Home Categories fable fairy tale Green Class 54

Chapter 6 6 Rectification

Green Class 54 未夕 2441Words 2018-03-22
Early this morning, during the morning class, Teacher Lulu entered the classroom with a bunch of things. He piled things on the podium, clapped his hands to signal the group of small candles to be quiet. "I have something important to tell you today. From today on, our Class 54 will implement new class rules." At the bottom is a long and winding "Ah...". Teacher Lulu went on to say: "I deeply understand everyone's 'ah', but, alas, the class rules still have to be explained and implemented." The students said one after another: "Teacher, let's have a few fewer."

Teacher Lulu smiled: "How many rules did you have in the original class?" Only a few people can answer: "Twenty-five." Lulu grinned: "It's a bit much. There are only three new class rules." The students sighed again: "Oh..." Teacher Lulu said: "If the mountain is not high, it will be famous if there are immortals. There are not many class rules, as long as it works! The first rule: In any class, you can't make a sound except for speaking! All students who can not talk nonsense in a class, by every student. The group leader gave Xiaojuzi a decal. If there is fraud or corruption, the entire group will be punished.”

Some students asked: "Teacher, what is sitting in a row? Is it sitting in a row?" "Consecutive sitting," Teacher Lulu hung up the book bags with the small candles: "It is a kind of punishment in ancient times. In ancient China, people who have a certain relationship with the criminal were punished jointly because of other people's crimes. It is also called sitting together, sitting together, From sitting to sitting. Even sitting originated very early, and there were even sitting systems in the Xia, Western Zhou, Spring and Autumn, and Warring States periods. The Ming and Qing laws stipulated that all men under the age of 15, mothers, daughters, wives, concubines, and sisters who were not included in the family punishment for treason The wives and concubines of the son are all slaves to the family of the meritorious officials. The Qing law also expanded the scope of Lianzao, and there are Lianzai for treacherous parties, making friends with close servants, rebelling against prisons, and cults."

The children listened in confusion, Xu Bai turned his head and said to Commander Tang in the back row, "I didn't understand." Commander Tang said, "Because you are an idiot." The fat classmate Li Hanhan kicked his deskmate Shen Yongheng: "Lulu is really knowledgeable, isn't she?" Shen Yongheng rolled his deep eyes and ignored him. Lulu pointed to the classmate who spoke softly just now and said: "For example, the three students Xu, Tang, and Li openly challenged the new class rules, so all the students in the first and fourth groups stayed to clean the classroom today. I plan to tidy up our classroom."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Lulu continued to laugh: "It's not fair. But, My little friends, do you think we really have fair in this world? This sentence means that there is no absolute fairness in this world. You will encounter countless injustices in the future , You have to learn to face injustice from an early age.” At this time, Zheng Xiao raised his hand to signal to the teacher that he wanted to speak. Lulu asked him to stand up. He said with a serious expression: "Mr. Miao, I think you are promoting feudal culture, which is dross."

Lulu snapped her fingers: "Strong man! The word dross is used well. However, it is a very class, and there must be a very policy. Now I am the class teacher, and I have the final say." "Then," Zheng Xiao continued, "Mr. Miao thinks he is a feudal emperor?" Lulu's smile is as warm as a spring breeze. This kid is going to jump out to plead for the people and establish the prestige of the masses for himself. Thousands of rooms, there are mountains of gold and silver, and there are large rivers and mountains.” Classmate Wu Yun added in a low voice below: The emperor has many, many wives.Teacher Lulu heard it, but she didn't argue with him for the time being.

It is better to quarrel with sensible people than to talk to foolish ones. Teacher Lulu went on to say: "I'm just a poor teacher who earns a limited amount of money a month. It's just that our fifth and fourth class has a bad reputation. In order to reshape the class image, I have to pretend to be a villain. When you have obvious The progress has been made, and our class rules can still be revised. But at this stage, it must be strictly implemented, and all objections will be ignored by the director, and those who have doubts will be punished!" Zheng Xiao sat down in disgrace.

Lulu smiled and continued, "However, if there is a punishment, there must be a reward. Anyone who gets five small oranges can come to the teacher to exchange for a big pineapple sticker. Anyone who collects five big pineapples can win a prize." "What award? What award?" Lulu said: "The amount of material stimulus is considerable, and it will be kept secret for the time being." The students sighed together: "Oh!" "The second class rule: keep the classroom clean. If the classroom is found to be unclean one day, each cleaning staff will return three small orange decals, which can be credited. And, which week does not get the sanitation red flag, the activities of this week Classes are used for sanitation cleaning."

"Article 3, you are not allowed to speak in tongues, and you are not allowed to swear. Violators will be fined one yuan." Teacher Lulu said, and took out a piggy-shaped piggy bank from a paper bag on the podium: "Students, our class fee is tight, and it only costs more than two hundred yuan a semester. The stickers used to buy small oranges and big pineapples have been spent." Therefore, for those who cannot abide by the class rules, we will give a little monetary punishment. Take it from the people and use it for the people.” Commander Tang asked, "Why can't we speak in dialects?"

Teacher Lulu said: "Let me tell you a story. There was a young man in the countryside who managed to save money and married a daughter-in-law who lived in the village next door to them. It's a completely different dialect." The whole class laughed out loud. Lulu stopped everyone's crazy laughter, and continued: "The whole country is carrying out a campaign to promote Putonghua. This is an order from the central government. In order to express my determination to promote Putonghua in our fifth and fourth classes, from now on, if everyone finds out Dialect, you can double my fine.”

The students asked: "Teacher, where are you from?" Lulu said, "People from Gusu." Wu Yun said, "Where is Gusu?" Shen Yongheng groaned, and Zhu Zhu, the deputy student of the small class, told Wu Yun in a low voice: "It's Suzhou." Lulu went on to say: "Anyone who asks questions in dialect will not be answered next time." Roach raised his hand again, stood up and said, "Teacher, I need to pee." Lulu ignored him. Roach said again: "Teacher, I need to pee, I'm in a hurry." Lulu still ignored him. The clever little girl behind pushed Luo Qi: "Speak Mandarin." Luo Qi reacted and said again: "Teacher, I need to pee." This time, it was quite standard Mandarin. Teacher Lulu smiled so cutely, the sweet dimple almost jumped out of the eyes: "Student Luo Qi, please go ahead!" "Okay." Teacher Lulu said: "The new class rules have been announced. This..." He unfolded a large sheet of paper on the podium, which was a brightly colored form he had drawn overnight. It is the name of all the students in the class. Behind each name is a small stick figure head portrait. With just a few strokes, each person's face and characteristics are vividly drawn, which caused the students to sigh for a while: "Now all walks of life pay attention to Be transparent, and our fifth and fourth class should also be transparent. This table, I will post it on the back wall, and please post all the big pineapples that everyone gets. Clearly count, how about it?" "Okay, okay!" The students agreed this time. Shen Yongheng raised his hand at this moment: "Teacher?" "What's up?" Yong Yong said: "Teacher, if our class has made significant progress, can we make a request to the teacher?" "any request?" The students looked at each other, and many of them said loudly together: "Mr. Miao, please show us the 18 exercises of 'Gymnastics'!" Teacher Lulu looked at Shen Yongheng, and said to himself, this is the talent of a general. Teacher Lulu readily agreed: "Okay, no problem!" Why do you look forward to seeing Teacher Lulu doing "exercises" so much?Here, there is another allusion.
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