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Chapter 19 19 Living with the Teacher (Part 2)

Green Class 54 未夕 3545Words 2018-03-22
Zheng Xiao has a good habit, he doesn't sleep in late. , That's why he was lucky enough to see Teacher Lulu just waking up. It's really interesting. As if drunk, with half-closed eyes, he staggered around the room and slammed into the door with a bang.I would fall asleep while brushing my teeth, biting the toothbrush in my mouth, leaning on the washstand with my arm, and dozing off like a chicken pecking at rice. After finally washing his face, when he woke up a bit, he caught sight of Zheng Xiao. As if seeing a little ghost, he opened his eyes wide, as if he didn't remember what happened last night at all, just wondering why he saw his student as soon as he opened his eyes.

For a moment, Zheng Xiao thought that Teacher Lulu would open the door and throw him out. Fortunately, after a while, Teacher Lulu remembered everything. "Go brush your teeth and wash your face," he told Zheng Xiao. Zheng Xiao said, "It's already done." "Huh?" Teacher Lulu was very surprised. The two changed their clothes and went out to take the car.On the way, teacher Lulu bought breakfast for Zheng Xiao. They got out of the car when they were two stops away from the school.Zheng Xiao was wondering, but found that Li Hanhan was at the station. When he saw them, he also looked surprised.It turned out that Teacher Lulu insisted on running two stops to school with Han and Han students, but now there are three runners.

When they arrived at the school gate, the two little guys automatically took out their own breakfast from their bags and started to eat.Teacher Lulu went in first.The school stipulates that students are not allowed to bring breakfast to the classroom, while teachers eat a free breakfast at school. Han and Han couldn't close their mouths for a long time: "Are you really living with Teacher Lulu?" "Of course it's true. My father went abroad, my mother went to visit relatives again, and my aunt was also on a business trip. Lulu asked me to stay with him for a week."

From this day on, Zheng Xiao became the star of the class, boys and girls gathered around him to inquire about Teacher Lulu. Someone asked: "Are there soldiers standing guard where Lulu lives?" Zheng Xiao rolled his eyes: "Stupid! Lulu doesn't live in the army, of course it doesn't. It's just an ordinary community, but... a very good house." "Really? Luxurious?" "How luxurious and vulgar, it should be very cultural, and there are people playing the piano at night." "What's Lulu like at home?" "It's almost the same as in school. He washes his hair and takes a shower every day, and asks me to do the same."

On this day, Zheng Xiao released a new message: "The shower gel for Green is from Doraemon." Another day: "Today I actually saw Lulu shaving his beard. In fact, he doesn't have any beard, but he said that things like beards can be created from scratch with just shaving." "Oh!" The little candles were thoughtful. "Why does Lulu want to grow a beard?" A little girl asked, "Beautiful boys don't need beards." "But Lulu can't be a beautiful boy forever." "He can take the elegant route in the future, and he doesn't need to grow a beard."

"Whether you keep it or not is one thing. It's strange if a man can't grow a beard." Zheng Xiao found that his popularity among the girls was exceptionally high. The girls often surrounded him and gave him stickers, badges, pads, correction paper and other small gifts, just to inquire about the green ones. life trivia. Zheng Xiao then described what he saw with embellishment, but he didn't say much every day, leaving his tail hanging on the little girls, and always stopped abruptly at critical places.If you want to know what will happen next, and let's listen to the next chapter, Zheng Xiao has a talent for storytelling.

Teacher Lulu got angry, and said to Zheng Xiao at night: "Privacy, do you understand privacy? Thanks to you, now I'm naked!" Zheng Xiao hurriedly said: "No, no, I only say half and keep the other half every time, so that they can't guess. Teacher, teacher, you are even more mysterious!" Lulu took a closer look and found that it was indeed the case. She couldn't help but lament that Zheng Xiao was a little crooked, and sighed: "It would be great if you could use this cleverness in your studies." Teacher Zhang Xiaoran heard that Lulu took Zheng Xiao home to live with him, and said with a smile: "This is really, the older child takes the younger."

She often brings ready-made dishes, pack them in food boxes, and put them in the large freezer in the school cafeteria. After school, she asks Lulu to take them home and eat them as soon as they are warmed up. Teacher Xiaoran said: "As a teacher, the heart of a bodhisattva is right, but I'm afraid you will be too tired, nephew!" "However," Teacher Xiaoran said again, "Speaking of which, Zheng Xiao is really a poor kid. One winter, I found that he was wearing a pair of wet sneakers. It turned out that he washed the shoes by himself the first night and forgot to take them back. , ended up getting cold, and couldn’t find any other shoes to change in the morning, so I just endured that for a whole day. The misfortune of the parents’ marriage, how much harm it caused to the children!”

Zheng Xiao's aunt said that Zheng Xiao's ability to take care of himself is pretty good, and Teacher Lu Lu soon found out that it was not as it should be. He knows how to wash the clothes he and Mr. Lulu have changed in the washing machine, and then hang them up one by one; he folds the quilt by himself; he goes to cut his hair by himself; Squeeze the toothpaste for Lulu. After all, I am still young, I can't cook rice, only instant noodles. Lulu herself doesn't know how to do it. Fortunately, there is teacher Zhang Xiaoran, and there is a small restaurant downstairs, so there is no need for big and small children.

These days, living with Teacher Lulu, Zheng Xiao finally developed the habit of doing homework every day. Teacher Lulu is currently preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination. She has to read books every night, and basically doesn't chat with Zheng Xiao, let alone watch TV. Zheng Xiao then said to his classmates: "He reads books every night to do the problems, and he also memorizes the books." Everyone said: "Huh? The teacher still needs to memorize the books and do the questions? Why?" Zheng Xiao said, "He wants to take the postgraduate entrance examination."

Wu Yun was the most puzzled: "Why does he like reading so much, my God, what a weirdo!" Zheng Xiao said: "That's right, he's a pretty good guy, but he seems to be stupid in his studies. Alas, China's education system is really harmful!" On weekend nights, Teacher Lulu also does not watch TV, he reads books. Zheng Xiao secretly studied him while wrapped in a quilt. Zheng Xiao thought: Does Lulu want to be an official when she is a graduate student?Lulu looks really good, but it's a pity that she doesn't look like an official.People who are officials are all white and fat, or they are black and fat.Whether it's white or black, if you can be a Shangguan, you're a good fat man, or you're just an ordinary worthless fat man, like Li Hanhan. Zheng Xiao began to make a qualitative leap in his philosophical thinking about life, and he thought of his own future. Zheng Xiao thinks that he is also a beautiful boy. At present, there are three paths for the future. One, walking on the street and being spotted by a scout, becoming a star that everyone is looking forward to.But this possibility is too small, and besides, it is not certain whether beautiful boys will still be popular by then. Second, like Teacher Lulu, study hard and find a job that can provide you with enough food in the future. However, the problem is that studying is too hard, and it is not suitable for a free person like me. Therefore, student Zheng Xiao felt that he had only a third way to go. Is to be an official in the future. From now on, on the one hand, I need to exercise my intelligence more, and it is best to be able to develop skills like Zhuge Liang. On the other hand, I need to eat more and eat less snacks, and strive to grow into a fat man. So, student Zheng Xiao poked his head out from under the covers and said, "Teacher, I'm hungry." Teacher Lulu was concentrating on reading English without turning her head and said, "Go to sleep, you won't feel hungry after you fall asleep." Zheng Xiao said, "I'm too hungry to sleep." Lulu said angrily: "There are so many things, you!" This kid really kicked his nose and got on his face, Lulu thought, but he can't be hungry for other people's children. Teacher Lulu searched here and there for a while, and said, "There is nothing to eat at home." "Aren't there any biscuits?" "No. I don't eat snacks." "Oh." Zheng Xiao shrank his head back into the bed in disappointment. Lulu sighed: "There is rice." He remembered a small bag of Thai basmati rice he bought on a whim the other day. I dug out two spoonfuls and rinsed it, cooked it in a rice cooker, and had an idea, mixed it with a can of coconut milk, and it was fragrant. Zheng Xiao buried his head in the bowl and ate it in one go. He became hungry even after eating green and green. He also served a bowl. It was really sweet after eating.I didn't expect that I would invent a new kind of snack. Life is really training people. After eating, Zheng Xiao got into bed again, he still wanted to talk to Teacher Lulu.So he asked: "Teacher, why don't you correct your homework hard under the lamp? "Because I have worked hard at school to correct it." "What about preparing lessons?" "I've also worked hard to prepare." "Teacher, why do you want to take the postgraduate entrance examination? Can you raise your salary?" "Not for now." Zheng Xiao said: "When I grow up and become a high-ranking official, I will definitely consider your treatment." "Thank you," Lulu rolled her eyes, "When you become a high official, I should go to Pujue Temple (where the cemetery is) to rest." "Teacher, you will live a long life." Zheng Xiao said seriously. "Thank you." Lulu patted his head. A week passed quickly, and Aunt Zheng Xiao called and said that she would pick him up tomorrow. Teacher Lulu said, "Zheng Xiao, let me treat you to a big meal tonight." Zheng Xiao said: "Teacher, let's go eat Lanzhou ramen. The big plate chicken is delicious there." Zheng Xiao thought, if Lulu is a teacher, she doesn't have much money. Lulu seemed to know what he was thinking: "Don't worry, although the teacher has no money, but the teacher has a lot of rich brothers, let's eat the rich!" It turned out that Teacher Lulu's eldest cousin came to Nanjing for business and asked Lulu to go out for dinner. Lulu took Zheng Xiao with her and went to the very expensive Hilton Hotel. Lulu pointed at her brother with her chopsticks and said to Zheng Xiao: "Look, this capitalist is the enemy of the proletariat. Let's eat him hard. Don't be soft-spoken!" As a result, both of them were too full to walk, so the capitalist ordered warm lemonade for them to help digestion, drove them home, and carried them upstairs one by one. Zheng Xiao sighed: "This capitalist is so kind!" Teacher Lulu said: "Superficial phenomena are superficial phenomena. As soon as they go to the mall, they immediately tear off the veil of tenderness." After speaking, they kept laughing.Zheng Xiao guessed that Teacher Lulu drank too much. This was Zheng Xiao's last night sleeping at Mr. Lulu's house. He couldn't sleep all the time. After making up his mind for a long time, he finally said, "Teacher, can I sleep with you?" In the dark, Teacher Lulu said, "Come here." Zheng Xiao crawled to Teacher Lulu's side, and lay down cautiously. After a long time, he tentatively hugged the teacher's waist, and put his head into the teacher's arms. Lulu actually didn't fall asleep either. He suddenly felt that these days, in a sense, Zheng Xiao had also taught him many things. Since childhood, Lulu grew up surrounded by the love and affection of the whole family. Not to mention when she was a child, even in high school, if she had a slight headache, her brothers would go back and forth to see the doctor. Birthdays, parents, uncles, aunts, aunts, brothers and sisters will never miss red envelopes and gifts. From adolescence to adulthood, he had tried so hard to get rid of this care as excessive, and now he understood how precious it all was.Zheng Xiao taught him to cherish the love in his hands.He has received too much love and been exposed to too much kindness, so he is simple and soft, but his ability to resist blows is also extremely weak. Zheng Xiao taught him that no matter what kind of situation he is in, he will never give up on love. Your pursuit and yearning, whatever difficulties you face, walk through them happily with a smile on your face. In the distance, there will be happiness waiting for you.
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