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Chapter 3 3

silversmith hassan 2413Words 2018-03-22
The ship sailed on for another three months, and arrived at a beach with a wide coast, covered with sand of various colors.The cultist said to Hassan: "We are finally here. Hassan, come with me. Let's go ashore." At the same time, he also ordered the captain to wait on the boat. Hassan went ashore with Heramu and went straight to a place far away from the coast. The cultist sat on the ground and took out a bronze drum and a silk-faced drumstick wrapped with a spell. Dust that covered the sky and the sun.Hassan was greatly surprised, feeling extremely weird, his face turned pale with fright, and he secretly regretted that he should not go ashore with him.The cultist glanced at Hassan and said, "What's wrong with you, my child? I swear by fire and light, you don't have to be afraid. I took you ashore only because I needed your name. Tell you Well, there are good things ahead of you that you can't imagine. The dust is for us to ride, and we can easily cross the plains and wilderness!"

After a while, the dust gradually dispersed, and three camels appeared.The cultist and Hassan each rode on one horse, and let the other one carry the food, and went all the way.After walking like this for seven days, they arrived at a vast and boundless Pingchuan.They saw a tall domed house supported by four red gold pillars, so they got off their camels, went in to rest, and ate something.Hassan looked around curiously, and suddenly pointed to a house in the distance and asked: "Old man, what is that place?" "It's a palace." "Can we go inside and have a look?"

"Oh! Don't mention this palace to me." His words showed impatience, and said: "My enemy lives there, and I have a lot of entanglements with him. Now I don't plan to Tell you." After the cultists finished speaking, as soon as they beat the bronze drum, the camel appeared in front of them again.So they mounted the camels and continued on their way.After another seven days and nights of trekking, the cultist asked, "What did you see, Hassan?" "I see clouds and fog all over the place ahead." "It's not clouds, but a mountain covered by clouds. Because it is too high, there are no clouds on the top of the mountain. This is our destination. All my hopes are on the top of this mountain. I will bring you here without hesitation, just I want to use your strength to realize my long-cherished wish."

"By your faith and God, what the hell are you trying to do with me here?" Hassan felt cheated again. "You know, alchemy requires a special medicine, and this kind of herb only grows on the top of this cloud-shrouded mountain. If I get this kind of grass, I will teach you all the methods of alchemy. " "Okay, my husband." Hassan was extremely desperate, thinking that his mother must be sad and desperate at home, and couldn't help regretting that he should not have listened to her advice. They came all the way to the foot of the mountain.Hassan looked up and saw a house, so he asked, "Who lives in that house?"

"This is where devils and man-eating monsters live." The cultist jumped off the camel, asked Hassan to come down as well, walked up to him, kissed his head, and said, "Don't worry about the past. After going through that ordeal, I promise you to enter that house." It must be safe. I swear to you, this time you go up the mountain to harvest, and each of us will share half." "Okay, I'll do as you say." The cultist opened a pocket, took out a disc mill and some wheat, ground the wheat finely, kneaded the dough with water, made three dough cakes, lit a fire, baked them, and then took out silk mallets and bronze drums, and a group of camels Responded to.He picked one, killed it, skinned it, and turned to Hassan and said, "Do as I say, my boy. Take this knife and get under the camel's hide, and I will sew the hide back together." After a while, a huge vulture flies over. It thinks you are a camel and will snatch you away. When it takes you to the top of the mountain, you use a knife to cut open the camel's skin and get out. The vulture suddenly saw you and decided to Fly away in panic. You look down again and yell and let me know. I'll tell you what to do next."

Then he gave Hassan three pieces of dough and a bag of water, and according to his arrangement, he sewed these things into the camel hide with Hassan, put it on the ground, and hid himself far away.After a while, a giant eagle flew over, picked Hassan up into the sky, and slowly fell to the top of the mountain.Hassan felt that he had landed on the top of the mountain, so he cut a slit with a knife, got out, and shouted to the cultists at the foot of the mountain.When the cultists heard Hassan's voice, they danced for joy and shouted: "Go straight into the mountains and tell me what you see."

Hassan had no choice but to move forward.After walking a few steps, I saw many piles of skeletons and a lot of firewood nearby. He told the cultists all this.The cultist replied, "That's exactly what we're looking for. You throw the firewood in six bundles and throw it to me. We need it just to make gold." As he said, Hassan took six bundles of firewood to the edge of the cliff and threw them down the mountain.When the cultists saw that the firewood was in their hands, they showed their fierceness and cursed Hassan: "You dog! I just used you, and now I'm done. From now on, you can stay alone in the mountains until you starve to death, or you can jump off the mountain." Fall to your death."

After all, he laughed and walked away. Hassan was really desperate, and thought: "What should I do? Great Allah, save me! I let this beast deceive me again." He sat on the ground and chanted sadly: Driven by fate, if-- The sane man is displaced, must first make him deaf and blind, It also caused his sanity to be lost like hair loss. When the arrangement is fully realized, to restore man's reason and mind, Let him recall the past and learn from it. Don't ask how it happened, In the dark, there are reasons for hiding. " Hassan stood up, looked around, and found himself at the top of a mountain with no way to go.He steps aside.Below is a blue, endless sea.I saw rough waves, setting off layers of white waves.He sat down, chanted a few paragraphs, and piously prayed to Allah to extend a helping hand so that he could escape from suffering, or simply die, and reach Allah's side as soon as possible, and avoid the pain of flesh and blood.After he repented and prayed, he threw himself into the sea desperately.Unexpectedly, he landed safely in the arms of the waves, and then was pushed briskly onto the beach by the wind and waves.He stood up and found himself unscathed, rejoicing and shouting thanks to Allah for His blessings.He wandered about, trying to find something to satisfy his hunger.Suddenly, it turned out that this was the place where he and Heramu had been.Take a closer look, isn't it the palace that Heramu said was inhabited by ghosts?

He said to himself: "Allah, I must go in and see what's going on. Maybe there's something in there that will help me!" He went straight and saw that the door was open, so he stepped through the door and looked up to see two beautiful girls sitting on the bench in the hall, they were playing ecstatically.After a while, a girl accidentally looked up and saw Hassan, and shouted happily: "O God! Someone has come! He must be the young man who was kidnapped by Hramu!" Hearing what she said, Hassan quickly knelt down in front of her and said bitterly, "Miss, Allah testifies that I am indeed that poor person."

"Sister, you come to be a witness, and I will become brother and sister with this person. From now on, I will live and die for him, be happy for his happiness, and suffer for his pain." The two Saying so, the younger sister stood up and held Hassan's hand, while leading Hassan into the house with her sister.She changed Hassan into luxurious clothes, and then set out a table of delicacies, and the two sisters ate together with Hassan.They asked: "How did you fall into the hands of that despicable and shameless magician who is not as good as a pig or a dog? What suffering have you suffered? Tell us in detail! We will also tell you about our entanglement with him. In the future, you will If you meet him, you can guard against him and deal with him."

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