Home Categories fable fairy tale Green Class 54

Chapter 31 30 dance

Green Class 54 未夕 3999Words 2018-03-22
New Year's Day is approaching, and the school decided that this year's New Year's Day celebration will be changed to a new trick, and group dance competitions of all grades will be held. There is a class fee of 300 yuan for the first place.You can buy better prizes. Class 64 bought a big cake for the activities held this semester, so the class fee is almost spent. Everyone is a little worried that the prizes after the final exam will not be rich enough.This is really a good opportunity. The class cadres held a small meeting. Here is a question to clarify. For the class meetings and various activities of Class 64, Teacher Lulv always leaves the decision-making power to the students themselves. The class leaders will come up with a plan, and the whole class will use the morning meeting to discuss it. Just tell Teacher Lulu.

Teacher Lulu said, as long as you don’t oppose the people, don’t oppose the party, don’t violate school discipline, aren’t pornographic or indecent, you can do whatever you want. Teacher Lulu objected once. That time, Little Candles wanted to hold a class meeting where they would compete in advertising slogans, and everyone would perform an advertisement.The class leader took the program list to Teacher Lulu. Teacher Lulu looked at it carefully and crossed out two programs. One was Wu Yun's "Yili Shen" commercial: whoever uses it knows, and the other was Xiao Xiao's. In the program, he said that he wanted to learn about Hushubao's advertisement.

Teacher Lulu told them in private that these two advertisements should not be performed, and they should be replaced. Wu Yun asked: Why can't Yi Lishen learn from it? Wasn't it made by Zhao Benshan? He also specially prepared a hat like Zhao Benshan's, but now Lulu won't let him act, Wu Yun is really disappointed. Lulu said: "Zhao Benshan can say that you can't." Wu Yun muttered and was still very unwilling.Lulu comforted him: "Zhao Benshan has done other commercials, you choose a performance." Wu Yun said: "But this is the one I learned the most."

Lulu said: "You can learn from that advertisement of Huo Xiangzheng Qi Liquid, it's also fun." Wu Yun had no choice but to agree, but he still didn't understand why he couldn't say: whoever uses it knows. As for Xiao Xiao, he wants to learn how to protect Shu Bao because: "The advertisement says: that thing has wings." Lulu felt that advertising should also be set at a level that is not suitable for children. Except this time, Lulu has always been very democratic. This time, the plan brought by the class cadres made Lulu hesitate a bit. Because, the small candles believe that if they want to win this event, Class 64 must have a secret weapon.

What is this secret weapon? They put their minds on Teacher Lulu's head. Lulu opened her eyes wide in surprise and asked, "Would you like me to dance with you too?" Everyone said: "Yes, yes! Teachers in other classes will definitely not dance, so that we can be different and attract attention." Lulu said: "Hey! You will show me. I don't want to jump." The class cadres persuaded: "Dance, dance, teacher. For three hundred yuan, just sacrifice yourself once, teacher." Lulu said with a bitter face, "I won't." The old god Shen Yongheng said: "Last time we heard from our uncle that you can dance and you are a master in the dance forest."

"Which one is Master?" "It's your brother. He told us to call him uncle. He also said that when you have a girlfriend in the future, we should call her teacher wife." It's really disrespectful for the old, Lulu thought angrily. "Dance, dance, teacher. Our class is in financial crisis!" Shen Yongheng said: "Besides, we have decided that our class will not dance that kind of childish children's group dance. Over the phone, he has agreed!" "That's right. Let's close the door, remove the tables and chairs, draw the curtains, and practice secretly. Teacher, don't be shy. At that time, we will definitely be a blockbuster!"

Lulu thought for a long time, and finally agreed.Since I led Class 64, I didn't see it once or twice, and it's okay to reappear once, right? Lulu is a person who is very good at self-comfort. "Can I choose my own partner?" "Of course, of course! Take your pick!" Everyone thought Teacher Lulu would choose a prettier girl, such as Qiao Yunzhi.Although this person is annoying, everyone has to admit that she is beautiful, and her size and figure match with Lulu. As a result, everyone was surprised, and Lulu chose Chen Li, who was the least like a girl. Although Chen Li's hair is a little longer now, and she doesn't wear boy's clothes very much, but she looks too ordinary, and her movements are still a bit boyish.

As a result, 15 men and 15 women, including Mr. Lu Lu, were selected to participate in the competition.There is no way, the ratio of male to female in class 64 is seriously out of balance, there are more than 50 people, and only 17 girls! Among them, Shen Yongheng and Qiao Yunzhi are dancing partners. Everyone thinks that the two of them are more suitable, but they don't like each other, their postures are very stiff, their necks are stuck, like enemies.Sesame paste was so anxious that he kept shouting: "Pay attention to eye contact! Eye contact! I'm not asking you to roll your eyes at each other!"

By the way, now the sesame paste coach no longer calls one big two big three three big, he says one two three two two three three two three. He has learned it! Except for the dancers, everyone else performed their own duties. Among them, a few boys, like Commander Xu Baitang, took the initiative to serve as guards and drove away those who were peeping in front of the window of Class 64. In fact, no one was watching at first, and each class was busy with their own work, but their sneaky expressions made people suspicious, and they really wanted to cover it up. The little boy, the cardamom girl, is at the age of being extremely curious about the opposite sex, and suddenly wants them to hold hands, cling to each other so affectionately and dance,

At the beginning, I couldn't get into the state no matter what, laughing and joking, making a fuss, and some boys laughed maliciously.Before Teacher Lulu could speak, Shen Yongheng stopped them sharply, especially the boys, whoever was not serious, changed immediately! "Anyway, we have plenty of substitutes!" Shen Yongheng said. This kid is really a general, Teacher Lulu is more and more convinced of this. Then, they swayed from the ground, wanting to be close but still far away, and gradually became elegant, with their small strong and soft waists straightened up, their faces tense, but their eyes were extraordinarily shining , It's just looking forward to the brilliance.

Sesame paste once said that waltz is the most beautiful body language in the world, it is true. Teacher Lulu danced really well, his posture was extremely gentle, treating Chen Li as if he were treating a piece of fine porcelain.He even bowed slightly to her after each dance, which all the boys imitated. Maybe it was when he took the first step of the dance, Chen Li heard the subtle clucking sound in his body, like the ice on the lake breaking when spring came, or like an eggshell breaking. Men and women are indistinguishable, and inside the chaotic shell, the soul of the little girl Chen Li splits out, carefully steps out of the shell, and begins to examine men curiously, what kind of structure they have, what kind of texture they have, and what kind of touch , what smell, what is their mind, what is their joy and fear?There are many, many questions that have no answers yet, but one thing is certain, it turns out that I am really different from them. When a child looks for something different from someone of the opposite sex, his gender consciousness is awakened. Chen Li's Su woke up a bit late, but, ah, it's here! Every day after school, the students of Class 6 and 4 stayed to practice, and Xu Bai and Commander Tang also stayed as guards.There is a silly earnestness. After two days of practice, everyone began to worry about the costumes. Boys' clothing is easier to deal with. Everyone has white shirts and black pants. You only need to buy a uniform small bow tie.Teacher Xiaoran said that she knew where it was sold, and she could negotiate the price to ensure that it was cheap and good. But what about girls?Waltz, it’s not enough to just wear a skirt!You can only feel it when you wear that fluffy princess dress.And there must be fifteen people wearing exactly the same clothes!However, not every parent is willing to buy a princess dress for their daughter for the school performance, some don't want to, some can't. Everyone thought and thought, and finally came up with a solution. The small candles of class 64 began to collect beverage bottles and cans. One day, Teacher Lulu opened the storage cabinet at the back of the classroom and found a pile of bottles and jars neatly piled up inside, all washed clean and neatly stacked, and there were piles of old newspapers. Well tied. Teacher Lulu squatted in front of the cupboard and smiled, a bunch of little fools, how long will it take to save money like this.A princess dress costs at least two hundred yuan. On the eve of the competition, the class cadres sold the scraps and handed over the money to Teacher Lulu. A total of one hundred and eighty fifty cents. Shen Yongheng said: "Teacher, these are definitely not enough, why don't I mobilize the students to donate." Teacher Lulu said: "No need, I have a solution. We can't ask students to donate money casually." Eternal classmate is very clever: "Teacher, do you want to pay yourself? You only have one month..." Teacher Lulu hurriedly said: "Stop it! Don't reveal my financial situation casually. I can find a sponsor." Lulu actually made up his mind a long time ago, and it would be a pity to let the capitalist brother not try to cheat. Lulu called her eldest cousin, and started to talk to him: "Brother, I heard that your branch in the United States is developing very well, and you are very popular with the American people!" Brother said: "Lulu, what do you want?" Lulu said: "Ah, big brother, don't think of me so pragmatically!" Brother teased him: "If you don't say anything, I'll hang up, and you won't have a chance!" Lulu hurriedly said: "Buy me fifteen sets of princess dresses for little girls!" The elder brother joked with him: "You want to buy a skirt for the big girl, I will support you in any number of sets. But the little girl..." Lulu was furious: "You are so vulgar!" Just kidding, my brother is still very efficient in handling things, and he sent the princess dress soon. That bunch of snow-white skirts are really as beautiful as the clouds in the sky. Everyone, including the boys, did not even dare to vent their breath, for fear that the beautiful skirt would be blown away by a breath of heat. The little girls held the skirts carefully as if they were babies, and when they tried them on, although they were a little nondescript over long-sleeved trousers, they all took small steps and raised their heads slightly, like real princesses. . Teacher Xiaoran said to Lulu: "As Bernard Shaw said, whether a girl is a lady or not depends not on how she talks and behaves, but on how she is treated." Finally, it was the day of the competition, and the students from class 64 who participated in the performance made an appointment to wear big padded jackets. When it was their turn, everyone took off their clothes with a clamor. Ah, the audience was shocked!oh my god!The garbage class has made a big transformation!As beautiful as a princess and a prince! When Teacher Lulu appeared in the team holding Chen Li's hand, the audience was erupting! When the music sounded slowly, the screams, whistles, and voices stopped all of a sudden. In the melodious music, Lulu and his small candles danced lightly, they spun, they smiled, and they calmly changed their formation , they are like a dream! The music gradually faded away. The boys in Class 64, including their teacher Lulu, bowed slightly to the lady, and the girls slipped away from the boy gently, pinching the corners of their skirts, and bowed to the audience . Class 64 won a big victory!Their performance was talked about by Leisi people in the next few years. All the teachers in the class found that after this time, the small candles in Class 64 became quieter and more temperamental. It turns out that the waltz has this effect. After the performance, Shen Yongheng announced the origin of the princess dress behind Mr. Lulu's back in class. Although the girls were very reluctant, they still made a decision to donate the dress to the school's dance team.Their funds are also very tight, and sometimes the decorations on the costumes are cut out of gold and silver paper by the teachers and pasted on. Teacher Lulu agreed very much after knowing about it. Before saying goodbye to the beautiful skirts, the girls put them on one after another, and took pictures with Teacher Lulu. Lulu said, let’s take a group photo, it’s too cold, you’ll catch a cold. But they still insisted on taking pictures with Teacher Lulu one by one.Although the photos can only be taken in the classroom because of the cold weather, the little girls are still very satisfied. The boys watched from the side with envy, and whispered: "Girls are really flirtatious." "Really flamboyant, really flirtatious, look at them sticking to Lulu's body like brown candy." "That's right. Do you think being a woman can have privileges?" "Let's stick together too." "Go, go. Let's go together!" Teacher Lulu secretly left one of the skirts before handing them over to the dance team. This one is for Chen Li. Lulu quietly handed over the dress to Chen Li. The winter sun cast the shadow of Mr. Lulu on the wall.Because it was noon, the shadow was short and fat, as if Teacher Lulu had gained weight and became a little shorter. Chen Li gently leaned against the wall, snuggling up to the shadow of Teacher Lulu. Her posture is gentle, like a little girl. She thought that Lulu didn't see it, but in fact, Teacher Lulu saw it. He turned his back and smiled.
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