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Chapter 6 Preface to Cao Wenxuan (1)

tree in brooklyn 贝蒂·史密斯 1330Words 2018-03-21
It belongs to the same kind of novels - it is a "big novel", and it can also be called a "family novel".It tells the story of the Francie family.There are countless small stories embedded in a moving big story, and all these stories revolve around one word: moving. The word is a huge diamond. If you read from the first chapter of the history of literature, you will easily come to a conclusion: literature came to this world to make moving articles.But later literature changed course and stopped doing this article, only thinking about the depth of thought and how deep it is.It has become a trend to love thoughts more than beauty and emotion.Although no one has ever proved to us that the value of thought must be greater than the value of beauty and emotion, almost all literature is heading in this direction.Literature originally had many latitudes, but now, there is only one latitude left: thought—except thought or thought.Writers are pursuing profundity and profundity one by one, lest they are not a thinker or a great philosopher at the peak. "Sexualism" is an epidemic in the new century.

It seems to be back on the old road, still doing moving articles.The author believes that in this world, not only thoughts are important, but also many things that are as important as thoughts, such as beauty and emotion.In this novel, there are many heart-warming narratives and descriptions: the relationship between children, the relationship between parents and children, and the unique Aunt Sissy with the children and the parents of the children. From time to time, the feelings of each other silently but powerfully hit the softness of people's hearts. Like so many other novels, this kind of emotion is shown not only in the perfect and compassionate people, but also in those who seem flawed, indifferent, and irresponsible, and this kind of turning point It is moving, but it makes people's hearts warm and lingering.In this ordinary family in Brooklyn, the father is obviously not as great as the mother.Dad was even a drunk.However, at the back of the work, this father is radiant again. He made the living feel deeply sorry and moved by his behavior.At the graduation ceremony six months after her father's death, Francie received flowers and cards from her father's aunt Tocissy.The card read: To Francie, congratulations on graduation.love you dad.Reading this, both Francie and our hearts will tremble slightly.

Sublimating emotions is actually the consistent value of literature, and this value is no less than any profound thought. Much like a song. This is a melodic novel.The idea of ​​a good novel is similar to that of a piece of music.A song without a melody is the worst song.For many songs nowadays, I am very disapproving.Those songs are bad, and bad is that there is no melody.A sentence is a sentence, and it is said to be a piece of music, but it is actually fragmented.It's hard for me to understand how these songs are remembered by those "fans".I know that a good song always has a melody, the melody is circular and rotating, it seems to exist and disappear, sometimes drifting away, but it always hovers under the sky of this song.We feel a beautiful vertigo in a cycle of swinging out, returning, swinging out, and returning.We see a complete idea that fits seamlessly.It is this wafting melody that makes us remember this song.I don't understand music, but this does not prevent me from appreciating and evaluating music, because music is connected with people's hearts and is in harmony with the rhythm of people's blood.All I know is that all the songs I like in these years have been handed down, and all the songs I don't like have not been handed down.I know that it's all about the presence and absence of melody and the presence or absence of melody.It is a sentence, and this sentence becomes a joke, and these jokes are organically connected together to form the whole novel.I think it is like a song, it has a musical feel, and because the novel is always singing.Dad sings, dad and kids sing, kids sing, kids sing solo.The novel sang song after song.I am a person who likes to embed nursery rhymes and folk songs in novels, so there is a sense of intimacy in reading it, and I think it fits my taste.

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