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Chapter 11 compassionate person

After Huo Zhenbo checked whether the door where the fire pump was placed was locked, he jumped onto Mr. Ding Beimo's bicycle.Between Kaspar and Zobel calling for help (but, at this moment, it is useless to call for help. Of course, since the people in this small town are asleep, no one can hear), through the silent Street, ride to grandma's house. Grandma is not asleep yet. She passed the time with knitting.Two knits on the outside, two knits on the inside—two knits on the outside, two knits on the inside...and so on. Huo Zhenbo peeped in from the window, and knocked on the windowpane when grandma finished knitting.

"Hush! Old lady!" Grandma put the knitted socks aside: "Which one?" "It's me." Huo Zhenbo said in a low falsetto, "Please come out, it's me! . "Ah, it's you!" Grandma mistook Huo Zhenbo for Mr. Ding Beimo, Minister of Police, "Why did you come back so soon—what's the matter with Kasper and Zoebel?" "Those two children, where is the water pump?" Huo Zhenbo said in a low voice. "With the guy you caught?" "With the guy who caught it." "So everything is going well?" "Yes, just as you think."

"Oh, that's great! But won't you come in?" "It's better for you to come out." Huo Zhenbo said, "Don't forget to wear your hat, maybe it will take a little longer. I want you to confront Huo Zhenbo. Aren't you afraid of that guy?" "With Mr. Minister of Police--absolutely not!" Grandma was afraid that it would be cold outside, so she put on a warm woolen shawl and hurried out. Huo Zhenbo raised his hands in salute.With the moon on his back, he doesn't have to worry about being noticed by grandma. "By bicycle," he murmured, "because it's fast. Besides, it's comfortable for you, isn't it?"

Grandma put her hand to her ear: "Mr. Police Minister, I can't hear you very well. Please speak louder!" "Unfortunately, we can't do that." Huo Zhenbo replied in the same low voice as before, "This is for... Do you understand? Protecting the night rest of my townspeople is my most sacred mission." "Ah, that's really good." Grandma said, "After listening to your words, I know that you are a sympathetic person. Huo Zhenbo would never say such a thing!"
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