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Chapter 3 The Tale of the Argonauts-3

On the island of Lemnos, a strange thing happened a year ago. The women almost killed the men of the island, that is, their husbands, because their husbands brought back many foreign women from Thrace. The god Aphrodite aroused their jealousy. Only one of the women, Hypersyborough, forgave her father, King Thoas, and hid him in a wooden box, and threw him into the sea and let him drift. From then on, the women were always worried that the Thracians would come to attack Remnos, and they often stood on the shore and watched the sea warily, beware of any ships approaching suddenly.Now they were terrified when they saw the Argonauts approaching the shore swiftly.They were fully armed and rushed out of the city gate one after another, like soldiers of the Amazonian women, waiting on the coast.The Argonauts were amazed to see a crowd of armed women gathered on the shore, but no man.They sent an envoy, armed with a scepter of peace, to come ashore in a small boat to this strange procession.They surrounded him and took him to Queen Hypersyborough.The envoys politely conveyed the request of the Argonauts, allowing them to enter the port to rest.Immediately the queen summoned her men to the market place of the city, and seated herself on the marble throne which had been her father's former seat, she reported to the multitude the peace demands of the Argonauts.She stood up, and said, "Dear sisters, we have committed a great sin, and foolishly destroyed all men. Now, they beg us, we must not abandon our friends. But let us also be careful not to let them know Our folly. I propose, therefore, that food, wine, and other necessities should be sent aboard, as a gesture of friendliness for our safety, and to keep these strangers far outside the city."

The queen sat down again after speaking.At this time, an old woman who was struggling to speak said: "It is right to give gifts to foreigners, but you should also think about what to do if the Thracian rushes over? If there is a kind God bless us, then we can sleep peacefully without worrying about danger. Of course, an old woman like me need not be afraid at all. Anyway, before the danger comes and everything is not over, we will die. You Young people are different. How will you live in the future? Will the oxen yoke themselves and plow the fields? Will they harvest the crops for you? You don’t want to do this kind of hard work. I advise you Don't miss the opportunity to deliver it to your door, quickly hand over all your property to foreigners, and let them manage your city!"

The old man's proposal won the approval of the women.The Queen sent a young woman with the messengers back to the ship to express their wishes to the Argonauts.The heroes were delighted to hear this, and they had no doubts that Hypersyborough had come to the throne peacefully after the death of her father.Jason put on the purple cloak presented by Athena and set off into the city.As he passed through the city gates, women poured out to welcome him, pleased with his visitor.Jason followed the etiquette, staring at the ground, and hurriedly walked towards the queen's palace.The maids opened the palace door and warmly welcomed the distinguished guests.The young herald led him all the way into the queen's chambers.He took a seat in an ornate chair in front of the Queen.Hypersey Belle lowered her head, a flush appeared on her cheeks.She said in a soft and shy voice: "Strangers, why are you huddled outside the city? There are no men in Remnos, so you have nothing to fear. Our husbands were treacherous and betrayed us. They put the war The Thracian women who were plundered by the police took as concubines and emigrated to their native lands, and took their sons and servants with them, while we were left here alone. So, I want you to stay here If you want, you can replace me on my father's throne and be our leader. Our kingdom is the most fertile island in the sea, and you will love this place. I hope you will tell your companions about my proposal when you go back. Ladies, don't stay outside the city any longer."

Jason replied: "Ah, Queen, we accept your help with gratitude. I will tell my companions your advice, and I am willing to return to the city. But we cannot accept the king's scepter. And the islands, please manage them yourself! It’s not that I look down on them, but that a fierce war is still waiting for me in a distant place.” After he finished speaking, he stretched out his hands to bid farewell to the queen, and then hurried back to the seaside. Immediately the women drove express cars, loaded with many gifts, and followed Jason.The heroes on board had heard Jason's explanation, so the women easily persuaded them to go to the city and live in their homes.Jason lived directly in the palace, and the others lived here and there, and everyone was very happy.Only Hercules, born with a misogyny, still insisted on staying on board with a few companions.Now every family in the city is feasting, the wine is fragrant, the songs are singing and laughing, and the dancing shadows are dancing.The fireworks of the sacrifice are lingering, curling up into the sky.Women and guests alike pay homage to Hestos, the protector of the island, and his wife Aphrodite.The date of sailing was delayed day by day.Had Hercules not been tempted to disembark from the ship and hastened his companions to set off, the Argonauts would have been delighted with the passionate and docile woman! "You fools," he said contemptuously, "don't you have enough women in your country? Do you come here for your wives? Do you want to stay in Remnos and live like farmers Do you think that the gods in the sky will just take the golden fleece and put it under our feet? Let’s just go back and forget it. According to my idea, let Jason stay here to marry Hypersy Belle as his wife and have a grandchild Dui sons, let other heroes create great achievements from now on!"

Hercules was stubborn by nature, and no one dared to defy him.Everyone packed up and prepared to sail.The women in the city guessed their intentions and swarmed over them like a swarm of bees, complaining and begging, crying and making a fuss.In the end, they had to succumb to the arrangements of fate.Xu Posey Burr came forward with tears in her eyes, held Jason's hand and said, "Go, may God bless you and your partners, and let you get your wish and get the Golden Fleece! When you triumph in the future, you will still be willing to Come back, this island and my father's scepter are still waiting for you. I know, you may not plan to come back, at least miss me in the distance!"

Jason returned to the boat first, and the others followed him.The heroes untied the cables and swung the oars.Before long, the Hellesponto was left behind.
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