a lot more to scale than people realize. Take a small self-employed business, if it's managed well and it's the right size, it can be a winner. Expand your business , increase the size, increase the number of employees, maybe you suddenly find that the size is not right, and then the business starts to go downhill. Whether it is a large chain store or an empire in the industry, the reason is the same. If it If it’s big enough, it will be successful; if it’s not big enough, it won’t last. Everything should have its right size. It’s at its peak when it’s right-sized and well-run.”

"How big do you think the show is?" asked Mr. Ronald gravely. "It's bigger than we originally thought," Comstock said. The well-built Inspector McNeill said: "I think it's still getting bigger, and 'Dad' was right, it's always been getting bigger." "That might be a good thing," Davey said. "It might grow too fast, and then it would get out of control." "But the question is, Sir Ronald," McNeil said, "who do we arrest and when?" "We could probably arrest a whole dozen," said Comstock, "and we know Harris' gang has something to do with it. There's a nice little place around Luton and a garage in Epsom." factory, a pub near Maidenhead, and a farm off the Great Northern Highway."

"Are any of them worth arresting?" "I don't think so. They're just little people. Links. This long chain is connected here or there.They converted cars in one place and changed hands quickly, passed word through a respectable barroom, got a facelift in a thrift store, and the eastern suburbs theatrical costume designer would also come in handy.These people are paid.The pay is pretty high, and they really don't know anything. " Superintendent Andrews, who seemed to be dreaming, said again: "Our opponents are some very smart guys. We haven't gotten close to them, we only know some of their associates, that's all. Like I said, Harris's gang must have a part in it, Max financially Involved with them. They have connections with Webb overseas, but he seems to be just an agent. We really don't know anything about these people. We know that they have a way of keeping in touch with each other and with this network But we don't know exactly how they do it. We'll be stalking and following them, and they know we're watching them. There must be a giant central switch somewhere. All we need to find is Those planners."

Comstock said: "It's like a huge network. I also think there must be a general headquarters of operations somewhere. Every operation is carefully planned in this place, and every detail is determined and made to fit perfectly. Somewhere , someone who planned it all, created the blueprint for Operation Mailpack and Operation Wages. Those are the people we're looking for." "They might not even be in this country," said Father quietly. "Yes, I think so. Maybe they're in an igloo somewhere, or a tent in Morocco, or a mountain hut in Switzerland." "I don't believe in these so-called master criminals," McNeil said, shaking his head. "It's not bad to put them in the story. Of course, there must be a boss, but I don't believe it will be a master criminal. I think the behind-the-scenes There's going to be a smart little board. Everything is planned centrally under the chairman's chair. They've landed something nice, and they're improving the technology all the time. But anyway—"

"Why?" Mr. Ronald encouraged him to go on. "Even in a close-knit group, there are likely to be sacrifices. I call it the Russian Sled Law. Every now and then, as soon as they feel like we're making progress on our leads, they'll drop one of them, The one they think is most worthwhile." "Dare they do it? Isn't it risky?" "I think they did it so cleverly that whoever the man was, he wouldn't know he was pushed off the sledge. He'd just think he'd fallen by accident. He'd keep silent because he felt It's worth it. It's definitely worth it. They have a lot of money, they can afford it, they can even be quite generous. Once in prison, if there is a family, his family will be taken care of. Possibly plotting an escape."

"There are so many things like this," Comstock said. "You know, I don't think," said Mr. Ronald, "that we're going to speculate again and again like this. We're talking about the same thing." McNeil smiled. "And what would you like us to say, sir?" "Well," Mr. Ronald said after thinking for a while, "we agree on major issues," he said unhurriedly, "we have reached an agreement on the basic countermeasures and the things we will try our best to do." Consensus. I think there might be something to be gained if we look around and look for something small, something unimportant that's just a little out of the ordinary. It's hard for me to explain what I mean, but with the Culver case from a few years ago A puddle of ink. Remember? A puddle of ink in front of a mouse hole. Why would anyone pour ink into a mouse hole? Doesn't seem like a big deal, and hard to answer. But when we stumbled upon the answer, it led to a clue. I was thinking about something like this, very strange thing. If you come across something that you think is unusual, be sure to say it. Such Things are not only trivial, but annoying because they don't have much to do with the case. I see 'Pop' nod."

"I quite agree with you," said Chief Inspector Davy. "Come on, boys, try to come up with something. Even if it's just one man wearing a ridiculous hat." There was no immediate response.Everyone looked a little confused and confused. "Go ahead," said Father, "I'll tell you myself. It's only a funny story, but it might be worth your while. Robbery at London and Metropolitan Bank. Camogli Street Branch. Remember A long list of car numbers, colors and makes. We asked people to come and testify, and they came—but how did they testify! About a hundred and fifty pieces of misleading information. Finally sorted out, about Seven vehicles have been seen in the immediate area, any of which could be linked to the robbery."

"Well," said Mr. Ronald, "go on." "One or two didn't seem to be able to be contacted. Looked like they had their plates changed. Not surprising, people do this all the time. Most of the cars ended up being tracked down. I'll just give one example: Maurice Oxford, black car, plate number CMG265, this was reported by a trainee policeman. He said Mr Judge Ludgrove was driving the car." He looks around.They were all listening to him, but none seemed interested. "I know," he said, "another error as usual. Mr. Judge Ludgrove is a remarkable old chap, and a very unforgiving fellow. That man was not Mr. Ludgrove, for at that time He's in court. He does have a Morris Oxford, but it's number CMG256." He looked around again, "Okay, okay. You'll say it doesn't mean anything. But do you know the number from before? CMG265. Pretty close, right? Just one of those mistakes people do make when trying to remember a license plate." "I'm sorry," said Mr. Ronald. "I do not quite understand……" "No," said Chief Inspector Davy, "actually, that doesn't mean much, does it? It's just that it's so similar to the actual number, isn't it? 265— 265CMG.This is indeed a rather accidental situation, the same color as Maurice Oxford, only one number difference in the plate number, and the owner of the car looks so similar. " "what do you mean--" "Just a difference of a number. Now it's called 'deliberate error.' It looks like that." "Sorry, David, I still don't get it." "Oh, I don't think there's any mystery to it. Two and a half minutes after the bank was robbed, a Morris Oxford sedan with the license plate CMG265 was driving down the street. The trainee policeman recognized Judge Ludd in it. Mr Grove." "Are you implying that the man is Mr. Ludgrove? Don't gossip, Davy." "No, I don't mean that the man was Mr. Ludgrove, or that he was connected with the robbery. He was staying at the Bertram Hotel in Bond Street, and he was in the In court. It's all been fully proven. I mean the number plate, the make, and the clues given by the trainee policeman who knew Ludgrove's face are all accidental, but it should say something .But on the face of it, it doesn't mean much. It's a shame." Comstock moved a little uneasily. "There was one thing very similar to it in the jewel incident at Brighton. An old admiral or something, I can't recall his name now. A woman pointed out very positively that he was there." "Is he not there?" "No, he was in London that night, going to a naval dinner or something, I think." "Does he live at the club?" "No, he lives in a hotel—I think it's the one you mentioned, 'Father.' Bertram, isn't it? A quiet place. I think a lot of the older folks who come to traditional ceremonies are live there." "Bertram's Hotel," said Chief Inspector Davy thoughtfully.
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