Home Categories detective reasoning Murder of Officials 1 · Deduction of the Prince of Logic
Murder of Officials 1 · Deduction of the Prince of Logic

Murder of Officials 1 · Deduction of the Prince of Logic


  • detective reasoning

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 135339

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Xu Ce, who graduated from the Department of Mathematics of Zhejiang University, was known as the "Prince of Logic" during his undergraduate studies. His papers on mathematical logic have been published in world-class publications many times.Later, he received a full scholarship and went to the University of California to obtain a Ph.D. in Psychology. Since then, he has been serving as a regional executive of an investment bank in the United States. Xu Ce's single mother was hit by falling rocks during the demolition of her hometown and died on the spot.Several construction team members were sentenced to suspended sentences, and none of the on-site command officials were punished.Before the first anniversary of his mother's death, Xu Ce suddenly resigned and returned to China.

The deputy director of the Public Security Bureau in his hometown was killed in the early morning on the street, leaving a large line next to him: "Kill enough for the director for 15, and the director is not enough for the section chief to make up for." Dong led a team to investigate.Gao Dong is Xu Ce's high school classmate and college alumni, and a top criminal psychology expert in the province. Can he stop this crazy feast?
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