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Chapter 14 Tales of the Argonauts-14

Jason returned to the ship full of joy and met his companions.Medea also walked towards the maids, and they rushed to meet them, but Medea didn't notice their anxious expressions at all, because her soul seemed to be floating in a cloud. She quickly boarded the chariot and urged the horses to pull the chariot all the way to the palace.Calciope waited a long time in the palace anxiously, sitting on a small stool with her bowed head, worrying about the fate of her son. At this time, Jason excitedly told his companions that Medea had given him the potion.The Argonauts were all happy, but Idas was gnashing his teeth in anger.Next morning they sent two men to fetch the dragon's tooth from Aeetes.The king gave them the teeth of the dragon which had been slain by Cadmus, king of Thebes.The king was not worried, because he believed that Jason would never be able to deal with the divine bull, and he would not be able to complete the task of sowing dragon teeth, and he would never want to save his own life.

That night, Jason bathed in the river.According to Medea's command, he sacrificed to Hecate.The goddess heard his prayer and came out of the cave, with a group of ugly poisonous dragons coiled on her head, holding a burning oak branch.The hounds of hell snarled and circled her.Jason was very scared, but he did not forget his lover's order, and walked forward without looking back.As soon as he was back on board, he was with his companions again.At this time, the snow-tops of the Caucasus shone with a ray of dawn, and a new day began. Aeetes put on the stout armor which he had worn the last time he fought against the giants.On his head was a helmet of gold with four feathers, and in his hand was a shield of four layers of oxhide.The shield was so heavy that no one but he and Hercules could lift it.His son brought him a fast horse.He climbed into the carriage and galloped through the town like flying, followed by a large number of people.The king just wanted to watch the battle as a bystander, but he was still willing to wear all the clothes, as if he was in battle.

Jason followed Medea's command and anointed the spear, sword and shield with magic oil.His companions danced their guns around him, each trying to match his spear, but it was as strong as a mountain and could not bend it.Idas was so angry that he swung his sword hard at the hilt of the spear, but the sword bounced back.The heroes cheered when they saw it.Jason smeared his body with the oil again.He suddenly felt tremendous strength added to his limbs.The companions rowed their captain to the field of Ares, where King Aeetes was waiting for them with a company.After the boat docked and stopped, Jason jumped ashore first. He held a spear and a shield in his hand, and then took the helmet with sharp dragon teeth handed to him by the king.He slung his sword slung over his shoulder by a belt, and walked majesticly toward the field.On the ground are the yoke plows and plowshares used for plowing the field with oxen, all made of iron.He observed these tools carefully, then fastened the head of the gun to the handle of the spear, put down the helmet, and then walked forward with the shield in his hand, looking for the divine bull. The ground at the other end came out and rushed towards him.Flame spewed from their nostrils, and their bodies were shrouded in smoke.

Jason's companions trembled with fear when they saw the monster-like divine bull rushing towards them.But Jason remained calm, stood with his legs spread out, put the shield in front of him, and waited for the attack of the divine bull.The cow lowered its head, raised its horns, and ran towards him roaring, but the fierce impact did not make Jason take half a step back.Now, the bull retreated a few steps, roared and jumped up its legs, with flames spraying from its nostrils, and charged him hard again.Jason stood still, the girl's potion protected him.Suddenly, he saw the opportunity, grabbed the bull by the horns, dragged the bull to the place where the yoke was placed with all his strength, and kicked its iron hoof, forcing it to kneel on the ground.Then he subdued the second cow in the same way.At this moment, he threw down his shield, braved the fire of the bulls, and put his hands on the two divine bulls kneeling on the ground.No matter how strong the bull was, he couldn't move at all now.Seeing this, Aeetes couldn't help but marvel at the divine power of this foreigner.The brothers Castor and Polydeuces, as agreed beforehand, gave him the yoke on the ground, and jumped away quickly.He nimbly put it tightly around the ox's neck, and then put it on the iron plow.

Jason picked up the shield again, hung it on his back with a belt, then picked up the helmet full of dragon teeth, held a spear in his hand, and used the point of the spear against the furious bull to pull the plow to plow the field.Deep furrows were plowed in the ground, and the earth turned up and smashed in the furrows.Jason followed behind and planted the dragon's teeth step by step, while carefully watching behind him to see if the descendants of the poisonous dragon had broken out of the ground and rushed towards him.The divine bull dragged the plow vigorously and stepped forward with iron hooves.In the afternoon, the entire field was plowed.Jason took off the yoke of the ox, raised his weapon and swung it violently, and the divine bull fled back in fright.

Jason saw that the offspring of the dragon had not yet grown in the ditch, so he returned to the boat and prepared to rest.His companions surrounded him and cheered him loudly.But he kept silent, and filled his helmet with water from the river, and drank to quench his fiery thirst.He felt his legs full of strength again, and his heart was filled with the desire to fight again. Now there are giants out of the ground.Spears and shields gleamed silver in the fields of Ares.Thinking of what the wise Medea had said, Jason raised a huge boulder and threw it far away among the giants, then squatted down quietly and covered himself with a shield.The Colchians cried out, and Aeetes stared at the big stone in amazement.It took four people to move this stone, but Jason lifted it alone.

The giants that emerged from the ground began to fight each other like vicious dogs fighting for food. They roared and killed each other, and the killing was indistinguishable.When their fight reached a fever pitch, Jason rushed over, drew his sword, stabbed left and right, and cut down all the giants. The king was furious, and without a word he turned away and went back to the city.He just thought about how to deal with Jason.
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