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Chapter 6 something must be done

In Grandma's house, there was a small attic room with sloping walls where a guest bed was placed.They let Mr. Minister of Police live here. "Want some valerian tea?" Grandma asked. "Valerian tea calms the nerves, and it must work for you." —Because you have suffered a lot. " "Honestly," said Mr. Dingbellmore, "I'd like something to eat. Listen, my stomach is growling!" "So do we!" Kaspar and Zobel shouted. Grandma went to the kitchen and buttered a pile of bread. Mr. Dimbermore, Casper, and Zobel ate up all the bread. Grandma put the pot of valerian tea beside Mr. Ding Beimo's bed.

"Now, I have to go to the street. First, I have to do two or three things of my own,—and one more," Grandma said to Mr. Ding Beimo, "Go to the laundry, and hurry up and wash your clothes uniform." Mr. Ding Beimer exclaimed, "All right! Besides, I want you to do something..." "You mean...?" "Come to my house and bring your shoes and stockings. Also, a replacement helmet and saber, please. That is a dress and saber that is only worn on Sunday. These things, Mrs. Pinzmichel, the owner of the house. They will all be taken out." "There's another one, I don't think you'll forget—there is a blue bicycle with red rims in the middle courtyard. Can you push that too? That's my special police bicycle, laundry The shop has done the laundry, and I'm going to ride it right away.”

"In this way, it won't take too much time to get Huo Zhenbo into the detention center again, I swear I will do it!" "Got it," said Grandma. "Oh, it's the saber, the shoes, the socks, and the helmet and the blue bicycle." "And sausages!" Kaspar added. "Fried sausage?" Grandma asked back. "Yes," said Kaspar, "don't forget! Today is Thursday! Fried sausages and sauerkraut, as an exception, you can eat it once at dinner..." "Fried sausages and pickles?" Grandma shook her head violently. "As long as the big thief Huo Zhenbo is still running around freely, my family will never make fried sausages again, and the same goes for pickles! Do you think I will put that guy again?" Lead me here? Once is enough!"

Grandma yelled stubbornly.There is no one in the world who can stop grandma's idea. Kaspar and Zobel were well aware of grandma's stubbornness, so they didn't want to persuade grandma in the first place.The two came to the yard dejectedly, sat in the sunny place behind the house and thought: the sooner the big thief Huo Zhenbo enters the detention center, the sooner grandma will cook sausages and pickles. "Can we wait like this until Mr. Dimbermer catches the guy?" Casper asked. "I think so. Something has to be done..." "Have you got any plans?" Zoebel wondered.

"What method should be used to lure that guy to the place where the fire pump is placed? Do you understand this matter..." "The question is how to seduce him," said Zobel, "with bacon—or with fried sausages?" "None of these!" Kaspar said. Kasper thought with a wrinkled forehead.Thinking about this and that,——suddenly, the matter of catching an empty vinegar bottle in the small river of the town today surfaced. "Got it!" he cried, "Zobel, got it! Go to that fellow, take the empty communication bottle!" "null……?" "Empty bottle communication!"

"Send the empty bottle to Huo Zhenbo?" "How bad it is not to listen well when other people are talking. I mean take it to him. It's a big difference between sending it and taking it, Zobel! I'm sorry, but can you go to the paper shop? Buy a bucket of wax!" "Fire paint?" "Yeah," said Casper, "for real empty-bottle communication, the wax is more important than the bottle."
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