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Chapter 10 Tales of the Argonauts - 10

Aeetes and his queen Eidia also came.After a while, the courtyard was full of people, and there was joy.Some of the servants were busy slaughtering a big bull to entertain the guests, some were chopping firewood, making a fire, and some were busy boiling water.While everyone was busy, Venus flew high in the air, took out an arrow from his quiver, and then landed silently, squatting behind Jason, aiming at the king's daughter Medea. .No one noticed the flying arrow, not even Medea. She only felt a burning pain in her heart, took a deep breath from time to time, and then secretly looked up at Jason.She thought of nothing else, her heart was full of sweet pain, and her face was flushed with shame.

In the joyous noise, no one found Medea's mind.The servants brought good food and wine, and the Argonauts, bathed and dressed, happily sat down at the table, feasting on the rich food and drinking.During the dinner, the grandson of Aeetes narrated what happened on the way, and the king took the opportunity to ask him about the situation of these strangers quietly. "I don't want to hide from you, grandfather," whispered Argus behind his ear, "these people have come to you for the Fleece. There is a king who wants to drive them out of their land, so He sent them this dangerous mission. He hoped that these heroes would provoke the wrath of Zeus and bring the vengeance of Phrixus. Pallas Athena helped them build a strong ship, which could withstand the stormy sea.

The heroes of all Greece were gallantly assembled on this ship. " The King was astonished at this, and hated his grandchildren very much.He thought it must be that they had attracted so many strangers into his palace compound.The king's eyes were full of anger, and he said loudly: "You traitors, get out, and don't let me see you! You are not here to get the golden fleece, but to take my scepter and throne. If you hadn't come from afar Come, be my guest, I really won't spare you today!" Telamon, who was sitting next to the king, was very angry when he heard this, and was about to stand up and scold the king, but Jason stopped him in time and said gently: "Eetes, please rest assured, we Came into your city, into your palace, not to rob. Who would want to drift across the sea, through such a perilous voyage, to come and seize other people's property and enrich himself? Poor fate and the tyrant's The order has driven me on this road. If you give me the golden fleece, all Greece will praise you for it, and we will surely repay your kindness. If you meet with war, then consider us as Your allies, we will fight for you!"

Jason said these words in order to reconcile with the king, but the king was secretly thinking whether to kill them immediately or try their strength first.He thought about it carefully for a while, and felt that the latter method was more suitable, so he gradually calmed down and said, "Why are you so timid? If you are really the descendants of gods, then you have the ability to take back the golden fleece. I like bravery." I will give them everything, men. But how can you show me your skills and strength? I have two sacred bulls that graze in the fields of Ares: they have copper hooves and breathe fire from their noses. I am used to plowing the ground with these two oxen, and when the land is all plowed, I sow not corn in the furrows, but sow the terrible dragon's teeth. And the reaping is a group of men, who come towards me from all sides, I have to swing my spear and drive them down one by one. Every day I yoke the oxen in the morning and plow, and I don't rest until evening after the harvest. Outlander, if you can do this in the same day as I do , then you can take the Golden Fleece away. Otherwise, I can’t give it to you, because a brave man is not afraid of difficulties and dangers.” Jason sat there silently, undecided, because he dared not take the liberty to agree Do a scary adventure.Then he said firmly: "No matter how difficult the task, I am willing to stand the test. King, I am willing to die for it. Is there anything worse for a mortal than death? Fate sent me here , I am willing to obey the arrangement of fate."

"Well," said the king, "you may tell your companions. But think carefully! If you cannot complete the task, then let me do it, and leave my country as soon as possible!"
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