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Chapter 25 Section 25

Regarding blood, etc.: "Everren has obtained blood for me several times before, as well as human specimens." However, there is no explanation for the two bills of arrears in this note. What would have happened if Edward Sawyer, and his partner Pliny Merrick, had adopted "West's Notes"?This may be a question no one can answer.However, according to the standards of modern "legal practice" or "trial skills", leaving aside the matter of reselling corpses, the defendant's lawyers in this case ignored at least two key points - some people thought that they deliberately avoided Ivory Leigh. Achilles' heel in Tofield's testimony:

First, the "site" where the severed limbs were found was the laboratory in the medical school closest to Littorfeld's residence. Not only did Evren have a key to enter the "site", but he also had access to it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Living and working near the "scene", there are more opportunities to "commit crimes" than anyone else. Second, Evelyn claimed that he tried to enter Professor West's laboratory to search on Friday night, November 23, but no one knew about Dr. Peckman's disappearance at that time.Yveren also said that since November 25th, Sunday, he began to suspect Professor West's murder, and at that time, even Dr. Peckman's family did not think that Dr. Peckman had died.For example, Robert Shaw's announcement on the 26th only mentioned that George Peckman "may have run away from home due to some kind of sudden mental illness".It was after that that a bounty was offered for the corpse.

Even the prosecution's own lawyers saw a flaw in it.After the death of State Attorney General Jon Cliffe, one reads this in his trial log on the case: Why did he say he wanted to enter West's lab on Friday night?This would reduce his own credibility. The possibility of framing West is not out of the question.Hide the body in as suitable a place as possible before reporting it to the authorities. ………… If Dr. Peckman was killed in the medical school, and his body never left the building, but was finally sent to Professor West's laboratory for hiding or destruction, then West or Yverren must have What secrets are being kept.

………… Except for Professor West - no one could possibly have killed Dr. Peckman if Ivergin hadn't been considered, because in the past four months, no new clues pointing to a "third party" had emerged. Was Pikeman killed outside the medical school and brought into Professor West's lab?If so, its purpose can only be one of three: concealment, destruction or planting. According to Professor West himself, the perpetrator was either he or Yveren: "Nobody gets into my lab except the handyman." and "Why don't they ask Littlefield, he has the key to the dissecting room."

These last two words that impressed Inspector Cliff were made by Professor West at the time of his arrest, when Inspector Drasta Clapp only told the Professor that "we" had found the The body, and the name of Evren Littlefield is not mentioned. According to Jon Cliff, the idea that Everren killed or participated in the killing of Dr. Peckman is also a "reasonable hypothesis".He wrote: What chances did Littlefield have on Friday? The walls were hot, and he could feel the heat on his face—but when he climbed through the window, he found that the fire was almost out—could that be?

Why did he go to the basement to cut through the five-story wall instead of going down through the toilet when searching the sewage pipes? ………… Can anyone tell me the answer? ! Careful readers may notice that the name of the case has not been mentioned in this article. This remarkable case has been called many things in history.The title on official or legal documents is routinely rigid and accurate "Massachusetts v. John Wright West."However, the media at that time used the "Professor John West murder and cremation case" with a clearer meaning and a relatively standardized text.But in common people's colloquial speech, it is simplified to the "Harvard Murder Case" with a prominent focus and a strong atmosphere, because to ordinary people, it doesn't really matter who killed who. The selling point of this case is that the case happened in A world-class institution of higher learning like Harvard.

However, until now, many people in Harvard University and legal circles still refer to it as the "Dr. There was only one—and that was the disappearance of Dr. George Peckman. It is also said that the "Brahmins" in Boston refused to admit to the murder because this case showed the world that honest gentlemen in the upper class also have their own difficulties, swollen their faces to make themselves fat, and dun debtors for debts. Participate in illegal activities, black market transactions, and even plot and play tricks.All in all, the case had discredited and disgraced them.In the words of one of the experts who studied the case, the British historian Simon Simma: "The entire upper class lost its virginity."

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