Home Categories fable fairy tale Robber's box

Chapter 8 magic type

Robber's box 弗兰克·鲍姆 4122Words 2018-03-22
Once upon a time, there was a bird god who was tired of his wonderful life and wanted to do something new.The bird god has more power than other gods, and only fairies and elves can compare with him.If they want a thing, they must be able to get it in a very simple way.Their lives are filled with happiness and fulfillment.However, a bird god named Bobobo was not satisfied.He has lived in the world for thousands of years and enjoyed the joys of life to the fullest.He is tired of the present life like a person whose wishes cannot be fulfilled. Bobobo finally remembered the human beings living on the earth.They live in cities.He decided to visit and see how they lived.It must be fun and kill a lot of boring time.

So, one morning, after Bobobo had an unimaginably rich breakfast, he set off for Earth.He was immediately in the middle of a large city. Where he lived was very quiet, so the bustle of the city surprised him.His nerves are very fragile. After looking around for less than three minutes, he decided to give up this adventure and flew back. Having visited the cities of Earth, he found temporary satisfaction.Not long after he got home, feeling uneasy about his monotonous life again, another idea occurred to him.In the dead of night, people are asleep, the city must be very quiet, he visits the earth at night.

In a blink of an eye, he landed in a city of dogs and started roaming the streets.Everything is quiet, people are asleep, there are neither rumbling carriages nor noisy crowds in the street.Even the police have gone to sleep secretly, and there are no thieves roaming the streets. The silence relaxed Bobobo's nerves.He started to play.He went into many rooms and looked at them curiously.Neither the lock nor the bolt on the door worked for him, and he could see as well in the dark as in the day. After a while, it came to the business district of the city.The gods don't know the store, they don't need to spend money, they don't need to trade.Bobobo was deeply attracted by so many goods and commodities in front of him.

He walked and looked, and thus entered a women's hat shop.He was astonished to find in a large glass case a large number of millinery hats, each with a small bird.The bellies of these birds are filled with other things.Some special millinery even had two or three little birds on them. Bird God is the protector of birds and loves birds very much.Bobobo was sad and troubled to see so many of his little friends put on hats by the milliner and shut up in glass cases.He didn't know that the milliner put the bird on the hat on purpose.He opened the cupboard door and blew a whistle that only a bird could understand.

He cried: "Come out, friends! The door is open, please fly out!" Bobobo didn't know at the time that these birds were fake birds to fill their stomachs, but whether they were real birds or fake birds, they had to obey Bobobo's whistles and calls.So, they all left their hats, flew out of the glass case, and flew around the house. "Poor friends," cried the kind-hearted Bird God, "you must long to be in the fields and woods again." He opened the outer gate for them, and cried, "Fly out, my fair birds, and you will be happy again!" Immediately these amazed birds flew out at Popopi's command, and soared through the night sky.

Bobobo closed the door and continued to walk on the street. At dawn, Bobobo saw many interesting sights.But before he had finished his tour of the city, it was daylight.He decided to come here a few hours earlier tonight. Just after dark, he came to the city again.As he passed the milliner's shop, he noticed that the lights were on.He went in and saw two women in the room, one of whom was weeping sadly with his head on the table.Another was trying to comfort her. Of course, Bobobo is invisible to mortal eyes.So, he stood aside and eavesdropped on their conversation. "Cheer up, sister," said one, "though the lovely birds have been stolen, here is your hat."

"Ah!" cried another, a milliner, "no one will buy my hats anymore. Because only hats decorated with birds are fashionable now. If my wares don't sell, I will Totally bankrupt." After speaking, she burst into tears again, and Bobobo left them quietly, feeling a little ashamed.He didn't expect that out of love for birds, he accidentally hurt a person on earth and made her fall into misfortune. This self-condemnation made him return to the millinery at night.By this time, the two women had gone home.He thought of a way to cheer up the poor woman by replacing the bird on the hat.He searched about, and came to a nearby cellar, where he found many little gray mice.These little mice lived very comfortably. They gnawed the surrounding walls with their mouths, got into neighbors' houses, and stole food from the kitchen to maintain their lives.

"These things are very useful," thought Bobobo. "If you put them on a millinery, wouldn't you? Their feathers are almost as soft as a bird's feathers, and they are very beautiful and graceful animals. Besides , they live by stealing food, and if they were permanently mounted on hats, their morals would be greatly improved." He cast a spell and called all the rats out of the cellar.It puts them on a hat in a glass case, keeping them where the little birds leave them.Finally, in Bobobo's eyes, these little mice matched those millinery hats so harmoniously.In order to prevent these little mice from running around, he made them all rest on the hat.He was very happy when everything was in place.He decided to stay in the store, wanting to see his exploits for himself.The milliner will be delighted to see these hats so elegantly adorned.

Early in the morning the milliner came, accompanied by her sister.Her facial expression is sad and helpless. They cleaned the shop, drew the shutters, opened the glass case, and took out a hat. Seeing a thin gray mouse among the ribbons and lace, the milliner gave a cry, threw off her hat, and jumped on the table, and her sister, hearing the cry of terror, jumped on a chair.asked: "Hey, what's going on? What's going on?" "A mouse!" gasped the milliner, trembling with terror. Seeing the commotion in front of him, Bobobo realized that rats are particularly disgusting.He made a grave mistake in substituting them for the bird in the hat.So he immediately blew a whistle so low that only a mouse could hear it.

Soon all the mice jumped from their hats, rushed out of the open doors of the glass cases, and hurried away from the shop to their cellars.The scene terrified the milliner sisters, who cried out and fell unconscious on the floor. Bobobo is a kind-hearted bird god who witnessed the catastrophe caused by his ignorance of human beings.He wished he could go home at once, so that the two poor women could wake up as soon as possible. Of course, he couldn't shake off a sad sense of responsibility.He recalled that it was his letting the birds go that had caused the milliner's misfortune, and that the best way to solve the problem was to let the birds go back into the glass case.He loved the birds so much that he didn't want them to be chained here any longer.But this is the only way to end the catastrophe.

Bobobo went to find the birds, they had already flown far away.He found them quickly.They were seen perched on the branches of a large chestnut tree, singing happily. Seeing Bobobo coming, the birds called to him: "Thank you Bobobo, thank you for setting us free." "You're welcome," replied Bobobo, "because I'm here to take you back to the milliner's shop." "Why?" asked a blue bird angrily.At the same time, all the other birds stopped singing. "Because you are the private property of that milliner, and your escape has brought her into misfortune," replied Bobobo. "But, do you know how unfortunate it is that we are locked in a glass case?" said a robin seriously, "As for saying that we are her private property, you are the patron saint of all birds, you should know Nature has created freedom for us. It is the abominations who shoot us and fill us with other things and sell us to milliners. Say we are her property, what is there to say start?" Bobobo became confused. "If I let you go free," he said, "those hateful people will still shoot you, and then you won't be in a good place." "Bah!" cried the blue bird. "Now we can't be shot by them again! Because we've got something else in our bellies. Indeed, two men shot at us this morning." guns, but the bullets only hit our feathers and disappeared in our stomachs. Now we are no longer afraid of those wicked people." "Listen!" Bobobo sternly reprimanded.He felt the birds were gaining an advantage in the debate.So he went on, "If I can't get you back into that poor milliner's shop, she'll be out of business. So it's very necessary that you go back to that milliner's shop and dress up those millinery hats. Yes." It is fashionable for women to wear hats with little birds on them. The poor milliner's hats, trimmed with lace and ribbons, are worth nothing without you on them." "Fashion," cried a black bird solemnly, "it's all man made fashion. What law is there between birds and bird-gods that we should be slaves to fashion?" "What has fashion to us?" chirped a linnet, "if you were to perch on a women's hat, which is fashionable to wear, would you not be content to stay there?" ? Please answer me, Bobobo." Bobobo was at a loss.He could no longer make the mistake of returning the birds to the milliner.But he didn't want the milliner to suffer the loss of his bird.So, he went home to think of other ways. After silently contemplating, he decided to ask the king of the bird god.He set off at once, found the king of the bird god, and told him what had happened. The King of Bird God frowned. "Your very foolish interference with the human beings on Earth is a lesson to you," he said. "Now that things have come to this, it is your task to right the wrong. Our birds can no longer be slaves, it is There is no doubt about it. So you have to change the fashion and make women think that hats with birds are out of date." "Then what should I do?" Bobobo asked. "It's very easy. What is called fashion changes among the people of the earth, and as soon as people get tired of it, new fashions spring up quickly. One reads in newspapers and magazines that the current fashion is What. They never doubted that these reports would immediately become a new fashion. So you have to visit newspapers and magazines and work your magic on type. " "Enchant the type!" repeated Bobobo in bewilderment. "Yes, to let people know that hats with birds are no longer fashionable. That way, that poor milliner can take his misery away. In the meantime, we can make thousands of cute birds of the birds are set free from such cruel exploitation." Bobobo thanked the clever king of bird gods and went to carry out his advice. Bobobo visited all the newspapers and magazines in the city.Then he went to other cities and made all the publications carry the "new trend" statement.Sometimes, Bobobo casts a spell on the typeface, and whoever reads it will understand it according to Bobobo's meaning.Sometimes he would visit busy editors, dazzle them, and make them write as he wished.People do not know that they are under the influence of gods.These otherworldly gods input their thoughts into the minds of humans.And only the clever elves know all this, but humans are kept in the dark. The next morning the poor milliner read in the newspaper: "No woman likes a hat with a bird on it anymore. Because it's out of date. The best fashionable hats these days are those with only ribbons on them." and a lace hat." She was overjoyed when she read the report. From then on, Bobobo also became more cheerful.In every millinery he visited, he found the stuffing birds neglected, thrown aside as trash.Bobobo felt that he had brought the birds back to life.They sang songs and flew to the fields and Senxiu, thanking the bird god for saving their lives. Sometimes the hunters would shoot at the bird, but he always wondered why he couldn't hit it. Dear children, when you finish reading this story, you will definitely understand the mystery.The bird of immortality must have flown from the milliner's shop.Because their stomachs are filled with other things, hunters cannot kill them with shotguns.
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