Home Categories detective reasoning Murder of Officials 1 · Deduction of the Prince of Logic

Chapter 41 Chapter Forty

"How are you doing?" Today is New Year's Day, the beginning of a new year.In a private room of a teahouse, Gao Dong was pouring tea for Xu Ce. "It's not the same as before." Xu Ce said. Gao Dong smiled: "Is there any new progress in your American project?" "The formalities are still being processed in the United States. It is estimated that I will go back to the United States after finishing it in a few weeks." "How many weeks? Isn't it almost Chinese New Year?" "Yes, I hope it can be finished before the Chinese New Year, and I can go back to the United States to get together with my wife and children. The children don't have much idea of ​​the Chinese New Year, and they need to be educated. After the Chinese New Year, they can start their own work. When the visas for the wife and children are completed, they can also return to China.”

Gao Dong said with a smile: "You used to have such good grades. You studied in the Department of Mathematics and later studied Psychology. At first, we all thought that you would be engaged in research work. After you came back, you would be a great expert in psychology. I didn't expect you to go to Why are you still in business now.” Xu Ce smiled lightly: "Whether it is investing or doing business, in my opinion, it is a way of psychological research. Studying in school is always dead knowledge in books. Real psychology must In society, for example, investing, in the final analysis, is a psychological decision-making. Including doing business by yourself, you must first make your heart strong enough, and at the same time ponder the psychological thoughts of the people you deal with. This is all research. You know, When I was studying in the past, I was not good at speaking. Now I have been working for so many years and it is much better than then. But compared to other people, my language skills are still weak. This does not affect my work. Because whether it is investment or business, eloquence is just The secondary factor in finalizing a deal is mastering people's psychological demands, which is the primary condition affecting the sale. For example, when buying a house or a car, most buyers will not be seduced by the salesperson's language expressions, and the main factor that affects the final transaction intention is It depends on the buyer's inner desire to buy and price positioning. If you grasp the buyer's inner appeal and provide what they really want, even a person with poor eloquence can reach a deal."

Gao Dong pursed his lips and shook his head: "It's really scary to deal with you, and I will be plotted by you everywhere." Xu Ce smiled: "If you really want to calculate, why would you tell you directly? By the way, how is my cousin?" "Don't worry, it's going through the process now. It's New Year's Day holiday these days, and he will be able to come out after New Year's Day." "Do I need to do something?" Gao Dong smiled and shook his head: "It's not a big deal. The Land Bureau and the Urban Construction Company have both nodded, so it's no problem. Besides, I have also said hello here, so there is no need to do anything."

"Then...that's so embarrassing, Lao Gao, I don't know how to thank you for this favor." "You're offended by saying that. Social relations are social relations, and classmates are classmates. One is to repay favors owed, and the other is a purely helping relationship between classmates." Xu Ce joked with a smile: "It seems that you have been an official for many years, and you still have a pure land like your classmates in your heart." Gao Dong laughed loudly: "Actually, in the final analysis, no matter whether you are in business or politics, the essential attributes of a person, or a person, is that there is always a clean place in the heart of a person. It's bad, but he always shows real kindness to some people. Besides, I'm not a bad-tempered person. I always value real friends and old classmates, and don't treat them according to social relations. I also hope that others can only communicate with me as an old friend of 'Gao Dong'."

Xu Ce nodded: "I agree with you very much. We have all studied psychology. It seems that there are many similarities in our views on the people around us." Gao Dong smiled and said, "Okay, let's have a toast with tea instead of wine. To be honest, I still prefer tea, and drinking is just for entertainment." The two chatted for a while, and Xu Ce asked, "By the way, isn't today New Year's Day? Why didn't you go back to the city to accompany your wife and children? Could it be that Li Aiguo's case is still not closed?" Gao Dong smiled wryly: "One Li Aiguo is fine, now Zhang Xiangping is also dead."

"What!" Xu Ce pretended to be surprised, "Zhang Xiangping is dead?" Gao Dong nodded helplessly: "Originally, your cousin came out before New Year's Day. It was precisely because Zhang Xiangping died that no one followed up on the matter. I remembered to remind you later." Xu Ce said: "Impossible, Zhang Xiangping's death is such a big deal, why haven't people around him talked about it?" Gao Dong was a little surprised: "There is no rumor about this matter around you?" Xu Ce showed an expression of reminiscence: "It seems that I heard that all the police officers sent were severely injured in the middle of the night on Fengqi Road. I didn't expect that it was Zhang Xiangping who was killed."

Gao Dong said: "Yes, this happened in the middle of the night. We rushed to the scene immediately and asked to block the news temporarily. It is impossible to block the news. It won't be long before the people in your county will know about it. " Xu Ce showed a worried look: "The case of Li Aiguo has not been solved yet, and another Zhang Xiangping died. Will you feel more pressure?" Gao Dong laughed: "The pressure is less, no, the higher up dismissed me as the leader of the task force, replaced it as the deputy leader, and sent another person to oversee it. Now I have nothing to do, the case is solved, the first contribution It's not me, the case is not solved, and I don't need to be a scapegoat."

Xu Ce shook his head and smiled: "No, what you said is self-sarcasm and seeking psychological comfort. In fact, you are very upset." "Oh? How do you tell?" "Don't forget our professional background." Gao Dong laughed: "My small master's degree in psychology in China is really not as good as your Ph. D. from a famous American university. If I can hide it from others, I can't hide it from you. Well, let's be honest, now I hope I can't solve the case for the time being. But let me find the evidence, and then I will lead the case.” Xu Ce nodded: "It's human nature, everyone is always self-interested, I understand. How about it, have you found any evidence now?"

Gao Dong shook his head distressedly: "It's difficult. In Li Aiguo's case, there are almost no physical evidence left. In Zhang Xiangping's case, although the murderer's footprints and the fibers of the murderer's clothes were found at the scene, other useful clues are temporarily unknown. Didn't find it." "The fiber of the murderer's clothes?" Xu Ce slightly opened his eyes. Gao Dong said: "The forensic doctor asked a professional to look at it, and said that the clothes were imported from abroad. Only Gao Dong's sheepskin coats are used. The ex-factory price is at least several thousand. The murderer is a person with financial foundation."

Xu Ce said: "But with such physical evidence alone, it is impossible to judge the murderer." Gao Dong admitted: "Yes, the chain of evidence is too thin." Xu Ce said: "According to the physical evidence you have found so far, is there any personal or physical evidence that can be clearly identified? For example, fingerprints, DNA, etc.?" Gao Dong shook his head: "There is no directional evidence." Xu Ce said: "Then even if you now know who the murderer is and there is no pointing evidence, if the murderer himself does not plead guilty, the court will not be able to sentence him, right?"

Gao Dong laughed: "Old Xu, it seems that you are still thinking about problems with American thinking. The national conditions are different, and the rules of judicial trials are naturally different. You are in an American court, and there are a lot of juries. The public prosecution agency needs to submit a clear statement. Witnesses and physical evidence, especially unidirectional evidence, such as DNA, can convince the jury to convict the murderer. We don’t need it. Although the chain of evidence is incomplete now, if it is clear who the murderer is, at the trial , confession is the most important part.” "What if the murderer doesn't give a confession?" Gao Dong chuckled: "There is no prisoner involved in the case, who can not give a confession." Xu Ce thought about it, and said, "You use torture..." Gao Dong said in a low voice: "No, this is called a reconnaissance method." Xu Ce sighed: "Okay, then if the prisoner gave a confession, but it was actually a false confession, and when it comes to the trial, it is found that the confession is inconsistent with the criminal facts, what should you do?" Gao Dong said meaningfully: "It is impossible for me to let this kind of thing happen. As long as you get into the case, you will have any confession you want." Xu Ce felt a chill all of a sudden, and said, "Then...then what case are you going to solve? Just arrest someone and say he did it." Gao Dong shook his head solemnly: "This is not acceptable. Only those idiot officials in small places in the inland areas do this. Big cases must be settled as hard cases that can stand the test, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable. If we overturn the case in the future, we will have to trace the responsibility, which will be a big trouble. In fact, don’t look at the bad evaluation of us in the society. In fact, when encountering big things, we still take it seriously, pay attention to the facts, and dare not act recklessly. If the big and small things are messed up, how can this country survive? Therefore, now in the officialdom, there are often chaos in small things. When it comes to big things, everyone knows the bottom line. If you anger your colleagues and superiors, you will be investigated. In fact, as you said, according to the physical evidence we have now, even if we know who the murderer is, if he bites the bullet and insists that he did not do it, he will not be sentenced in the court. But I have never seen such a person in my life, as I said, as long as you get into the game, you can have any confession you want." With turmoil in Xu Ce's heart, he could only nod his head and said, "It seems that the most urgent thing for you now is to find out who is the murderer." Gao Dong said: "That's right, the murderer cannot be pinpointed by the physical evidence, and the scope of investigation is lacking. Finding that person is like finding a needle in a haystack. Besides, I haven't fully thought through many of the crimes in this case. , I asked you for tea today because I wanted you to help me analyze the crime process for a selfish reason." When Xu Ce heard that Gao Dong asked him to help analyze the case, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and quickly analyzed in his heart whether Gao Dong was testing himself, or really just looking for him to analyze the case. Well, whether it's probing or simply analyzing the case, we have to proceed. We need to be cautious in the following conversation, and we can't say anything that contradicts the facts, otherwise, it will easily arouse Gao Dong's vigilance.
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