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Chapter 3 about growth

tree in brooklyn 贝蒂·史密斯 348Words 2018-03-21
This is a novel about growth. As a child grows up, he will constantly absorb the spiritual inheritance of his parents.Francie is as strong as her mother.This tenacity puts her above her predecessors: her grandmother could not read, her mother finished elementary school, and Francie was off to college.Her strength allows him to overcome difficulties and realize the family's American dream.As the female writer Peggy Orenstein (Peggy Orenstein) said when reviewing this book: "Life is not fair, but you can always deal with it." Francie's imagination came from her dad.Her imagination lifted her above the hardships of existence.The teacher also praised her imagination. It is precisely because of imagination that human beings live less impoverished.The Francie siblings have almost nothing materially, but unexpectedly possess a wealth of spiritual wealth.

The novel records the little stories of growing up.It is a very classic novel, an old-fashioned novel. After reading some contemporary works that are too "showy", this novel is nostalgic in form and content.This is a novel that people can't bear to put down, a novel that makes people cry and laugh after reading it.
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