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Chapter 5 Tales of the Argonauts-5

After sailing through a storm, the Argonauts landed in the Gulf of Bisnia near the city of Chios.The Misiers living here treat their guests friendly, light a raging bonfire to keep them warm, spread soft beds for them with green leaves, and serve rich food and fine wine for dinner. Hercules gave up all comforts on the way.This time he left his companions again, and went into the thick wood alone, to find a strong pine with which to whittle a better oar.Before long, he really found a suitable tree.He put the quiver, bow and arrow on the ground, untied the lion skin tied to his body, and put the big wooden hammer on the ground, then hugged the trunk with both hands, and uprooted the big tree with all his strength. It looked like the big tree was blown down by a hurricane. Same.

At this time, Hercules' friend Hylas also left the table.Hercules killed Hylas' father because of a quarrel when he conquered Drius, and later took him back to raise him, and made him his servant and friend.Hylas took an iron can and went to the spring to fetch water for his master and friends.A full moon shone brightly, and the young Hylas looked even more handsome in the light of the moon.When he reached the spring, he bent down to draw water. The nymph, fascinated by his beautiful figure, suddenly stretched out her left hand to embrace his neck, and grabbed his arm with her right hand, and dragged him into the water.Polyphemus, also an Argonaut hero, was near the spring, waiting for Hercules.Suddenly, he heard Shuras calling for help, but couldn't find him.Just then Hercules came out of the wood. "Alas, I must tell you some sad news," Polyphemus said hastily to him. "Your servant Hylas went to draw water from the spring, but he did not return. I don't know whether he was captured by robbers, or Eaten by wild beasts, all I hear is his horrific cry." Hearing this, Hercules threw down the pine tree in anger, and hurried to the spring.

The morning star hangs high above the mountain peak.The breeze blows, bringing coolness.The helmsman urges the heroes to hurry aboard.They took advantage of the favorable wind and took advantage of the moonlight to sail happily for a while. Suddenly, someone found that there were two companions, Polyphemus and Hercules, who were not on board.Whether to go back and find them, or to continue sailing, this question caused fierce disputes.Could they go away on their own, disregarding their most valiant companions?Jason didn't say a word, just sat there quietly, worried.Telamon lost his composure and said angrily to him: "How can you sit here as if nothing happened? Maybe you are afraid that Hercules will be stronger than you and take away your honor! Have you heard everyone's discussion? Even if my companions support you, I dare to go back alone to find the lost comrades and heroes." He said, grabbing the helmsman Tifath's clothes with his hands, and his eyes blazed with anger.

He would indeed have forced them all to drive back, had not the two sons of Bonaauas, the north wind, Carles and Zetus, seized his hands to stop him.When they were quarreling, Glaucus, the god of the sea, jumped out of the rolling sea.Holding the stern of the boat with his strong hands, he called out to them: "Heroes, what are you arguing about? Why did you take brave Hercules to Aeetes, against the wishes of Zeus? Fate destined him to have another life. A heroic deed is to be done. And Hylas has been taken by Narcissus, who was shot by the arrow of love. It is for him that Hercules stayed." And having said this, he sank into the water again, A sharp black vortex was left on the sea surface.

Telamon was ashamed. He went up to Jason and begged for forgiveness and said: "Jason, don't be angry with me, I have lost my reason because of worry. Forget about my rough behavior, let us be reconciled." !” Jason held his hand, expressing reconciliation.So they happily continued sailing on the sea. Polyphemus stayed with the Mysians and built a city for them. Hercules continued to go where Zeus wanted him to go.
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