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Chapter 22 Chapter 21

tide of darkness 亚伦·罗森伯格 5782Words 2018-03-12
"Humans are coming!" Doomhammer looked up from his memory, exasperated at hearing the fear in Tarbeck's voice.Since when did his brutal deputy become so weak? "I knew they were coming," he growled back, standing up and looking at the other orcs behind him.They were standing on a rough ledge at the top of the hill, right in front of the keep, high up on the rocky plain, and from here he could see the rest of the Horde gathered below.When he stood in this position last time, his warriors could cover every corner of the plain below without revealing a single stone.But now, there are quite a few large black stones mixed among the green below, and he can even see that members of different families gather together in twos and threes.Since when did the tribe become so small in number?What did he do with them?Why hadn't he heeded what his old friend Durotan had said earlier?Everything he warned about has come true today!

"What are we going to do?" Tabek asked, stepping up to him. "We don't have enough numbers to counter them, and we don't have reinforcements." Doomhammer glared at his lieutenant furiously, and the other orcs backed away in horror.Their number has indeed decreased, and they are no longer as numerous as before to sweep the world.However, in the name of their ancestors, they are still orcs! "What shall we do?" he hissed to his lieutenant, lifting his hammer from his back. "We will fight!" Turning away from the trembling Tarbeck, Doomhammer strode forward onto the ledge. "Listen to me, my people," he roared, raising his hammer aloft.Some of the orcs looked up at him while others remained indifferent, which enraged him.He slammed his weapon on the face of the cliff, and the loud knock made the other orcs look at him immediately and waited intently for his next words.

"Listen to me!" he growled again. "I know that we have suffered a defeat and a setback, and our numbers have been reduced a lot! I also know that Gul'dan's betrayal has cost us dearly! But we are still orcs! We are still a Horde! Our every day One step will still shake the world!" A burst of cheers came from the soldiers below, but it seemed very weak. "Humans are following us to this place," he went on, spitting after each word as if he hated them—and they did. "They thought we were defeated! They thought we came here out of fear of their power, like a dog running from its master! But they were wrong!" He raised his hammer again. "We are here because this is our stronghold, our strength. We are here because we can be ready to continue sweeping this continent with our footsteps. We are here because we will once again Beat them, and make them tremble when they hear our name!" The cheers were much louder this time, and Doomhammer let the sound pass over his face.The warriors straightened up and began to brandish their weapons, and he could be sure that the fighting spirit of these men had been rekindled.very good.

"We will not wait for them to attack us," he told his people. "We will not slouch here and let them plot an attack. Never! We are Orcs! We are Horde! We will fight them, and they will regret coming here after us! Will After they are defeated, we will step on their dead bodies to resume our conquest, and make this land ours!" He held the hammer in both hands and raised it up, waving it on his head, this time, the cheers grew louder It was so loud that the ground he was standing on shook.Doomhammer felt a smile on his face, and he cheered up.This is his people!They don't weep and kneel and beg forgiveness!If they must lie down, it will be on the battlefield, with the blood of the enemy on their hands.

"Assemble the warriors of our clan," he said to the transfixed Tabek. "My elite guards and I will make a charge, with the rest of the Horde following us." Turning, Doomhammer stared at the huge figures hiding in the shadows, waiting.Everyone straightened up and nodded after making eye contact with him, and Doomhammer responded.These are his elite guards, these are ogres. Doomhammer is a conformist orc who was raised to hate ogres, but these people are different.They are smarter than most of their own people. In addition, they are not warlocks but warriors.More importantly, they have all sworn loyalty to him alone.He knew that these people admired his strength and courage—perhaps they all regarded him as a smaller ogre and promised to obey his personal orders.On the contrary, as himself, he also respects their strength and trusts their help.He knew the ogres would die for him when they needed to, and he was surprised to find himself doing the same.

Now, they're all putting their lives at the stake, and the Horde's victory hangs in their hands. At least that door is safe.Rend Blackhand, Maim Blackhand, and some of their clan members all survived the battle with Gul'dan and the Alliance fleet.The scouts they sent found him on Doomhammer's way here from Khaz Modan, and he had ordered them to join the others at the Dark Portal.He still doesn't trust the brothers, but at least they've proven their loyalty to the Horde, and he needs strong warriors to defend the passage to Draenor.Without that door, they would have no escape, even if the fight might be drawn upon themselves.

He nodded again at his ogre.Then descend the dais to the plains below, where battle awaits them. As Doomhammer had hoped, the Alliance was unprepared for the orc raid, and the humans were planning a siege, trying to wait for the orcs to escape on their own.This has led some of them to foolishly reveal their location, which lies outside the ring of cliffs surrounding Blackrock Mountain. "Orcs!" shouted a soldier, running to where Lothar and his lieutenant were. "They broke through our defenses!" "What?" Lothar kicked his horse and quickly passed through the black valley where the alliance's large forces were located.Turalyon and the others followed.

No mistake, he did hear the sounds of battle as he approached the front line.Then he saw them.Those orcs, but he had never seen such orcs.They are huge creatures with thick arms and strong legs, and their hair is held on top of their heads by spikes like a bird's crown or a horse's mane.These orcs didn't wear armor. They wore belts, shoulder pads, and fur shoes. They frantically waved their weapons and attacked everything they came into contact with.Their green skin is covered in tattoos, and most orcs wear little bits of metal or something that looks like bone in their ears, noses, eyebrows, lips, and even nipples.They are savage and fearless. Under this crazy offensive, human beings are retreating steadily.

"Uther!" Lothar shouted, and the paladin rode forward.He put down the sword and pointed at the orcs, and that was enough.The paladin nodded, beckoning the rest of the Silver Hand to follow behind him.He put on his helm and raised his hammer. "In the name of the Light!" Uther yelled, and a crimson light appeared on him and his weapon. "We will not allow these beasts to live!" Then he charged into battle, hitting the head of the nearest orc with his hammer, shattering his skull. The skies in this region are always thick with clouds and smoke, casting heavy shadows and blood-red lights.But all was different now, and as Uther charged toward the assembled horde, the clouds parted and a ray of pure sunlight fell.The paladin became light itself, awe-inspiring and even terrifying, staggering orc warriors with every swing of his.

The other paladins also rushed up, and Uther's light also filled their bodies.In the past few months since the war started, the Silver Hand Paladins have been expanded. Apart from Turalyon, there are now a total of twelve Paladins under Uther's command.The twelve men charged into the field, hammers, axes, and swords glowing hot with their faith, and the rest of the Union soldiers stepped aside to make way. The orcs turned to face their new enemies.It was a brutal battle, barbarian against fanatic, shining mail against tattoo and ornament.These orcs are strong, tricky, and insane enough to feel no pain.But the paladins are filled with righteous anger and the power of faith, and their holy aura has caused more than one orc to turn its head when attacked.With this advantage, the paladins surrounded the savage orcs, killing them one by one until all the orcs fell at their feet.

"Good job," Lothar said as another sentry rushed to his side.So what now?He was thinking irritably.Another attack? "Another attack!" the sentry gasped, interrupting his thoughts. "This time from the west." "Damn it." Lothar muttered to himself, kicked his horse again, and rushed to a new location.They were smart, he had to admit.He hadn't expected the attack, nor had his men prepared for it.Most were relaxed, preparing for a long siege, and not a few had even shed their armor despite his orders to remain vigilant.Now, they're paying the price for their slack.If the orcs were able to weaken their defenses in this surprise attack, they would have a chance to break through and escape into the nearby mountains.It would take months, if not years, to hunt them down, which would give the Horde plenty of time to regroup and strike again. He can't let this happen. He rushed into the battle, and his horse trampled all the orcs who hadn't gotten out of the way. Then he pulled the horse back, slowed down, and looked around.The offensive here was more violent than the one just now, with about 60 people or even more.There were also six fearsome ogres among them.They fought savagely, but they were not as brainless as the wave just now, and even showed some tactics.Especially the tall orc in their midst, with his long hair tied in an ornate braid, flitting from side to side as he swung a huge black warhammer, hitting the Union soldiers with each swing.The giant moved quickly but cautiously, wearing a set of huge black plate armor, but it didn't affect his actions in the slightest.And all this made Lothar suddenly realize.This person is their leader.He spurred his steed into the field, and the giant raised his head and met his eyes.These eyes were not the red that Lothar was used to in the eyes of the enemy before-they were gray and full of wisdom.Then, his pupils dilated, as if recognizing him too. there!Doomhammer laughed when he noticed the tall human approaching on a warhorse.This is the man, the shield, the great sword, and those wise sky-blue eyes.He is their leader.He was the man Doomhammer hoped to find.If he could get rid of this man, the army would collapse. "Go away." Doomhammer roared, he hit a human soldier blocking the road, and kicked away an orc soldier standing on his side of the road.The man, he saw that man also rush into the battle, pointing his sword at him, watching the carnage he wrought.The human leader's eyes locked on him. The fury of battle raged through him, but Doomhammer kept his eyes on his foe.He strode forward, sweeping aside the corpses on the ground with his hammer, be it orc or human.Everything he does communicates to that person.This human became cautious. Although he didn't hit his men, he hoped that they could avoid his horse and swing.Eventually, with no more warriors standing between them, Doomhammer was able to face the man at close range. The man on the horse had the advantage.Doomhammer quickly solved this problem.His warhammer arced, and the huge stone top hit the steed hard on the head.The horse fell, blood spurting from its crushed bones, its limbs twitching.This human did not fall.He leaped aside in his stirrups as his steed fell, stepping over the barrier to face Doomhammer directly.The sounds of the people fighting around seemed to have been silenced. The two leaders raised their weapons and collided without saying a word. Their respective goals had only one goal - to kill each other. This is a contest of strength and power.Lothar was a tall, strong human, as strong and powerful as most orc warriors.But Doomhammer was still bigger, stronger, and younger.Although Lothar lacks youth and speed, he has more skills and experience. Both were clad in heavy plate armor, battle-tested Stormwind Kingdom armor against the Horde's black plate armor.Both wield weapons that no ordinary warrior could wield, the rune-gleaming sword of the Stormwind Kingdom and Doomhammer's ancestral Blackrock hammer.Both men vowed victory, whatever the cost. Lothar launched the attack first.His longsword swept aside, dodged Doomhammer's block, and cut a gash in the orc's heavy armor.The chieftain of the Horde grunted in pain from the impact, and he quickly slammed his warhammer down to counterattack. Lothar took a step back to avoid the attack.But Doomhammer flipped his wrist in an instant, swept the weapon from the bottom up, and brushed Lothar's chin, making him lose his center of gravity and take a few steps back.Another blow of the hammer followed, but Lothar raised his sword just in time and hit the shaft of the hammer to block the attack.For a moment, the two warriors pulled out all their strength, Doomhammer trying to smash the warhammer, Lothar trying to knock it aside, the two weapons quivered but did not move at all. Then, Lothar deflected the blade and successfully shook the warhammer aside.He leaned in and hit the orc in the face with the blade of his sword before Doomhammer could bring the massive weapon back, knocking the warchief unconscious for a split second.But Doomhammer slammed Lothar's neck loudly with his free hand, and while the Alliance Commander was staggered by the shock, he picked up his weapon again and recovered. calm down. Turalyon was battling other orcs, and when he knocked down an enemy with his hammer, looking over the fallen warrior, he saw Lothar fighting a tall orc. "No!" Turalyon yelled, looking at his leader, his hero facing a tall orc in black armor.He attacked with his regrouped force, knocking down surrounding orcs with every swing of his warhammer.He was desperately trying to carve a path between the two commanders. They approached again, brandishing their hammers and swords.Lothar took the full blow from Doomhammer with his lion-headed shield, and was so shocked that he bent down and almost knelt down, but his sword also drew a deep line on the orc's thick breastplate. crack.Doomhammer took a step back, his lips twisted in pain and frustration, as he ripped the damaged armor from his body.At the same time, Lothar stood up straight again, throwing the useless shield aside.Then, the two roared again and charged. The Doomhammer without the armor became faster, but Lothar became a sword with two hands, which could be swung more easily to avoid the orc's defense.Both of them took a solid blow. Doomhammer was cut with a deep and long wound near the stomach, while Lothar was hit on the right side of the body. The two wobbled apart to prepare Launch a third attack.Around them, other orcs and humans were engaged in their own battles. The two powerful leaders launched attacks again and again. Each attack was looking for a weak point in the opponent's defense, and each attack used its full strength. The two approached again, and Doomhammer hit Lothar hard in the chest with a heavy punch, making a dent in his breastplate, making the general unsteady.Before he could fully recover, Doomhammer took a step back and brought down the massive hammer with both hands, a blow that required all of his strength.Lothar raised the sword in his hand to try to block the fierce blow, and the blade completely withstood the blow—— —— Immediately crushed by the shock. Turalyon gasped as the fragment of the legendary longsword fell to the ground.Doomhammer's strike continued his downward arc unstoppably, hitting Lothar's helmet with a crushing crash.The lion of Azeroth swayed and swung the broken sword forward in a conditional fire. Before he fell, the notched broken sword sliced ​​through Doomhammer's chest.The fighters on both sides stopped fighting, and the surroundings became quiet.They watched as the Alliance commander fell to the ground, his body convulsing before utterly losing all life force.Then, nothing could stop the blood from gushing from beneath his ruined helmet. Doomhammer took a step forward unsteadily, raising a hand to cover the wound on his body.Blood flowed from between his fingers, but he still stood up straight, took a deep breath, and raised the hammer above his head. "I won the victory!" He announced in a hoarse voice, although he was a little unsteady on his feet, and even though his mouth was vomiting blood, he was still the winner. "All our enemies must die! Until your world is ours!"
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