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Chapter 24 Motorcycle rat-10

Robber's box 弗兰克·鲍姆 274Words 2018-03-22
When Brad's father picked up his son from the Mountain View Inn in a trailer, he met Jean's mother. Six months later, they were married, Jean and Brad were brothers, and they lived together in a house in the small town of Quecaricha, California.Jean was happy to have a father, and Brad was happy to have a mother.Most of the time, the two boys are good buddies. How is Ralph?The boys decided that the dog, Affie, might be interested in mice for motives contrary to theirs, and left Ralph at the inn.There, he drives his race car every night and generously allows his relatives to ride.He enjoyed their company and they benefited greatly from his education.However, one thing is very strict - the only mouse who can sit in the driver's seat of the Laser XL7 is Ralph himself.

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