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Chapter 24 The Tale of Hercules - 24

From Calydon Hercules came to Trachis' friend Cyux.Along the way, Hercules experienced the most dangerous things in his life.When he came to the Oyuenos River, he saw Nessus the Centaurian.Nessus always asked the passengers who came and went to cross the river toll.He carried pedestrians across the river with both hands.Nessus thought it prudent to take the money, because the gods trusted him to be honest and entrusted him with the task.Hercules naturally did not need his help, he strode across the water.His wife, Deianira, needed Nessus' help.He put Hercules' wife on his shoulders and led her across the river.

Deianira was young and beautiful, and Nessus was so fascinated by her in the river that he touched her with his hands.Hercules suddenly heard his wife calling from the other side, looked closely, and found that the half-man, half-horse monster insulted his wife, and couldn't help but feel angry.He hastily drew an arrow from his quiver, and when Nessus came ashore, he shot him down on the ground.Deianira broke free from the Centaurian's arm and hurried towards her husband.At this time, the dying Nessus still had revenge, and he called to her, deceiving her and said: "Listen, daughter of Onius! You are the last person I carried across the river, so it is your duty to bury my body." .You save the last drop of blood from my wound! It will do wonders. If you smear your husband's clothes with it, then from now on, he will never love another but you Woman!" Nessus died after saying these sinister words.Although Deianira never doubted her husband's loyalty and love for her, she still took the last drop of Centaurus blood in a cup and kept it.Hercules knew nothing of it.After some other adventures, they finally found their friend Kyux.He was the king of Thessaly, and he received the Hercules and his wife kindly, and let them live with him.

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