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Chapter 22 The Tale of Hercules - 22

After Hercules was freed, he first went to Troy.He wants to conquer the tyrannical and despotic king Laomedon, the founder and ruler of Troy.Hercules never ceased to brood over his breach of contract.That was when he bravely rescued the king's daughter Hesione from the dragon's mouth during his triumphant return against the Amazons; Laomedon originally promised to give him a horse as a reward, but later he broke his promise.Hercules decided to take revenge on him.Now, he took a group of warriors and six ships, including the famous Greek heroes Peleus, Telamon and Orius. Hercules came to Telamon wearing a lion's skin and saw him eating.Telamon quickly stood up from the table, enthusiastically filled his golden cup with wine, and told him to sit down and drink together.Heracles was moved by his friend's enthusiasm. He pointed to the sky and prayed: "Father Zeus, if you are willing to show mercy and listen to my request, please give Telamon a brave son, an invincible son." son, as brave as I am in Nemea's skin."

Before Heracles finished speaking, Zeus sent him a vigorous eagle.Hercules exclaimed excitedly: "Hey, Telamon, you are about to get the son you dreamed of! He will be as strong as this eagle. The child's name will be Ajax." After speaking, he sat down to eat.Soon, he fought against Troy with Telamon and other heroes.When Troy landed, he handed over the task of guarding the ships to Oleus, and he led the heroes to Troy.Laomedon hurriedly led his army to attack the ships the heroes were on, and killed Oleus in the battle.When Laomedon returned, he found that he was surrounded by Hercules' warriors.At the same time, the heroes besieged the city of Troy.

Telamon broke through the city and rushed into Troy first.Hercules followed closely behind him.For the first time in his life, the great hero was surpassed in battle, and he was angry and anxious, and jealous.So he drew his sword and wanted to cut Telamon, who was walking in front, to the ground.Telamon just looked back and guessed Hercules' intentions. He bent down quickly and collected the nearby bricks and piled them into a pile.When his opponent asked him what he was doing here, he replied, "Here I build an altar to Hercules the victor!" This made the great hero ashamed, and they fought together again.Hercules shot Laomedon and his sons to death.Only one son survived.After the capture of Troy, Hercules gave Telamon the daughter of Laomedon, Hesione, as a trophy.At the same time, he allowed the girl to choose one of the captives and let that captive go free.The girl chose her brother Podarcus. "Well, he is yours," said Hercules, "but first he must suffer the disgrace of being a slave. Then you will buy him back with a ransom, so that he may be free!" The child was sold as a slave, and Hesione tore the precious jewelry from his head as ransom money for his brother.Therefore, this brother was later called Luli Amos, which means the bought one.

Hera hated Hercules for not letting him have a happy ending.On the way back from Troy, they encountered a storm, but Zeus came out to rescue them, so that Hera's attempt failed.After some battles, Hercules decided to take revenge on King Augeas.Augeas broke his promise and refused to give him the reward he deserved.Hercules took his city of Elis and killed the king and his sons.Later, he gave the kingdom to Philoius.Philoius was exiled by the king because of his friendship with Hercules. After his victory in this conquest, Hercules resumed the Olympic Games.During the Games, even Zeus came to Mahracles to fight in human form.He often loses to his son.Nevertheless, he congratulated Hercules heartily, praising him as a great Hercules.

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