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Chapter 13 Section 1

"Do you really want me to live here, Father?" Harry asked.His head was thrown back. "You know, I have stabbed a hornet's nest." "What do you mean?" Simeon asked sternly. "Brother Alfred," said Harry, "good brother Alfred, he, is against me living here, if I may say so." "Damn it, how dare he!" Simeon snapped, "I am the master of this house." "All the same, sir. I suppose you are quite dependent on Alfred. I don't want to mess with—" "You do as I tell you," his father snapped. Harry yawned.

"I don't know if I'll be able to adjust to living at home, it would be suffocating for someone who's been on the go." His father said, "You'd better get married first, so you can settle down." Harry said: "Who am I going to marry? It's a pity that a man can't marry his niece. Little Pilar is absolutely stunning." "Have you noticed this?" "As far as settling down, Fat George seems to be doing a good job. What does she do?" Simeon shrugged. "How would I know? George met her at a fashion modeling show, I think. She said her father was a retired naval officer."

Harry said, "Probably a second mate on an offshore steamer. George's going to get in trouble with her if he's not careful." "George," said Simeon Lee, "is a fool." Harry said: "What did she marry him for - for his money?" Simeon shrugged again, and Harry said, "Well, you think you can handle Alfred?" "We'll get this over with soon," said Simmis coldly. He rang the bell next to the desk." Holbury soon showed up.Simeon said: "Tell Mr. Alfred here." Holbury walked out, and Harry said slowly, "That guy is listening outside the door."

Simeon shrugged. "Maybe." Alfred came in hastily.His face twitched when he saw his brother.He completely ignored Harry's presence and said bluntly: "You looking for me, father?" "Yes, sit down. I was just thinking that we need to rearrange the house because there are now two more people." "Two people?" "Of course Pilar is going to make a home here, of course. And Harry is going to live with the parents." Alfred said, "Harry is coming to live here?" "Why not, man?" said Harry. Alfred turned to him suddenly.

"I think you should know it yourself!" "Yes, I'm sorry—but I don't understand." "After all of this? The disgraceful things you've done, the disgraceful actions..." Harry waved his hand casually. "All that's in the past, man." "After all he's done for you, you can treat your father so badly." "Hey, Alfred, I think it's my father's business, not yours. If he's willing to forgive and forget—" "I would," said Simmis. "After all, you know, Harry is still my son, Alfred." "Yes, but—for Father's sake—I'm against it."

"Harry is going to live here, I hope so," said Simeon, putting a hand gently on Alfred's shoulder. "I like Harry very much." Alfred stood up.Leaving the room, his face turned pale.Harry stood up too, and followed him out, laughing. Simeon sat there, grinning to himself.At this moment, he was taken aback and looked around. "Who the hell is it? Oh, it's you, Horberry. Don't be so sneaky." "sorry sir." "It's all right. Look, I have something for you to do, and I want everybody to come over to me after lunch—everyone." "Yes, sir."

"Anything else, when they come, you come with them. When you're in the middle of the corridor, speak up so I can hear you. Any hint is fine, understand?" "Yes, sir." Holbury came down the stairs."We're going to have a merry Christmas, if you ask me," he told Tracylian. Tracylian asked sternly, "What do you mean?" "Just wait and see, Mr. Tracylian, it's Christmas Eve, and there's a wonderful Christmas spirit everywhere—I don't think so!"
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